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How to vote by mail in 2020 (1 Viewer)

Rogue Valley

Lead or get out of the way
DP Veteran
Apr 18, 2013
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How to vote by mail in 2020

Like just about every other facet of life in America, Election Day is going to look a little bit different in 2020. Though voters will still go to the polls, at least in most states, a record number of people are expected to vote by mail from the comfort of their homes. But while in a normal election you probably just need to know two dates — when to register to vote by, and what day the election is — there are a few more to keep track of if you plan to vote by mail this November.

Vox has put together a nice page detailing all of the "vote-by-mail" dates and rules for each state.

A nice resource.
How I vote by mail in 2020.

  1. Colorado mails me my ballot
  2. I fill it out
  3. I drop it off at a secure drop box located all over the place
  4. Done

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