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How have you political views changed? (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Aug 23, 2005
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South Shore of Long Island.
Political Leaning
Very Liberal
My views have never been entirely consistent, at least in terms of idealogy.

When I first was getting into politics, I was an anarchist. Then for awhile I didn't care. When September 11th happened I was a Bushnevik. Then after a few months I was kinda a nothing. After Iraq, I was a straight up liberal for a long time, supportive of the democrats. Then when I realized how stupid the democrats were, I stayed liberal but I supportered neither democrats nor republicans. Then for a short time, I became intriqued with socialism but I didn't like giving the state too much power so now I'm sorta a libertarian socialist kinda guy.

What about you guys?
I've basically been a libertarian/neoliberal pragmatist, at least since I graduated high school in 1998. My views on certain issues have changed though. I have a lot more sympathy for Israel and a lot less sympathy for the Muslim world than I used to. I'm less inclined to support a laissez-faire energy policy, and more inclined to support government measures to wean us from oil as quickly as possible. And up until a few months ago, I was skeptical of school choice and vouchers, but John Stossel made an overwhelmingly convincing case in favor of it.

Other than that, my views are similar to what they were eight years ago: Pro-choice, anti-death-penalty, anti-tax, pro-balanced-budget, pro-drug-legalization, anti-nation-building, pro-SS-reform, pro-medicare-reform, etc.
I stopped pretending there was a difference between Republicans and Democrats...no, wait. There stopped being a difference between Republicans and Democrats.

I haven't changed a bit.
When I was younger (roughly twelve) I used to be anti-abortion, mainly based on what a kid at school had told me. However, I did some research and quickly became staunchly pro-choice. I put my former position down to immaturity and lack of education on the matter.
I was originally an anarchist, though more pragmatic than idealistic. Read a lot of Heinlein as a kid, and figured that since we couldn't get "no government" without a frontier, we could at least have "less government".

Softened myself into a minarchist Libertarian, and eventually a moderate Libertarian as I started figuring that certain government services were good and necessary. Had a break with the party over the necessity of one of those services, and generally started becoming more Left and more Authoritarian.

Now, I take a lot of liberal positions, but I don't consider myself properly a liberal. I am fond of referring to myself as a progressive, since I believe in steadily attempting to improve the human condition and the human animal itself. I have generally conservative moral values, but adopt more liberal positions out of pragmatism-- the current batch of conservative solutions don't work, haven't worked for years, and don't show any signs of working.

Results are more important than theories.
FinnMacCool said:
My views have never been entirely consistent, at least in terms of idealogy.

When I first was getting into politics, I was an anarchist. Then for awhile I didn't care. When September 11th happened I was a Bushnevik. Then after a few months I was kinda a nothing. After Iraq, I was a straight up liberal for a long time, supportive of the democrats. Then when I realized how stupid the democrats were, I stayed liberal but I supportered neither democrats nor republicans. Then for a short time, I became intriqued with socialism but I didn't like giving the state too much power so now I'm sorta a libertarian socialist kinda guy.

What about you guys?

I used to have the republican good,democrat evil mentality.Now I realize that a "R" next to someone's name does not automaticly make them a conservative and nor does having a "D" next to someone's name automaticly make them a liberal.Although I am still likely to vote for a republican over a democrat.

When I was in Highschool I was anti-death penalty because I thought it was hypocritical to kill a murderer,but I grew up and realized that people can escape prisons and that some things are so horrible they warrent the death penalty as form of ultimate punishment.

I used to be against the idea of joining the military when I was younger becasue at the time I thought I could make more at McDonalds than the Army.For some reason I had a this really strong urge for a couple of years to join the military so I enlisted for three years in the Army as a infantry soldier and got out when my contract expired.

I used to be a pot smoking degenerate who thought that drug addicts whould be allowed to do drugs and not get **** tested at jobs, but I realized there was more to life than marijuana and that if I wanted to get a good job I had to quit smoking.I used to root for orginitations like NORML and bought into the medicianal marijunana bullshit and industrial hemp bullshit,I realize those things are a cover for sneaking in illegal substances.I have seen Marijuana ruin the lives of some of my friends because they think that the only thing in life is Marijuana.They became too lazy to hold onto jobs and stuggle each time to pass a **** test.

I have always been against abortion because I think it is wrong to murder innocent child,we live in the US not Nazi germany and therefore innocent children should not be murdered and ripped from their mother's womb.

I have always been against homosexual behavior. Such behavoir does not encourage pro-creation and therefor is destructive for society along with abortion.

I use to be pro-smoker rights but I realize that most smokers are inconsiderate ****s since they flip cigarette butts everywhere and companies have to fork out extra money to have some poor smuck pick up ciagrette butts.Most smokers blow smoke everwhere, mostly in the faces of those who do not smoke while claiming that they have this right to smoke.Cigarettes cause cancer which more than likely we as tax payers will pick up the tab on.Lit cigarett butts cause fires which causes fire damage and either I the tax payer forks out money or some property forks money for. A highly addictive substance like that should be banned.I used to be a smoker,so I am not some anti-smoking nut who has never touch a nicotine substane in my life.
jamesrage said:
I have always been against homosexual behavior. Such behavoir does not encourage pro-creation and therefor is destructive for society along with abortion.

Are you against contraception and sterilization for the same reason? How about abstinence? Should women be punished if they live lifestyles that bring about early menopause? And surely masturbation is destructive for society then.

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