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How many universes has God created? (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jul 17, 2020
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Springfield MO
Political Leaning
I’m sure I’m not the first person to ask this question.
I am assuming that no two universes that God created have to be alike in any way. For instance, other universes may have totally different elements. Hydrogen, oxygen, carbon, nitrogen, etc, may simply not exist in other universes and life forms may be comprised of elements that we cannot even imagine.
And if creatures in other universes were tempted by God in a similar manner to Adam and Eve, and they also committed an “original sin”, would Jesus then have to die as their Redeemer also?
Universes may simply be something to amuse God, much like a child plays with toys. He may tempt the creatures in the other universes simply to see their reaction. Perhaps in some of the universes, the creatures did not give into temptation like Adam and Eve and are now living in an Eden-like paradise. And will we see these other creatures in heaven so that we can converse about the differences between our universes and theirs?
I thought the title was "universities" and figured, "Duke". Quite a few I guess.
I’m sure I’m not the first person to ask this question.
I am assuming that no two universes that God created have to be alike in any way. For instance, other universes may have totally different elements. Hydrogen, oxygen, carbon, nitrogen, etc, may simply not exist in other universes and life forms may be comprised of elements that we cannot even imagine.
And if creatures in other universes were tempted by God in a similar manner to Adam and Eve, and they also committed an “original sin”, would Jesus then have to die as their Redeemer also?
Universes may simply be something to amuse God, much like a child plays with toys. He may tempt the creatures in the other universes simply to see their reaction. Perhaps in some of the universes, the creatures did not give into temptation like Adam and Eve and are now living in an Eden-like paradise. And will we see these other creatures in heaven so that we can converse about the differences between our universes and theirs?
So is there a mirror universe where God is evil (well, more than usual) and Satan is good? Maybe Mirror God sports a goatee? Lol
I’m sure I’m not the first person to ask this question.
I am assuming that no two universes that God created have to be alike in any way. For instance, other universes may have totally different elements. Hydrogen, oxygen, carbon, nitrogen, etc, may simply not exist in other universes and life forms may be comprised of elements that we cannot even imagine.
And if creatures in other universes were tempted by God in a similar manner to Adam and Eve, and they also committed an “original sin”, would Jesus then have to die as their Redeemer also?
Universes may simply be something to amuse God, much like a child plays with toys. He may tempt the creatures in the other universes simply to see their reaction. Perhaps in some of the universes, the creatures did not give into temptation like Adam and Eve and are now living in an Eden-like paradise. And will we see these other creatures in heaven so that we can converse about the differences between our universes and theirs?
If you go with the wheeler interpretation in its most extreme form, universes are created every time an event with more than one possible outcome occurs.
As many as he wants to.
Infinite, like the grains of sands on all the seashores. God is limitless, but it's always interesting reading how some box him in.
I’m sure I’m not the first person to ask this question.
I am assuming that no two universes that God created have to be alike in any way. For instance, other universes may have totally different elements. Hydrogen, oxygen, carbon, nitrogen, etc, may simply not exist in other universes and life forms may be comprised of elements that we cannot even imagine.
And if creatures in other universes were tempted by God in a similar manner to Adam and Eve, and they also committed an “original sin”, would Jesus then have to die as their Redeemer also?
Universes may simply be something to amuse God, much like a child plays with toys. He may tempt the creatures in the other universes simply to see their reaction. Perhaps in some of the universes, the creatures did not give into temptation like Adam and Eve and are now living in an Eden-like paradise. And will we see these other creatures in heaven so that we can converse about the differences between our universes and theirs?
If God exists, and is omniscient and omnipotent or however that's supposed to work, then they created all the universes, however many exist.

Assuming there actually are multiple universes, I think that's mainly a theory as yet unproven, yet used extensively for fun fantasies in fiction books and other media.
I’m sure I’m not the first person to ask this question.
I am assuming that no two universes that God created have to be alike in any way. For instance, other universes may have totally different elements. Hydrogen, oxygen, carbon, nitrogen, etc, may simply not exist in other universes and life forms may be comprised of elements that we cannot even imagine.
And if creatures in other universes were tempted by God in a similar manner to Adam and Eve, and they also committed an “original sin”, would Jesus then have to die as their Redeemer also?
Universes may simply be something to amuse God, much like a child plays with toys. He may tempt the creatures in the other universes simply to see their reaction. Perhaps in some of the universes, the creatures did not give into temptation like Adam and Eve and are now living in an Eden-like paradise. And will we see these other creatures in heaven so that we can converse about the differences between our universes and theirs?

Another question to consider:

How many god's exist that are capable of creating Universes?
I’m sure I’m not the first person to ask this question.
I am assuming that no two universes that God created have to be alike in any way. For instance, other universes may have totally different elements. Hydrogen, oxygen, carbon, nitrogen, etc, may simply not exist in other universes and life forms may be comprised of elements that we cannot even imagine.
And if creatures in other universes were tempted by God in a similar manner to Adam and Eve, and they also committed an “original sin”, would Jesus then have to die as their Redeemer also?
Universes may simply be something to amuse God, much like a child plays with toys. He may tempt the creatures in the other universes simply to see their reaction. Perhaps in some of the universes, the creatures did not give into temptation like Adam and Eve and are now living in an Eden-like paradise. And will we see these other creatures in heaven so that we can converse about the differences between our universes and theirs?

The Bible only focused on earth and its people.
I’m sure I’m not the first person to ask this question.
I am assuming that no two universes that God created have to be alike in any way. For instance, other universes may have totally different elements. Hydrogen, oxygen, carbon, nitrogen, etc, may simply not exist in other universes and life forms may be comprised of elements that we cannot even imagine.
And if creatures in other universes were tempted by God in a similar manner to Adam and Eve, and they also committed an “original sin”, would Jesus then have to die as their Redeemer also?
Universes may simply be something to amuse God, much like a child plays with toys. He may tempt the creatures in the other universes simply to see their reaction. Perhaps in some of the universes, the creatures did not give into temptation like Adam and Eve and are now living in an Eden-like paradise. And will we see these other creatures in heaven so that we can converse about the differences between our universes and theirs?
A Universe is actually a small feature. They go of with cyclic Big Bangs. A third of this Universe, half the previous and the remainder of the third Universe collect in a Black Hole for the Big Bang. Beyond the third set of quasars is a long distance to the wall of the Cosmic Manifestation that hovers above the etheric planet. The wall of the Cosmic Manifestation was formed by dust accumulating from successive Big Bangs upon the wall of the kettle. Two critical masses are thrown into a kettle so some people can work some things out.

The etheric planet has many Cosmic Manifestations and is situated in an etheric Universe, where if one goes beyond they emerge from the etheric Cosmic Manifestation for some layers until one begins to emerge from compounds where if you had all the energy of one compound, it would not propel you to the next. Eventually, if one is so inclined to trek they arrive at the Creation and think it is all there is. But it is not, it is in a Causal Universe that goes through layers of Cosmic Manifestation, Compound and Creation on and on.

If one absorbs up the levels of Creation for oh, twenty years, always having to be on their way up before the next guy, they don't get out of the slug of matter recently dumped down the pit on the greater Causal planet. If in any Cosmic Manifestation in a Creation gets too much matter before the big bang, it fails in its expansion, falling in upon an empty Singularity, the entire Creation is upturned and dumped down the pit. These frog eggs merge and fill up until adding more matter does not add enough new event horizon to admit more matter.

Orbiting the new frog eggs is the Great White Throne, this greater Causal planet held out long before it started dropping them.
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I’m sure I’m not the first person to ask this question.
I am assuming that no two universes that God created have to be alike in any way. For instance, other universes may have totally different elements. Hydrogen, oxygen, carbon, nitrogen, etc, may simply not exist in other universes and life forms may be comprised of elements that we cannot even imagine.
And if creatures in other universes were tempted by God in a similar manner to Adam and Eve, and they also committed an “original sin”, would Jesus then have to die as their Redeemer also?
Universes may simply be something to amuse God, much like a child plays with toys. He may tempt the creatures in the other universes simply to see their reaction. Perhaps in some of the universes, the creatures did not give into temptation like Adam and Eve and are now living in an Eden-like paradise. And will we see these other creatures in heaven so that we can converse about the differences between our universes and theirs?

It is turtles all the way down.
I’m sure I’m not the first person to ask this question.
I am assuming that no two universes that God created have to be alike in any way. For instance, other universes may have totally different elements. Hydrogen, oxygen, carbon, nitrogen, etc, may simply not exist in other universes and life forms may be comprised of elements that we cannot even imagine.
And if creatures in other universes were tempted by God in a similar manner to Adam and Eve, and they also committed an “original sin”, would Jesus then have to die as their Redeemer also?
Universes may simply be something to amuse God, much like a child plays with toys. He may tempt the creatures in the other universes simply to see their reaction. Perhaps in some of the universes, the creatures did not give into temptation like Adam and Eve and are now living in an Eden-like paradise. And will we see these other creatures in heaven so that we can converse about the differences between our universes and theirs?

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