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How Many GOP Votes Will Judge Jackson Get? (1 Viewer)

How many GOP Senators vote to confirm KBJ?

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How many buck Mitch?
I would hope that there will be more than what I predicted.
Romney maybe. Anything else is not probable.
Cheney, kinzinger, Collins & maybe Romney.
Much optimism!
I don't want America to be destroyed but I recognize it needs to be. When politicians cannot vote for confirmation of a judge simply because of skin color, sex, or political alignment, it's time for a major reset.
What did M**** command his T**** troops to do?
Why is justice a partisan issue? Get a grip.
Silly rant! 🤡🤓
What's silly about it? The racist perps are satisfied they effectively shitstained Judge Jackson and her future decisions on the Court
while at the same time, fluffin' their QANON encrusted primary voter base for '22 and '24.

By John Nolte March 25, 2022
"..Good people also understand that when you expose little kids to sex, you are grooming them. Instead of allowing their sexuality to develop naturally, a sick and twisted adult is stepping in to manipulate it, to normalize their own kinks and fetishes and preferences for their own sick purposes.

Well, look at us now!

We now live in a country where one of our two major political parties and the corporate media are pro-grooming. On top of a Supreme Court nominee who obviously does not see child porn as a terrible thing, who’s seeking to gradually de-criminalize child porn, the entire Democrat party has come out against a Florida bill meant to stop teachers from grooming little kids. All the Florida bill does is forbid the classroom teaching of sexuality in kindergarten through third grade. That’s all it does. In my mind, it doesn’t go far enough. Schools should not be teaching sexuality, period. But Democrats and the media are angry that kids aged four to seven are not having their innocence shattered when they should be learning to read and write.

Also in favor of sexual grooming is the Walt Disney Co.."
She might get 2 out of Murkowski, Collins and Romney.

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