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How The Trump Campaign Weakened The Republican Platform On Aid To Ukraine (1 Viewer)

Hmm... Trump appears to agree with Obama (on a single small point) so Trump, not Obama, is pro-Putin (has ties to Moscow?) because of that (identical?) position. Where Hillary stands or the demorat Ukriaine platform position is, of course, not mentioned. ;)
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THE WASHINGTON POST ,i am still laughing,are you kidding me jeff bozos hates TRUMP and loves the liberal left,no BIAS there .
run don run

Trump is a part of the "liberal left." There must be another reason why he's disliked.
THE WASHINGTON POST ,i am still laughing,are you kidding me jeff bozos hates TRUMP and loves the liberal left,no BIAS there .
run don run

What a wonderful example of: "Let's ignore whatever that person says, not because he's right or wrong, but because of who that person is." FACTS do not care who says those facts. All that matters is the accuracy of the FACTS. The political lean of the one talking simply doesn't matter - what DOES matter is the accuracy of the facts.

And I'm no hypocrite on this one. If you give references from The Daily Caller or Breitbart or even Limbaugh, I'll still read what's there, to see if maybe the guy might have a point, to see if what the guy is saying is accurate and factual. Sometimes they're factual - sometimes they have a point...

...but the point is, it's flat wrong to ASSUME - as you just did - that the Post's article is not factual or accurate.

In other words, learn to judge what is said by whether it is factual and accurate...and NOT just by who said it.
What a wonderful example of: "Let's ignore whatever that person says, not because he's right or wrong, but because of who that person is." FACTS do not care who says those facts. All that matters is the accuracy of the FACTS. The political lean of the one talking simply doesn't matter - what DOES matter is the accuracy of the facts.

And I'm no hypocrite on this one. If you give references from The Daily Caller or Breitbart or even Limbaugh, I'll still read what's there, to see if maybe the guy might have a point, to see if what the guy is saying is accurate and factual. Sometimes they're factual - sometimes they have a point...

...but the point is, it's flat wrong to ASSUME - as you just did - that the Post's article is not factual or accurate.

In other words, learn to judge what is said by whether it is factual and accurate...and NOT just by who said it.

i am still laughing hull.

run don run

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