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How we lose our liberty (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Aug 10, 2005
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A three judge panel of the 4th Circuit decided in case of Jose Padilla, an American citizen arrested in America and accused of being an "enemy combantant," in favor of the Bush Administration's position that an American citizen can be seized and held indefinitely without charges, without a hearing, without communication, without proof of guilt, and without a lawyer.

It tears several fundamental constitutional and historic rights to shreds, in my opinion. This is one of the darkest days in American jurisprudence, for that matter for America, when we gave the government the right to seize and indefinitely lock away its own citizens.

Freedom is not free. And we are watching it vanish before our eyes in the name of homeland security.


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and yet people continue to support Bush, even though he's becomming more and more tyranic every day.

Get this: When Hitler was dictator of Germany, how do you think he stayed in power without the support of the non-Jews? Without at least his army, he would have had about as much power as a ten pound pile of dog ****. Bush and Hitler have more than tyranny in common: They're both great communicators. Bush has a sense of charisma that allows a majority of people to overlook his dialogue. Hitler was the same way. He was a powerful speaker, and as such the Germans supported him even as he stripped them of their human rights.
press said:
and yet people continue to support Bush, even though he's becomming more and more tyranic every day.

Get this: When Hitler was dictator of Germany, how do you think he stayed in power without the support of the non-Jews? Without at least his army, he would have had about as much power as a ten pound pile of dog ****. Bush and Hitler have more than tyranny in common: They're both great communicators. Bush has a sense of charisma that allows a majority of people to overlook his dialogue. Hitler was the same way. He was a powerful speaker, and as such the Germans supported him even as he stripped them of their human rights.

I suspect part of it was that Germany was in a time of crises (the great depression), as you say Hitler was a charismatic leader who offered solutions -- most Germans probably didn't get too upset as their rights and liberties were slowly stripped away, because as long as it didn't affect them personally, why worry?
If Bush tried to stay for another term, I would organize a revolt lmao. Hopefully it will never come to that. I don't think it will.
FinnMacCool said:
If Bush tried to stay for another term, I would organize a revolt lmao. Hopefully it will never come to that. I don't think it will.

It is not just Bush who worries me -- it is the government.

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