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How stupid can they be? (1 Viewer)


Devil Dog
DP Veteran
Aug 26, 2005
Reaction score
Political Leaning
In dumb pirates news today.....

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates - Two U.S. Navy warships exchanged gunfire with suspected pirates Saturday off the coast of Somalia, and one suspect was killed and five others were wounded, the navy said.

Seven other suspects were taken into custody after the early-morning shootout, said Lt. Cmdr. Charlie Brown, spokesman for the U.S. Navy’s 5th Fleet.

No sailors were wounded in the battle, which occurred at about 5:40 a.m. local time, approximately 25 nautical miles off the Somali coast in international waters.

LOL, I love it. I wonder what they thought was going to happen when they opened fire on a US Navy ship.
cherokee said:
In dumb pirates news today.....

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates - Two U.S. Navy warships exchanged gunfire with suspected pirates Saturday off the coast of Somalia, and one suspect was killed and five others were wounded, the navy said.

Seven other suspects were taken into custody after the early-morning shootout, said Lt. Cmdr. Charlie Brown, spokesman for the U.S. Navy’s 5th Fleet.

No sailors were wounded in the battle, which occurred at about 5:40 a.m. local time, approximately 25 nautical miles off the Somali coast in international waters.

Anyone modern navy that takes on the US surface fleet is already mentally ill. What the hell were wooden boat pirates smoking when they decided to attack not one, but two US naval ships? I'm surprised that not all of them are on the bottom of the Indian Ocean.
I know a guy in the merchant fleet who was assisting at the fall of Vietnam on one of the ships that took on refugees off the coast from junky little fishing boats. They hang nets over the side, 100 feet down and peopkle would crawl up.

He did say that occationally, somebody would shoot at them from the boat, after which they would shoot back with their two mounted machine guns until the boat sunk, and then they went to pick up people from the next boat.

Sometimes people do really stupid stuff, and they tend to get weeded out of the gene pool in the process.
steen said:
Sometimes people do really stupid stuff, and they tend to get weeded out of the gene pool in the process.
If only it were as such.
Reminds me of earlier in the war when a truck full of IFs with AK-47s attacked a U.S. armored column. The GIs were laughing so hard they could hardly pull the trigger.
alphamale said:
Reminds me of earlier in the war when a truck full of IFs with AK-47s attacked a U.S. armored column. The GIs were laughing so hard they could hardly pull the trigger.

Tabari VIII:164 “Sufyan went to Abu Bakr and asked him to intercede, but he refused. When Sufyan asked Umar to help [avert war], he replied, ‘No way. By Allah, if I had only ant grubs, I would fight you with them! Ali said, ‘Woe to you, Sufyan. When the Messenger has determined a thing it is useless for anyone to talk to him.’”

For weapons all the muslim militants really need is ant grubs.

I will pinch thee by Allah!!

ow ow ow
Kandahar said:
LOL, I love it. I wonder what they thought was going to happen when they opened fire on a US Navy ship.

Maybe they thought Clinton was still president?
Scarecrow Akhbar said:
Maybe they thought Clinton was still president?
How very typical of you.
Scarecrow Akhbar said:
Maybe they thought Clinton was still president?
Good heavens. No, they thought bush Sr. was president and would stop before he got to them :roll:

Any other stupid partisan claptrap you want to spew?
No matter what they thought, all of them should have been sent to the bottom.
steen said:
Good heavens. No, they thought bush Sr. was president and would stop before he got to them :roll:

Any other stupid partisan claptrap you want to spew?

No, but I liked your response.
jfuh said:
Anyone modern navy that takes on the US surface fleet is already mentally ill.

You should learn not to equate mental illness with stupidity.

Akyron - um, is that supposed to be from the Qu'ran or something? Why would someone who lived 1000 years ago say "No way"...?



vergiss said:
Akyron - um, is that supposed to be from the Qu'ran or something? !

No. Tabari

Hence the reference to (you guessed it) Tabari

Tabari VIII:164

vergiss said:
Why would someone who lived 1000 years ago say "No way"...?!

ِ أحد, ما من احد, مجاز, مسلك, اسلوب, طريق, نهج, سبيل, اتجاه, شكل, ممر, ناحية, نطاق, طريقة مميزة, حالة, محلة, فرصة, تقدم, عادات, السمت
may make more sense to you.

Where exactly do you think the term originated?
I looked it up and I was a little surprised....

Qur'an 8:59 "The infidels should not think that they can escape. Prepare against them whatever arms and weaponry you can muster so that you may terrorize them. They are your enemy and Allah's enemy."
Qur'an8:39 "Fight them until all opposition ends and all submit to Allah."

Thats the Koran.

Religion is so messed up.
The problem lies not with religion, but with stupid people.
vergiss said:
The problem lies not with religion, but with stupid people.

Cigarettes dont cause cancer either huh? Its just the stupid people that smoke them deserve to die?

and the secondhand smoke, and the birth problems, leads to gateway drugs, yadda yadda yadda.

Its just just another thing people will be vulnerable to especially at a young age. Getting rid of some of these things will be one less thing for people to be stupid with. There will always be something else. We dont need to add more to the mix.

Choking Game

Religion IS one of the problems.
akyron said:
Cigarettes dont cause cancer either huh? Its just the stupid people that smoke them deserve to die?

and the secondhand smoke, and the birth problems, leads to gateway drugs, yadda yadda yadda.

Its just just another thing people will be vulnerable to especially at a young age. Getting rid of some of these things will be one less thing for people to be stupid with. There will always be something else. We dont need to add more to the mix.

Choking Game

Religion IS one of the problems.

Equating religion with cigarettes?

Well, I guess you would know a lot about stupid people...
vergiss said:
Equating religion with cigarettes?

Well, I guess you would know a lot about stupid people...

Only in deaths caused by.
On the other hand I have known people that had to go to church on sunday and I have known people that had to go have a smoke too..
How many people do you think have died indirectly or directly because of religion? What about Cigarettes?

Both are probably preventable.

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