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How Support For The Universal Application For The Prosecution Of War Criminals Is Support For The Laws Themselves (1 Viewer)


Handsome Pitbull
DP Veteran
Aug 3, 2014
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Political Leaning
Libertarian - Left
This thread was created to take a serious look at how war crimes are both determined, how any criminals have been prosecuted and how the international mechanisms aimed at serving justice to peoples violated are and have been a history of selective application and abuses of those laws themselves.

I will start it with a short Noam Chomsky clip about how these things have played out , his citing of some examples,and how our own propaganda system prevents us from understanding the truth about how we are as guilty of them as anyone else. The comments on how when we do it they are somehow not crimes but when the " other" does it we are all outraged. There are obviously racist elements within this theme that will recur with sickening regularity

But first Chomskys assessment of why the system proves itself to be unjust

We have people running around these forums advocating for assassinations.

Crazy times.
~1:36 - 1:42

Regarding deciding what a war crime was at the Nuremberg trials (Nov 20, 1945 – Oct 1, 1946):

"A crime is a war crime if the Germans did it and we didn't."

The next part, paraphrased (~1:42): For example, bombing urban centers was NOT a war crime because the British and the Americans did more of it than the Germans did.

Next: Germany bombing dikes in Holland was rightly a war crime, but America bombing dams in North Korea was NOT a war crime. "They're Asians who depend on rice; we're really getting them where it hurts."
~1:36 - 1:42

Regarding deciding what a war crime was at the Nuremberg trials (Nov 20, 1945 – Oct 1, 1946):

"A crime is a war crime if the Germans did it and we didn't."

The next part, paraphrased (~1:42): For example, bombing urban centers was NOT a war crime because the British and the Americans did more of it than the Germans did.

Next: Germany bombing dikes in Holland was rightly a war crime, but America bombing dams in North Korea was NOT a war crime. "They're Asians who depend on rice; we're really getting them where it hurts."

This was how it played out. The German U boat commanders used testimony from their US counterparts , successfully, to have the charges dropped against them.

Mass arial bombing of cities was/is most definitely a war crime but , as was illustrated , the allies did more of it than the Germans did.with, apparently, the allied bombing of Belgium late in the war one of the worst examples of it

Good video with Chomsky. Those were good points about it not being a war crime if the Allies did it.

The 1943 Bengal famine was allowed to happen by us Brits and could also be considered somewhat akin to 'holodomor' under Stalin in Ukraine.

There was also mass interment of Japanese by FDR in America on the West Coast, not a war crime maybe but definitely major civil rights violations.

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