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How far will Putin go? (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Aug 21, 2009
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If we're going to judge from history, I think he'll go as far is it takes to achieve his objective, which appears to be removing the current Ukrainian government from power and possibly extending Russian control of Eastern Ukrainian territory populated by ethnic Russians. He may also have made a bargain with Belarus to expand that nation's borders.

The best model we have would probably be the Second Chechen War. The Russians essentially leveled the Chechen capital, Grozny, using powerful conventional weaponry such as thermobaric rockets fired from TOS-1 rocket launchers. This weapons system has been sighted in Ukraine by CNN. The Russian Defense Ministry spokesman has already alluded to the Ukrainian government providing weapons to civilians as possibly leading to civilian casualties. They may come to the conclusion that the only way to take the capital will be, as they did in Grozny, clearing it one block at a time using the thermobaric weapons and god knows what else. More recently, the Russians and their Syrian client demonstrated no qualms about targeting civilians, even resorting to chemical weaponry. The Russians also possess large quantities of ballistic missiles and conventional rockets.

So how far would Putin go? Short of nuclear war, as far and as long as it takes to get the job done. The word "lose" is not in this man's vocabulary, although I have a feeling his days may be numbered here as he faces his biggest challenge to date and international sanctions begin to bite, casualties mount, and his generals and the Russian citizenry grow weary of him. Going forward, if I were him I'd sleep with the lights on.

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So how far would Putin go? Short of nuclear war, as far and as long as it takes to get the job done. The word "lose" is not in this man's vocabulary, although I have a feeling his days may be numbered here as he faces his biggest challenge to date and international sanctions begin to bite, casualties mount, and his generals and the Russian citizenry grow weary of him. Going forward, if I were him I'd sleep with the lights on.

The US needs to stop importing over 500 million barrels of oil a day. Every country needs to do their part, and make his life holy hell. When the Russian people uprise against him, his days will be numbered. They must act now to get the nukes out of his control.

To answer your question. It seems doubtful he'll stop at nothing. He must be stopped by a coup coming from within his country.
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The US needs to stop importing over 500 million barrels of oil a day. Every country needs to do their part, and make his life holy hell. When the Russian people uprise against him, his days will be numbered. They must act now to get the nukes out of his control.

I fully agree. I saw another Democrat saying stop importing Russian oil and mitigate the bite to the American consumer by putting pressure on OPEC to increase output. He also mentioned the opening the Strategic Petroleum Reserve. But no mention of pumping more oil HERE. I guess these climate change morons would rather give money to Putin so he can keep killing Ukrainians.
If we're going to judge from history, I think he'll go as far is it takes to achieve his objective, which appears to be removing the current Ukrainian government from power and possibly extending Russian control of Eastern Ukrainian territory populated by ethnic Russians. He may also have made a bargain with Belarus to expand that nation's borders.

The best model we have would probably be the Second Chechen War. The Russians essentially leveled the Chechen capital, Grozny, using powerful conventional weaponry such as thermobaric rockets fired from TOS-1 rocket launchers. This weapons system has been sighted in Ukraine by CNN. The Russian Defense Ministry spokesman has already alluded to the Ukrainian government providing weapons to civilians as possibly leading to civilian casualties. They may come to the conclusion that the only way to take the capital will be, as they did in Grozny, clearing it one block at a time using the thermobaric weapons and god knows what else. More recently, the Russians and their Syrian client demonstrated no qualms about targeting civilians, even resorting to chemical weaponry. The Russians also possess large quantities of ballistic missiles and conventional rockets.

So how far would Putin go? Short of nuclear war, as far and as long as it takes to get the job done. The word "lose" is not in this man's vocabulary, although I have a feeling his days may be numbered here as he faces his biggest challenge to date and international sanctions begin to bite, casualties mount, and his generals and the Russian citizenry grow weary of him. Going forward, if I were him I'd sleep with the lights on.

He's running outta rope.

The US needs to stop importing over 500 million barrels of oil a day. Every country needs to do their part, and make his life holy hell. When the Russian people uprise against him, his days will be numbered. They must act now to get the nukes out of his control.

To answer your question. It seems doubtful he'll stop at nothing. He must be stopped by a coup coming from within his country.
We don't even top 20,000,000 a month, much less per day.
We don't even top 20,000,000 a month, much less per day.

Verifying what I wrote above:

As per Bloomberg calculations, the United States imported on average 538,000 barrels per day (bpd) of oil and oil products from Russia last year. This was higher than the average American imports of oil from Saudi Arabia, which is estimated to have shipped on average 522,000 bpd to the United States.

The U.S. Imports Record Share Of Russian Oil Despite ...

Verifying what I wrote above:

As per Bloomberg calculations, the United States imported on average 538,000 barrels per day (bpd) of oil and oil products from Russia last year. This was higher than the average American imports of oil from Saudi Arabia, which is estimated to have shipped on average 522,000 bpd to the United States.

The U.S. Imports Record Share Of Russian Oil Despite ...

500,000 bpd is what I assumed you meant. It should be zero, but we have a clown in the White House employing people worried about rising sea levels if we don't import oil instead of pumping our own, so we'll keep writing checks to Little Hitler.
Verifying what I wrote above:

As per Bloomberg calculations, the United States imported on average 538,000 barrels per day (bpd) of oil and oil products from Russia last year. This was higher than the average American imports of oil from Saudi Arabia, which is estimated to have shipped on average 522,000 bpd to the United States.

The U.S. Imports Record Share Of Russian Oil Despite ...

That's one tenth of one percent of what you posted above. 500 thousand vs 500 million.
He's running outta rope.

I don't think so. The Ukrainians think they have this. I don't, at least not in the short to medium term. Putin will up the stakes, considerably if necessary, because he thinks Biden is a limp dick. So far I've seen nothing to make me think otherwise. He knows Xi has his eyes on set on Taiwan, he has his vision to remake Russia, so it will be impossible for him to fail. Nothing Biden's done or will do will change Putin's calculus. He's prepared for the long game if necessary, just like he was in Chechnya, just like he was in Syria. He's built a system of yes men around him, becoming completely disconnected from reality. He will do everything in his power to avoid another Afghanistan. That debacle was part of the reason the Soviet Union disintegrated.
That's one tenth of one percent of what you posted above. 500 thousand vs 500 million.

How many times are you going to beat this dead horse? Tell us something we don't know, why don't ya?
That's one tenth of one percent of what you posted above. 500 thousand vs 500 million.

^^ This pro-Russian energy position supports Moscow; pays for Putin to burn babies alive.
How many times are you going to beat this dead horse? Tell us something we don't know, why don't ya?
I pointed it out one time, don't get yer panties in a bunch.
I don't think so. The Ukrainians think they have this. I don't, at least not in the short to medium term. Putin will up the stakes, considerably if necessary, because he thinks Biden is a limp dick. So far I've seen nothing to make me think otherwise. He knows Xi has his eyes on set on Taiwan, he has his vision to remake Russia, so it will be impossible for him to fail. Nothing Biden's done or will do will change Putin's calculus. He's prepared for the long game if necessary, just like he was in Chechnya, just like he was in Syria. He's built a system of yes men around him, becoming completely disconnected from reality. He will do everything in his power to avoid another Afghanistan. That debacle was part of the reason the Soviet Union disintegrated.
It's exactly the opposite of your post. The world is closing in on Putin.
^^ This pro-Russian energy position supports Moscow; pays for Putin to burn babies alive.
Russia is the second largest oil producer. 500,000 barrels a day is pocket change.
I pointed it out one time, don't get yer panties in a bunch.

1 (Post #5) + 1 (Post #8) does not equal 1. And you’re accusing her of having trouble with math? I don’t know of a more basic equation than that one.
You do not seem to understand the situation. Putin is threatening the west not Ukraine with nukes.

Maybe you post-date the Cold War or simply forgot, but U.S. nuclear defense policy has depended on a doctrine called Mutual Assured Destruction (MAD). That means if the Russians so much as blink a nuke in our direction we completely obliterate them. What I’m asking is whether folks would be willing to engage in nuclear Armageddon with the Russians for the benefit of Ukraine. I’m guessing not. Sleepy doesn’t even want to risk one American pinky for Ukraine. Putin is willing to throw as many Russian bodies as the country has in order to win.
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it's at times like this that i'm convinced that a TON of Americans really do think our oil industry is nationalized (like Venezuela).

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