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How well is Bush handling Katrina's aftermath? (1 Viewer)

How well is Bush handling Katrina's aftermath?

  • Good

    Votes: 16 26.2%
  • Fair

    Votes: 8 13.1%
  • Average

    Votes: 9 14.8%
  • Poorly

    Votes: 11 18.0%
  • Very Poorly

    Votes: 17 27.9%

  • Total voters


DP Veteran
Jul 31, 2005
Reaction score
Political Leaning
Very poorly
How is he responding poorly? He approved $10.5 billion over the next 20 days, and the national guard is down there doing what they can. Somebody in the Fed did mess up though. Louisiana had repeatedly asked for funds to reinforce the levy, which broke and caused the flooding, and somebody has repeatedly denied it.
How is he responding poorly? He approved $10.5 billion over the next 20 days, and the national guard is down there doing what they can. Somebody in the Fed did mess up though. Louisiana had repeatedly asked for funds to reinforce the levy, which broke and caused the flooding, and somebody has repeatedly denied it.

That somebody would be idiot Bush. He sent the Levy fund to Iraq to get the rural areas electriciy which is what the iraqi people whould be paying for with their oil. Now Bush couldve sent that levy money to iraq but he shouldve took all the funding progrmas that go to illegal immagrants and fund the levies that way. There was only 2000national gaurdsmen in new orleans which didnt arrives till 36hrs after katrina hit. The army corp wasnt their till 24hrs after. The police were posthumously overwhelmed. We didnt have adequate national gaurdsmen there until 4days after which is today I beleive. New orleans wouldnt be that bad if the levees didnt break. But almost all of them did. Its a direct result of poor leadership. There are also several thousnd refugees still inside the city which havent even been bused out yet. Also the mayor of new orleans knew the hurricanse path 9days before it hit and they couldve evacuated the whole city by then and also get every single toiletree you would need. Not to mention adequate food and water. This is rediculous. People are dying here from starvation? Thats impossible!!! We have enough food to feed the world for 3 generations. This is appauling!!!

You call this adequate leadership?

I am not politicizing this its just factual evidents that deserves to question.
That somebody would be idiot Bush. He sent the Levy fund to Iraq to get the rural areas electriciy which is what the iraqi people whould be paying for with their oil. Now Bush couldve sent that levy money to iraq but he shouldve took all the funding progrmas that go to illegal immagrants and fund the levies that way. There was only 2000national gaurdsmen in new orleans which didnt arrives till 36hrs after katrina hit. The army corp wasnt their till 24hrs after. The police were posthumously overwhelmed. We didnt have adequate national gaurdsmen there until 4days after which is today I beleive. New orleans wouldnt be that bad if the levees didnt break. But almost all of them did. Its a direct result of poor leadership. There are also several thousnd refugees still inside the city which havent even been bused out yet. Also the mayor of new orleans knew the hurricanse path 9days before it hit and they couldve evacuated the whole city by then and also get every single toiletree you would need. Not to mention adequate food and water. This is rediculous. People are dying here from starvation? Thats impossible!!! We have enough food to feed the world for 3 generations. This is appauling!!!

You call this adequate leadership?

I am not politicizing this its just factual evidents that deserves to question.

I'm not exactly sure what you were trying to say at all points in you post, but I will try to reply. Bush is not at fault (with the exception of the Fed's denial of funds, which I'm not sure Bush had anything to do with). City, county, and state governments should have had contingency plans in place for this. Whatever plans they had were obviously not enough. I am apaulled at the lack of everything here, down to the local level. What we have here is not a lack of presidential leadership, but a lack of leadership at every point leading up to the President.

Just as Kelzie said in another thread, this is not the time to be blaming Bush, but to be concerned with the welfare of the people. When the time comes, somebody's head will be on the chopping block, but I do not believe it will be Bush's.
The big problem is the lack of roads that lead into New Orleans. They are underwater. The levey money should have been funded by the city or the state it is not a problem of national importence. And the reason that people are starving is because the storm surge was 20 feet high. That is enough to was out and ruin food stocks! This is a case of local officals and residents not taking action on their own! The people could have left or they could have stocked up stores of food in their attics. I am sorry if this sounds a bit mean but these people desided to stay even when they have warnings a week in advance, it is not like the levey broke at some random day without warning. Bush is orgainizing people to come in there you might think that it is a little slow but a major American city is underwater.
The levey money should have been funded by the city or the state it is not a problem of national importence.

I am not saying the leve funding is our problem but what I disagree with is the fact the situation as a whole is our problem. Cause it will effect everyone in this nation somehow. So again when it boils down to it it is our problem.

And your right its not Bushes fault its every person in governments fault which Bush is responsible for.
This is a national problem now but you can not hold it against Bush for doing everything by the book. He sent in the national gaurd and food is getting there. The problem is the massive scale of the damage, the city of New Orleans is a total loss for about a year, that is if another storm does not hit it. Bush has not done anything that was not expected of an American president.
That somebody would be idiot Bush. He sent the Levy fund to Iraq to get the rural areas electriciy which is what the iraqi people whould be paying for with their oil. Now Bush couldve sent that levy money to iraq but he shouldve took all the funding progrmas that go to illegal immagrants and fund the levies that way. There was only 2000national gaurdsmen in new orleans which didnt arrives till 36hrs after katrina hit. The army corp wasnt their till 24hrs after. The police were posthumously overwhelmed. We didnt have adequate national gaurdsmen there until 4days after which is today I beleive. New orleans wouldnt be that bad if the levees didnt break. But almost all of them did. Its a direct result of poor leadership. There are also several thousnd refugees still inside the city which havent even been bused out yet. Also the mayor of new orleans knew the hurricanse path 9days before it hit and they couldve evacuated the whole city by then and also get every single toiletree you would need. Not to mention adequate food and water. This is rediculous. People are dying here from starvation? Thats impossible!!! We have enough food to feed the world for 3 generations. This is appauling!!!

You call this adequate leadership?

I am not politicizing this its just factual evidents that deserves to question.
Who's fault is it because they wanted to stay? Who's fault is it that the stranded people are looting and stealing guns? Who's fault is it that they are starving? Who should save this looting party, that have guns, and decided to stay out of their own free will?
Who's fault is it because they wanted to stay? Who's fault is it that the stranded people are looting and stealing guns? Who's fault is it that they are starving? Who should save this looting party, that have guns, and decided to stay out of their own free will?

Personally, I think they all should be shot. But thats just me. Harsh you say? So what I dont care these are harsh times and to do that to your own neighbors and countrymen is just low and simply patheitic. However, not all the peoe in new orleans are luders. I think the ones who hae obeyed and tried their best to help each other are the ones I am talking about. Most of which are poor people that dont have cars or other means of transportation so they are getting the brunt of it.
scottyz said:
Very poorly

I noticed on your poll you put "Very Poor" on one end, but forgot to add "Very Good" on the other. Freudian slip?
I noticed on your poll you put "Very Poor" on one end, but forgot to add "Very Good" on the other. Freudian slip?

Wow and I thought I was the only one who noticed.
I voted "fair". There are problems during the aftermath, but he seems to be addressing them quickly.
I am pretty pissed here, first let me say that W has 130,000 of our brave young men and women fighting over seas in his ficticiuos war, yet fails to send them we're their really needed- the gulf coast. There's rapes, riots, looting, and God knows what else going on there. We're the #1 military superpower, and yet can't control New Orleans? C'mon. Bring the troops home ASAP. And don't even try to say I lack patriotism or other such nonsense. You guys who claim you're such good patriots probably plant a flag in your front yard and drive a gas-guzzling SUV, only increasing our dependence on foreign oil. George W. Bush has brought great shame to this great nation of ours. While he played "dress-up" on the deck of USS Lincoln, he said, "mission accomplished", that was 2003, its 2 years later, Americans are still dying for what? Nothing. George W. Bush needs to be replaced immediately.I bet if this storm passed through Hollywood, or Beverly hills, he would've cut his vaca short and did everything to help them get on their feet.
I am pretty pissed here, first let me say that W has 130,000 of our brave young men and women fighting over seas in his ficticiuos war, yet fails to send them we're their really needed- the gulf coast. There's rapes, riots, looting, and God knows what else going on there. We're the #1 military superpower, and yet can't control New Orleans? C'mon. Bring the troops home ASAP. And don't even try to say I lack patriotism or other such nonsense. You guys who claim you're such good patriots probably plant a flag in your front yard and drive a gas-guzzling SUV, only increasing our dependence on foreign oil. George W. Bush has brought great shame to this great nation of ours. While he played "dress-up" on the deck of USS Lincoln, he said, "mission accomplished", that was 2003, its 2 years later, Americans are still dying for what? Nothing. George W. Bush needs to be replaced immediately.I bet if this storm passed through Hollywood, or Beverly hills, he would've cut his vaca short and did everything to help them get on their feet.

I seriously have to ask you now what is the extent of your education sir? Becasue everything you just mentioned in that post is all mumbo jumbo. The time is to not point fingers but to help those who are in dire need of aid. I am also at fault with this becasue it is appauling. However, we need to put our meaningless rhetoric aside and help people. Send all that you can. I just sent dozens upon doznes of toilet paper. I also sent lots of other toilet trees. O and they need water immensely. Please go to your local Costco and send them mounds of water. I just went and bought some 300bottles of water. We all as americans need to be optimistic here and we need to come together and help all these fellow americans.

I seriously have to ask you now what is the extent of your education sir? Becasue everything you just mentioned in that post is all mumbo jumbo. The time is to not point fingers but to help those who are in dire need of aid. I am also at fault with this becasue it is appauling. However, we need to put our meaningless rhetoric aside and help people. Send all that you can. I just sent dozens upon doznes of toilet paper. I also sent lots of other toilet trees. O and they need water immensely. Please go to your local Costco and send them mounds of water. I just went and bought some 300bottles of water. We all as americans need to be optimistic here and we need to come together and help all these fellow americans.

You sir are the man! Thank you and these things are not forgotten here.
I seriously have to ask you now what is the extent of your education sir? Becasue everything you just mentioned in that post is all mumbo jumbo. The time is to not point fingers but to help those who are in dire need of aid. I am also at fault with this becasue it is appauling. However, we need to put our meaningless rhetoric aside and help people. Send all that you can. I just sent dozens upon doznes of toilet paper. I also sent lots of other toilet trees. O and they need water immensely. Please go to your local Costco and send them mounds of water. I just went and bought some 300bottles of water. We all as americans need to be optimistic here and we need to come together and help all these fellow americans.


You are correct my friend, now is not the time to bitch, but to help out by all means, the victims.
You sir are the man! Thank you and these things are not forgotten here.

Thank you sir. I am trying to do everything in my power to help and rally those who can help. We in san diego are just as hurt and compelled. Our arms are open as well. God bless america and we will do everyhting in our might to hep you Louisianans and the rest of the Gulf Coast. America is behind you, do not forget that. You wil not be forgotten.
You are correct my friend, now is not the time to bitch, but to help out by all means, the victims.

Thank you sir. Lets all rally together and help our fellow people.


Even if its just 1 bottle of water becasue thats one more bottle of water that they will have. Every little bit makes all the difference.
stsburns said:
Who's fault is it because they wanted to stay?
Incredible that anyone could ask such an ignorant question! I suppose the author never stopped to think that the people who he believes "wanted to stay" had no choice, they had no way to leave! It is incredibley stupid for anyone to believe that people simply wanted to stay and chose not to leave, especially after the water started rising. PATHETIC QUESTION.
stsburns said:
Who's fault is it that the stranded people are looting and stealing guns?
Yet another outrageously stupid question! On a roll! "Stealing Guns" as if that is what the vast majority of refugees are doing!

Had our government had enough military personnel in place law and order would have been restored quickly. The failure of government at all levels is as responsible for the continuing looting as any other reason. I'm not suggesting that the looters are not totally and completely guilty and should be prosecuted if possible. What I am saying is that had the government been doing their job providing protection to citizens the looting would not have been nearly as severe as it now is.
stsburns said:
Who's fault is it that they are starving?
Just when I thought the questions could not get any stupider the author writes this! Incredible in it's outrageously meanness too!

Simple answer to the stupid question is FEMA is responsible for the horrid living conditions and lack of basics like food and water. Government failed and it's citizens are suffering. I am shocked that anyone would write such nastiness. This is a shameful post IMHO.
Incredible that anyone could ask such an ignorant question!

Likewise, it is incredible how ignorant someone could be when they would rather spend all their resources and time pointing fingers and calling names instead of helping their fellow countrymen . People are literally starving and dying in this ciity and all you can do is point fingers.

How shameful you must be. Have some integrity and help these people instead of pooint fingers. The time is to help these people not to point fingers. There will be plenty of time for pointing later. Now is not the time for that.
Likewise, it is incredible how ignorant someone could be when they would rather spend all their resources and time pointing fingers and calling names instead of helping their fellow countrymen . People are literally starving and dying in this ciity and all you can do is point fingers.

How shameful you must be. Have some integrity and help these people instead of pooint fingers. The time is to help these people not to point fingers. There will be plenty of time for pointing later. Now is not the time for that.
Excuse me, but did you happen to READ the post that I responded to? If you did read it and had you comprehended the hatred and racism it contained perhaps you would not have written your post?

Try again, OK? It's also interesting that you "condemned" me for being harsh in my criticism of a post that contained, IMHO, pure hatred, and in your post you yourself are pointing your finger at me? A bit hypocritical you know?

Do yourself a favor and read the post that I responded to. Maybe read it a couple of times to grasp it's meaning.

To spell it out for you I am pis$ed that our government has allowed this "natural disaster" to turn into a national tragedy. I, like you, watch CNN and see the incredible human suffering, moving me to tears and embarrassment. I'm embarrassed that a country as great as ours with the incredible resources that we have as a nation has responded so poorly to save ourselves.

The post that I replied to blamed the people of New Orleans for their plight! Read it carefully and then think it through....
Excuse me, but did you happen to READ the post that I responded to? If you did read it and had you comprehended the hatred and racism it contained perhaps you would not have written your post?

Try again, OK? It's also interesting that you "condemned" me for being harsh in my criticism of a post that contained, IMHO, pure hatred, and in your post you yourself are pointing your finger at me? A bit hypocritical you know?

Do yourself a favor and read the post that I responded to. Maybe read it a couple of times to grasp it's meaning.

To spell it out for you I am pis$ed that our government has allowed this "natural disaster" to turn into a national tragedy. I, like you, watch CNN and see the incredible human suffering, moving me to tears and embarrassment. I'm embarrassed that a country as great as ours with the incredible resources that we have as a nation has responded so poorly to save ourselves.

The post that I replied to blamed the people of New Orleans for their plight! Read it carefully and then think it through....

No excuse me sir. I never pointed a finger at you. I told you to simply knock it off. Thats not pointing thats telling. And I knwo who you were replying to and that individual got the same message I am telling you. So just knock it of and if you want to say something constructive then tell us some interesting news or other ways we can help these individuals.

They need water so send them water.
[Moderator mode]

Civility people...Let's all bring the volume down before it gets out of control...

[/Moderator mode]
[Moderator mode]

Civility people...Let's all bring the volume down before it gets out of control...

[/Moderator mode

Dont worry I got it under control.
No excuse me sir. I never pointed a finger at you. I told you to simply knock it off...So just knock it of and if you want to say something constructive then tell us some interesting news or other ways we can help these individuals.
Huh? This is DEBATE POLITICS, and this is a thread DEBATING how Bush et al. have handled the Katrina aftermath.

I think you should mind your own business and not tell someone else to not express their opinions. You are trying to censor people. You have no right to do so.

So instead of telling me to "knock it off" maybe you should take your own advice and "knock off" telling others what they can or cannot write.

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