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How Fox Ignores RW Cop Killers (1 Viewer)

Mockery is the surest sign of a non-argument. :shrug:

so tell me bro-why does the group that voted Obama at over 96% score the lowest on standardized IQ tests of any major population group in the USA? Liberals love pretending how smart they are and maybe for the manipulative leaders of the left, they are smart. many of them have all sorts of degrees which is funny given that they tend to want to use public office to get rich rather than doing it in the real world. but among the minions, the intelligence isn't all that high. after all, if one is smart, why do they need government to take care of them?
so tell me bro-why does the group that voted Obama at over 96% score the lowest on standardized IQ tests of any major population group in the USA? Liberals love pretending how smart they are and maybe for the manipulative leaders of the left, they are smart. many of them have all sorts of degrees which is funny given that they tend to want to use public office to get rich rather than doing it in the real world. but among the minions, the intelligence isn't all that high. after all, if one is smart, why do they need government to take care of them?

Except your Red States are typically your welfare states. :lol:
Except your Red States are typically your welfare states. :lol:

only morons think that red states don't have poor Democratic voters in them. Red states also have more military bases as well which skews the claims of money spent by the federal government on states

tell me-is OHIO a RED STATE or a BLUE STATE?
only morons think that red states don't have poor Democratic voters in them. Red states also have more military bases as well which skews the claims of money spent by the federal government on states
Lame excuses

tell me-is OHIO a RED STATE or a BLUE STATE?
Swing state
Lame excuses

Swing state

nope just shredding your moronic claims. tell me Calamity-which party's propaganda caters to people sucking on the public tit?
I bet fox's coverage on the murders will ramp up, as the INVESTIGATE the murders. We all know how the ilk of the CNN and the MSNBS just start parroting BS and propaganda before they actually know all the facts.

Only to later come out and make retractions and apologies , happens all the time and you know it calamity. But no worries I heard a guest on Al Sharptons Hate filled show claim that these type of people have killed more then all the jihadi murders which is total BS. But you may be Al not so sharpton I truly believe this.
I bet fox's coverage on the murders will ramp up, as the INVESTIGATE the murders. We all know how the ilk of the CNN and the MSNBS just start parroting BS and propaganda before they actually know all the facts.

Only to later come out and make retractions and apologies , happens all the time and you know it calamity. But no worries I heard a guest on Al Sharptons Hate filled show claim that these type of people have killed more then all the jihadi murders which is total BS. But you may be Al not so sharpton I truly believe this.
With the exception of 911, there have been fewer jihad murders than wingnut rampages.
nope just shredding your moronic claims. tell me Calamity-which party's propaganda caters to people sucking on the public tit?
Red state is a poor state, 9 times out of 10.

It's also a teen pregnancy state, a cigarette smoking state and a high school drop out state. One thing it's not. A graduate college state.

The rest is BS.
Red state is a poor state, 9 times out of 10.

It's also a teen pregnancy state, a cigarette smoking state and a high school drop out state. One thing it's not. A graduate college state.

The rest is BS.

why is the group with the lowest rates of education and the highest rates of teen pregnancy and HS drop outs the group that is most likely to vote for DEMS

you never answered my question. Obama whined about making the rich pay their "fair share"

was that an appeal to the successful and wealthy or an appeal to the poor and failures?
With the exception of 911, there have been fewer jihad murders than wingnut rampages.

But thats not what his misinformation officer said. They stated that these types of people have killed more then the jihadis ever did.

Its a lie plain and simple, they are just trying to start trouble. period.

Also no i have not seen many reports of these types of loonies killing people. Its more LEFT WING liberal nut jobs killing people in mass murders.
Laughner, the chick fil a chicken guy, the spoiled brat virgin guy. I am tired and cant remember the rest but they were ALL REGISTERED democrats.
Know I am not standing up for what these people did. Obviously wrong BUT YOU ARE TRYING TO SPREAD DISINFO and stereotype these people.Noted you did not post the article where the Bundy family kicked these SAME INDIVIDUALS OFF OF HIS RANCH!

you are blatantly or ignorantly spreading disinfo.


LAS VEGAS (AP) — The married couple who police say killed three people in Las Vegas, including two officers, had been kicked off a ranch where anti-government protesters faced down federal agents earlier this year, rancher Cliven Bundy's son said Monday.
Related Stories

Ammon Bundy told The Associated Press that Jerad and Amanda Miller were asked to leave his father's ranch after being there for a few days this spring.
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Red state is a poor state, 9 times out of 10.

It's also a teen pregnancy state, a cigarette smoking state and a high school drop out state. One thing it's not. A graduate college state.

The rest is BS.

Good then the blue states should succeed then and leave the red states to their own folly! Bet they would be better off in just a few years time. Or allow the red states to succeed.
Are you kidding! It is totally anti Obama. I have watched it. It is totally biased news.

You mean they reported on things Obama has done honestly, and this bothers you as you seek cheer leading "news".
Red state is a poor state, 9 times out of 10.

It's also a teen pregnancy state, a cigarette smoking state and a high school drop out state. One thing it's not. A graduate college state.

The rest is BS.

YEA YEA thats why the BLUE STATES ARE SO IN DEBTED they will NEVER BALANCE their budgets again.

10 States With Enormous Debt Problems: Report

Check out the states with the worst debt problems below
Why did you start with a disnegenous lie? Was it just your reiteration of media matters or DNC talking points from the radical left. Your first sentence is a lie since these people were asked to leave the Bundy ranch by his supporters for they were not welcome with the attitude they portrayed. I fully opposed Bundy, think he is a lame cheap skate that won't pay his obligations but you've illustrated a complete falsehood here intently and it's wrong.

Instead of discussing the Vegas cop killers with ties to Cliven Bundy ranch and a written manifesto where one of the killers declared, "To stop this oppression, I fear, can only be accomplished with bloodshed," Fox news focused on Obama, Bowe and, of course, Benghazi. Not much was said about the violence in Vegas.

And...not one word was said about the fact that the two cop killers were RW nutjobs. Which they clearly were.

But, then again, Fox can't very well report much on it. Can they?

Imagine how much time Hannity would have spent on this if it ws two Black people playing the knock out game. :)
You mean they reported on things Obama has done honestly, and this bothers you as you seek cheer leading "news".

Her views are obviously based on liberal talking points that are derived from opinions shows, not the actual news Fox presents. The left likes to pretend that their hard news doesn't exist, because if they acknowledge it existed, they would have to admit that it is as reputable and as centrist as any news out there.
why is the group with the lowest rates of education and the highest rates of teen pregnancy and HS drop outs the group that is most likely to vote for DEMS

you never answered my question. Obama whined about making the rich pay their "fair share"

was that an appeal to the successful and wealthy or an appeal to the poor and failures?
What group are you referring to?

Obama says a lot of things. Most of them don't come to fruition.

It's more than that. In my case it's voting against haters: homophobes, racists, gun extremists and religious fanatics. I'm not overly concerned with economics.
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Why did you start with a disnegenous lie? Was it just your reiteration of media matters or DNC talking points from the radical left. Your first sentence is a lie since these people were asked to leave the Bundy ranch by his supporters for they were not welcome with the attitude they portrayed. I fully opposed Bundy, think he is a lame cheap skate that won't pay his obligations but you've illustrated a complete falsehood here intently and it's wrong.
Actually you're misinformed. The Clive Bunch embraced the Millers--Jered was a spokesman, even--- until they didn't anymore.
They liked them before they hated them. :lol:
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Good then the blue states should succeed then and leave the red states to their own folly! Bet they would be better off in just a few years time. Or allow the red states to succeed.

I'm on record here saying Lincoln made a huge mistake forcing the Confediots back into the Union. Without those backwards fools holding us back, we'd probably be colonizing Mars by now.
What group are you referring to?

Obama says a lot of things. Most of them don't come to fruition.

It's more than that. In my case it's voting against haters: homophobes, racists, gun extremists and religious fanatics. I'm not overly concerned with economics.

why do you ask questions that you know the answer to?

your voting pattern seems internally conflicted
You mean they reported on things Obama has done honestly, and this bothers you as you seek cheer leading "news".

You obviously like faux , so you will dispute anything I say about them, but I am certainly not alone in my opinion about their inaccuracies. It is well known. Have a nice day.
why do you ask questions that you know the answer to?

your voting pattern seems internally conflicted

You're derailing a thread again.

What does Fox News avoiding the hard truths about the RW extremists who killed two cops have to do with what you're yammering about?
Mockery is the surest sign of a non-argument. :shrug:

He just likes to derail threads that he knows cannot be argued against by merit. He will either insult the posters, discredit the sources, or, as in this case, start blabbing about something which has nothing to do with the op.

It's not the first time...
You obviously like faux , so you will dispute anything I say about them, but I am certainly not alone in my opinion about their inaccuracies. It is well known. Have a nice day.

I guess you don't know the difference between political opinion and news... What a shame.
He just likes to derail threads that he knows cannot be argued against by merit.

None of your accusations have merit. You just think that if you repeat them long enough, even you will believe them.
I guess you don't know the difference between political opinion and news... What a shame.
Fox reports inaccurately on the news side too.

30 reasons why Fox News is not legit | Research | Media Matters for America

Timeline of a [madrassa] smear

After teasing story by saying "Obama makes a little girl cry," Fox News' Kelly acknowledged it was not true

Fox News airs altered photos of NY Times reporters

Fox passes off GOP press release as its own research -- typo and all

Media adopt gender, racial stereotypes in characterizing Sotomayor's temperament, intellect

Would a real news organization help GOP PACs raise money?

There are at least twenty more similar examples of Fox being anything but legitimate news.

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