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How many calories do you eat in a day? (1 Viewer)


Loves third parties and steak
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Mar 25, 2010
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Libertarian - Right
Anyone keep track? I'm jumping back on my regimen that helps me lose weight. I write down everything I eat with the caloric value. I ate 1,410 calories today.
Anyone keep track? I'm jumping back on my regimen that helps me lose weight. I write down everything I eat with the caloric value. I ate 1,410 calories today.

I try to keep it between 1,500 and 2,000, but I work out every day as well and don't want my BMR to drop down and lead to caloric conservation.
I don't count. My strategy is to eat when I'm hungry and to eat nutritiously diverse meals in order to try and cover as much ground as possible.
Anyone keep track? I'm jumping back on my regimen that helps me lose weight. I write down everything I eat with the caloric value. I ate 1,410 calories today.

I try to get an ESTIMATED 1400, and most days I probably do. My mom uses one of those calorie counting websites pretty religiously and is always saying stuff to me like "Do you know that Ultimate Cheeseburger has 950 calories?"

Just don't become one of those people, Mellie. It is always a great feeling to be losing weight but good God.
I try to get an ESTIMATED 1400, and most days I probably do. My mom uses one of those calorie counting websites pretty religiously and is always saying stuff to me like "Do you know that Ultimate Cheeseburger has 950 calories?"

Just don't become one of those people, Mellie. It is always a great feeling to be losing weight but good God.

I think I already am one of those people.... Well, I mean I don't go around telling people how much crap they're eating. I will if they ask me. I have this little calorie king book I carry around that has all the franchise restaurants nutritional information in it. I just looked at Applebees last night and about had a coronary seeing what I'd been eating.
I use to *try* to calorie count but dinner always threw it off - I don't cook from recipes nor do I pre-measure my ingredients. So I could never figure out it.

I eat health/low calorie for breakfast/lunch/snack - often leaving me plenty of calorie room by dinner time. . . but what my actual calorie count is I'm not sure.
On average about 1400 calories a day. I try to keep it under 1500, but it fluctuates a bit. I write down everything I eat and put it in a software program that calculates the nutritional value for me. So I know how much sodium, fat, protein, carbs, fiber, etc.
How many calories does ***** have?

Well, we can deduce this with logic and a process of elimination.

If all good tasting foods that people are prone to crave are high in fat/sugar/calories.
And my husband craves some good ole ***** all the time.
Whilst being overweight and struggling to get in shape.
I can then deduce that some goodo ole ***** is rather high in calories - fat and sugar.
On average about 1400 calories a day. I try to keep it under 1500, but it fluctuates a bit. I write down everything I eat and put it in a software program that calculates the nutritional value for me. So I know how much sodium, fat, protein, carbs, fiber, etc.

I can't believe some of you girls here eating fewer than 1500 KCals a day. Do any of you get exercise? That is just sick...
I can't believe some of you girls here eating fewer than 1500 KCals a day. Do any of you get exercise? That is just sick...

Why is it sick?
I'm pretty much the same. I try to keep it under 1500 but it fails
Although there is that time of the month where I will just pig myself stupid and eat about double.

I don't exercise at all now
I can't believe some of you girls here eating fewer than 1500 KCals a day. Do any of you get exercise? That is just sick...

I speed walk 2 miles each day and do an hour of cardio and strength training 6 days a week.

Next week that will be increased to 2 hours of pure strength training and 6 hours of cardio per week. (Strength training 1 hour T and TH mornings, Cardio 1 hour Sun - Fri evenings) Two weeks after, it will increase to 3 hours of strength and 6 hours of cardio (Strength M-W-F mornings, and cardio Sun - Fri evenings)
Why is it sick?
I'm pretty much the same. I try to keep it under 1500 but it fails
Although there is that time of the month where I will just pig myself stupid and eat about double.

I don't exercise at all now

That's the problem. Good health requires a good diet and regular exercise...
I speed walk 2 miles each day and do an hour of cardio and strength training 6 days a week.

Next week that will be increased to 2 hours of pure strength training and 6 hours of cardio per week. (Strength training 1 hour T and TH mornings, Cardio 1 hour Sun - Fri evenings) Two weeks after, it will increase to 3 hours of strength and 6 hours of cardio (Strength M-W-F mornings, and cardio Sun - Fri evenings)

Problem for me is that I burn off nearly double your daily intake in Kcals on one long distance training ride on the bike and about 1.5 times that on a long run...
Anyone keep track? I'm jumping back on my regimen that helps me lose weight. I write down everything I eat with the caloric value. I ate 1,410 calories today.

Calories really don't make a difference to me. However my salt intake does. I have to keep very close track of that. And I think it is harder than calorie counting because everything low cal or high cal has salt in it. Lean cuisine look at the sodium content, low cal bread look at the salt content, etc.
Problem for me is that I burn off nearly double your daily intake in Kcals on one long distance training ride on the bike and about 1.5 times that on a long run...

I have an underactive thyroid and likely burn only 1/4 of what you burn just sitting still. I've been eating about 1500 calories per day and walking 2 miles a day, and doing strength and cardio training 6 days a week for the last three months. Haven't lost a pound.
I have an underactive thyroid and likely burn only 1/4 of what you burn just sitting still. I've been eating about 1500 calories per day and walking 2 miles a day, and doing strength and cardio training 6 days a week for the last three months. Haven't lost a pound.

The opposite happens to me.
I don't worry that much about exercising but I know I will lose a ton of weight this time next month because of fasting. It happens every year

That's the problem. Good health requires a good diet and regular exercise...

I am not healthy in any sense of the word, my GP worries about me. That is how bad I am when it comes to things like that.
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Problem for me is that I burn off nearly double your daily intake in Kcals on one long distance training ride on the bike and about 1.5 times that on a long run...

I'm not sure how many calories it burns but I'm running 3 miles a day every day, been upto that for about 3 weeks now, no rest day, my body has adjusted so I started a new add on to it this week, now I'm starting out with intense cardio 5 reps of 30 second sprints with 30-60 second rest in between, followed by a 2 mile run (moderate pace) then I run a three story flight of steps up and down 5 times every other step on the way up, next week I'm either going to try to increase the number of sprint reps or the stairs or maybe a combination of increase on all three or jogging and one of the two high intensity cardios, but I think I'll have to take Sunday off completely with maybe only a very light jog or walk because those sprints are getting me sore again and I haven't gotten sore in a while. That's on top of lifting and calisthenics plus I recently picked back up the skate board for the first time since I was 16, still fun. I'm still trying to only eat between 1,500 and 2,000 calories a day because I'm trying to cut, but I don't want my metabolism to slow down so if I get hungry enough I eat, I just make sure to not eat crap so I can eat a lot when I do and I don't flip when I have my occassional lapse and eat to much because I'll just burn it the next day plus apparently the intense cardio keeps your body burning calories even after you're done due to what is called EPOC or Excess Post exercise Oxygen Consumption.
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Usually around a thousand; sometimes slightly more.
I don't count calories, so it's hard to say, but I'm not a big eater, and I'm vegetarian.
My lifestyle is only moderately active.
2500 NET calories.

Meaning on days I do both Jiu-jitsu and Hockey I'm eating well over 5000 calories.
Apparently not enough since I realized yesterday that I've lost 5 pounds since summer started. I will probably have to start tracking because I'm not getting enough. I eat all day long and usually need a snack before bedtime. We're very active in the summer, and I thought I was covering myself by picking up a slice of pizza or a coupla clam cakes on the way back from the ocean or lake every day, but obviously that's not enough additional calories. :shrug:

If I were to estimate, I'd say that I'm probably taking in about 1,800 calories/day. But I have no idea what I'm burning. Yesterday I dropped the boy off at camp and went to the ocean for a walk. I had packed a sandwich in case I decided to stay for a while, but ended up inhaling my lunch at 9:30. That tells me I'm just not getting enough food.

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