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How to Protect America the Neo Con Way (1 Viewer)


Feb 4, 2006
Reaction score
Lakeport CA
Political Leaning
Send our Troops over seas
Leave the Borders open
Monitor the Citizens
Promote Anti Terrorist Policy that doesn't mention the Terrorists (Patriot Act)
Sell our Ports to our Enemies
ID Citizens
Broadcast Evil PNAC plans to the world and forget to tell we the people
Empower Communism in the USA , Third way
Sell the USA out to internationalism

How to Protect America the Democrat way (Clintong)
Allow the Panama Canal to falling into Chinese hands
Allow Communist China to run our Deep water port in San Diego (COSCO)
Give China our High Tech
Don't mention China has their Biggest port sixty miles off the Bahamas
Label America Patriots and UN protesters as Terrorists
Hide Middle Eastern Terrorists involvement in Terrorist Activities and Blame US Citizens instead
Train in Disarming Americans and putting them in Camps on US soil with foreign Troops
Empower Communism in the USA , Third way
Sell the USA out to internationalism

And so much more for both of them.

The Neo Con Right and the Liberal Left are on the same team, and it aint the American team :3oops:

Please feel free to ADD TO THE LIST ;)
The big Neo Con is just about over.
Billo_Really said:
The big Neo Con is just about over.
I don't think he can hear you, billo. He was banned about a month ago.
Originally posted by KCConservative:
I don't think he can hear you, billo. He was banned about a month ago.
Who be he?
Robodoon said:
Label America Patriots and UN protesters as Terrorists
Hide Middle Eastern Terrorists involvement in Terrorist Activities and Blame US Citizens instead

Whoops, looks like you made a little mix up. Them are Conservative tricks.

Protecting america the appeaser way: the other day on the radio, a san francisco fruitcake supervisor (sorry, I didn't get the name) was advocating the disbanding of the ENTIRE u.s. miltary. When asked who would defend the country, he said the coast guard and the police! :lol: :mrgreen: :2razz:

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