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How to Talk to Ann Coulter (1 Viewer)


Active member
Nov 17, 2004
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I was there, now I'm here
Political Leaning
1. "Shut the f@#* up!"
2. "I said shut the f@#* up! Jesus you're obnoxious!"
3. OK, that's better, Christ!...So, you wann go grab a drink? :cool:
I know. It so frustrating to have persistent truths and logic getting in the way of sorely needed cognitive dissonance.
CSA, are you done with her book? Still want to read it and Al Franks book as well.
Pacridge said:
Coulter doesn't have anything to do with truth or logic. Her entire "act" is cognitive noise.

This from the same person who's rebuttal statement for why we should persevere in Iraq is that you're not worthy of supporting the cause if you haven't signed up to go fight it.

Cognitive dissonance was never before so sublimely exemplified.
WKL815 said:
This from the same person who's rebuttal statement for why we should persevere in Iraq is that you're not worthy of supporting the cause if you haven't signed up to go fight it.

Cognitive dissonance was never before so sublimely exemplified.
Once again you manage to rebut without actually saying anything. Nice job. But what? No offer to make funny faces?
Ann Coulter is the most altruistic person in politics. Everything she says is based upon her own opinion. And though i have never read her books i watched an interview betwean her and the editor of a political newspaper and she had one argument for everything and she backed none of it up with fact.
Trust me there was probably only one thing that she ever backed up, and that was what got her into the writing business as a pundit. (However she is really ugly).

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