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How the GOP could cut ties with Trump (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
May 6, 2012
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Sarasota, Florida
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How GOP could cut ties with Donald Trump - CNNPolitics.com
How the GOP could cut ties with Trump

“As Republican angst about Donald Trump grows closer to panic, some longtime GOP strategists and donors are discussing creative ways to cut their presumptive nominee loose at their convention in July.

There's renewed talk in some Republican circles to find a way out as Trump lags big time behind Hillary Clinton in several new polls, and he has the highest unfavorable rating of any candidate for a major party on record -- 70% in this week's Washington Post-ABC poll…………"

Republicans in congress run the other way when a reporter asks about Trump…….more are openly worried about what a Trump run for president will do to the down ballot GOP candidates……..while others predict a landslide victory for HRC…….

And the Dump Trump folks and GOP leadership in Congress are one are just one Trump “screw-up away from putting in place to block Trump from the party’s nomination……………..
Risking the blow-back from the extreme RW Trump supporters rather than see the GOP going the way of the Whigs………..
SSDD from those trying desperately to cling to power. Their position between that rock and hard place hasn't changed. Do this and they lose power. Don't do this and they lose power.
The GOP will do nothing but continue their march into oblivion and will ride behind Trump into the Parade To Defeat.
How GOP could cut ties with Donald Trump - CNNPolitics.com
How the GOP could cut ties with Trump

“As Republican angst about Donald Trump grows closer to panic, some longtime GOP strategists and donors are discussing creative ways to cut their presumptive nominee loose at their convention in July.

There's renewed talk in some Republican circles to find a way out as Trump lags big time behind Hillary Clinton in several new polls, and he has the highest unfavorable rating of any candidate for a major party on record -- 70% in this week's Washington Post-ABC poll…………"

Republicans in congress run the other way when a reporter asks about Trump…….more are openly worried about what a Trump run for president will do to the down ballot GOP candidates……..while others predict a landslide victory for HRC…….

And the Dump Trump folks and GOP leadership in Congress are one are just one Trump “screw-up away from putting in place to block Trump from the party’s nomination……………..
Risking the blow-back from the extreme RW Trump supporters rather than see the GOP going the way of the Whigs………..

There's only one problem with that: in order to be on the ballot for president in a particular state, the candidate must first have registered as a presidential candidate in that state (after having first met all requirements) before the deadline...and I seem to remember hearing that the deadlines for some states have already passed.

This means that if they do dump Trump, they're essentially conceding the election...but then, in the long run, that still might be the only way to save the party.
There's only one problem with that: in order to be on the ballot for president in a particular state, the candidate must first have registered as a presidential candidate in that state (after having first met all requirements) before the deadline...and I seem to remember hearing that the deadlines for some states have already passed.

This means that if they do dump Trump, they're essentially conceding the election...but then, in the long run, that still might be the only way to save the party.

You might wish to read the article posted........If the GOP decides to dump Donald....they will and they can..............
You might wish to read the article posted........If the GOP decides to dump Donald....they will and they can..............

I agree that they CAN dump Trump, but I see nothing in the article which addresses my main point concerning being eligible to be on the ballot in the general election: "in order to be on the ballot for president in a particular state, the candidate must first have registered as a presidential candidate in that state (after having first met all requirements) before the deadline...and I seem to remember hearing that the deadlines for some states have already passed."
I agree that they CAN dump Trump, but I see nothing in the article which addresses my main point concerning being eligible to be on the ballot in the general election: "in order to be on the ballot for president in a particular state, the candidate must first have registered as a presidential candidate in that state (after having first met all requirements) before the deadline...and I seem to remember hearing that the deadlines for some states have already passed."

It is the party who is registered in 50 states and can name anyone they choose to be their nominee..........

What candidates register for is to run in the primary.........
It is the party who is registered in 50 states and can name anyone they choose to be their nominee..........

What candidates register for is to run in the primary.........

Y'know, you're probably right...and the reason I now agree with you is if my claim was right, then we couldn't have "write-in" candidates.

the gravy train is over

TRUMP 2016

buckle up establishills.

the gravy train is over

TRUMP 2016

buckle up establishills.

Unless trump makes a massive move to some sort of intelligent discussion he is done for.
he is now according to the RCP average 6 points behind Clinton at which one point he was 2 and basically tied.

he at this point has a huge public image problem and that is forcing people into Clinton's camp.
unless there is a major overhaul of how he talks and discusses issues he is shooting himself in the head.

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