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How Trump is undermining his own vaccine race (1 Viewer)

Rogue Valley

Lead or get out of the way
DP Veteran
Apr 18, 2013
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Operation Warp Speed is the administration’s best attempt at fighting coronavirus, experts say, but White House meddling has caused public confidence to plummet.

FDA Commissioner Stephen Hahn spent weeks preparing a proposal to set more stringent standards for emergency authorization of a coronavirus vaccine, hoping to boost public trust in the government’s biggest public health decision in decades. “Science will guide our decisions,” he pledged to a Senate panel on Wednesday. “FDA will not permit any pressure from anyone to change that.” Hours later, President Donald Trump sought to do just that. Incensed over the prospect the new guidelines could slow the process, Trump blew up the FDA’s carefully laid plans – vowing to have final say over his administration’s procedures for authorizing a long-sought Covid-19 vaccine. The White House has since demanded that Hahn submit a fuller justification of his bid to set stricter standards, two administration officials said, a directive that could halt the proposal indefinitely. The move put health officials in a torturous but familiar position – reeling from a presidential statement undermining their work, while senior officials try to pretend nothing is amiss.

By demanding and/or ordering that a vaccine be released before all clinical trials have finished and the results analyzed, Trump is stupidly planting the seed for the widespread unacceptance of such a vaccine.

I know I won't accept any vaccine that has not been fully vetted and FDA/CDC approved without interference from the Trump White House. Anyone who simply accepts Trump's promises needs a lobectomy much more than a vaccine.
You're always going to have people skeptical of an initial release regardless of the product. There's a fair share of anti-vaxxers in this country who would likely pass on the vaccine, but I do agree the infusion of politics into the development of the vaccine is going to expand that base to those who are skeptical of the vetting process for a vaccine.
Well, Election Day does seem like sort of an artificial deadline for coming up with a vaccine, now that you mention it.

Operation Warp Speed is the administration’s best attempt at fighting coronavirus, experts say, but White House meddling has caused public confidence to plummet.

By demanding and/or ordering that a vaccine be released before all clinical trials have finished and the results analyzed, Trump is stupidly planting the seed for the widespread unacceptance of such a vaccine.

I know I won't accept any vaccine that has not been fully vetted and FDA/CDC approved without interference from the Trump White House. Anyone who simply accepts Trump's promises needs a lobectomy much more than a vaccine.

‘Stupidly planting the seed’?

This is totally wrong.

Your first mistake is assuming he cares.

He doesnt care if a vaccine will be safe, effective or even used. He just wants re-election.
‘Stupidly planting the seed’?

This is totally wrong.

Your first mistake is assuming he cares.

He doesnt care if a vaccine will be safe, effective or even used. He just wants re-election.

I don't need your sophomoric lecture. I know perfectly well what is important to Donald Trump.

What in Hell do you think I posted this thread?

I don't need your sophomoric lecture. I know perfectly well what is important to Donald Trump.

What in Hell do you think I posted this thread?

Actually he cut to the chase, no need to be rude. Trump does not give a crap about anything except getting re-elected. People need to stop trusting trump on anything he is a pathological Liar.
I don't need your sophomoric lecture. I know perfectly well what is important to Donald Trump.

What in Hell do you think I posted this thread?


But it’s central to everything.

And pretending that changing some things around will make stuff better is just a distraction.

He will lose all interest in a vaccine on Nov 4th.
You're always going to have people skeptical of an initial release regardless of the product. There's a fair share of anti-vaxxers in this country who would likely pass on the vaccine, but I do agree the infusion of politics into the development of the vaccine is going to expand that base to those who are skeptical of the vetting process for a vaccine.
In short, we don't trust Trump and his agency leaders. He has destroyed the CDC and the FDA.

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