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How many rules have you violated, and what have you done since [to correct]? (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jul 6, 2005
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Political Leaning
Very Liberal
In the interests of self-actualization, how many rules on this forum, or any other forum, have you violated, whether or not being warned, and what steps (or proof) can you show that would indicate a sincerity to correct?

In the spirit of casting the first stone, I myself, have been guilty of posting entire articles (rule no, 8) and have since been concious to show summations instead of un-abridged versions). I have also been doing my share of "flaming" (rule no. 3). Of which, I try to keep to a minimum. I revised my 'Avatar' after the first person that presented objections (rule no. 7) to it in a respectful and sincere manner. People such as these I respect and give weight to what they say. In contrast, I take the gloves off when dealing with people that talk at you instead of to you.

In the interests of fairness, without naming names, what rules do you feel have been broken, whether against you or not? [Constructive critisizm only. No rats please!)

Rules no. 1 and 3 seem to be the most popular from what I see.
I know that I was suspended for a while for cussing out Squawker and Batman...
ShamMol said:
I know that I was suspended for a while for cussing out Squawker and Batman...

...and what have you done to correct this? Just curious because it was the second half of the original question.
I'll admit it, I have been guilty of ad hominem attacks of other posters, as well as the occassional flame.
But I try to watch myself so to not be so offencive as to get my butt in a sling over it.

I doubt I will do much to correct this as it hasn't come up as being a problem, besides, it's really hard to teach this old horse new tricks.
I have been guilty of ad homony attacks as well. I see food, I go for it.

As the Lead Moderator and owner it can be challenge sometimes, especially when folks ask for recipes and such. Uggh.

In the future, I will tell myself "chocolate AFTER dinner...chocolate AFTER dinner". Hopefully, this chant will help.
vauge said:
I have been guilty of ad homony attacks as well. I see food, I go for it.

As the Lead Moderator and owner it can be challenge sometimes, especially when folks ask for recipes and such. Uggh.

In the future, I will tell myself "chocolate AFTER dinner...chocolate AFTER dinner". Hopefully, this chant will help.

I thought you were a child of the 70's/80's? Guess you don't remember Aids, the diet candy then, huh?

Thankfully they stopped making that stuff before the HIV scare started, that would have just been ugly.
JustineCredible said:
I thought you were a child of the 70's/80's? Guess you don't remember Aids, the diet candy then, huh?

Thankfully they stopped making that stuff before the HIV scare started, that would have just been ugly.

I am a child of the 70's and I do remember Ayds candy.

Got in trouble once for eating half a box of them when no one was looking. Wasn't hungry for weeks.
vauge said:
I am a child of the 70's and I do remember Ayds candy.

Got in trouble once for eating half a box of them when no one was looking. Wasn't hungry for weeks.

LOL! Oh my, I guess you do remember, at least enough to correct my faulty spelling memory!

That stuff used to be made just a coupld of towns away. It had this sickening smell that filled the river valley.
But then again, that smell was masked much of the time with the mixture of General Mills cereals and Swift Premium brown and serve sausage. UGH!
galenrox said:
Dude, I was IN the off topic forum! And I need recipes dammit!
Yeah, I accidentily will get a little p.o.ed and flame a tad too much, but I usually end up feeling bad and apologize.

PM me for recipes, dude. No need getting vague all sweaty with the idea of women's work.
galenrox said:
Dude, I was IN the off topic forum! And I need recipes dammit!

Pure jest. I was trying to make a funny...
Ad hominum seems to be the weapon of choice for many. I do it on occasion. But only when I'm feeling a bit frisky!
I am not guilty of breaking any rules or of any misconduct.

I have performed in this website, just as in life, in full compliance of all laws.

I have been held in the highest esteem by all members of this forum, and have shown no ill will towards others.

I have minded my manners, and let the mistakes of others fall by the wayside.

Now if you don't mind, the aliens have new transmissions for me to decode....
Originally posted by cnredd:
I am not guilty of breaking any rules or of any misconduct.

I have performed in this website, just as in life, in full compliance of all laws.

I have been held in the highest esteem by all members of this forum, and have shown no ill will towards others.

I have minded my manners, and let the mistakes of others fall by the wayside.

Now if you don't mind, the aliens have new transmissions for me to decode....
Very creative. Maybe you are in teacher's class.

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