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how far does the Public in Public intox go? (1 Viewer)

When do the police have the right to arrest you for public intoxication?

  • They can arrest you in the bar if you are above your state's legal limit.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • They can arrest you Outside while ur waiting for ur taxi or getting in a car with a sober driver

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • They must wait until you actually attempt to drive or start walking home.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • They can arrest u if u attempt to drive, or are walking and your destination is not close (1+ mile)

    Votes: 4 100.0%

  • Total voters

Blind man

Dec 20, 2005
Reaction score
Political Leaning

Police in Texas have infiltrated bars and arrested patrons INSIDE the bars and charged them with Public Intoxication. Coming as the next step in Texas' war against drunk driving they believe that they are within their rights to arrest people in a private club, because, there's a chance they could leave the club and drive drunk. One of the bars in which they arrested patrons happened to be in a hotel and they arrested people who were actually registered guests of the hotel. What were they going to drive drunk? The Elevator?
OMG, what they hell are they thinking there, this is frightening, it really is, this is not America, not this town anyway!:shock:
Blind man said:

Police in Texas have infiltrated bars and arrested patrons INSIDE the bars and charged them with Public Intoxication. Coming as the next step in Texas' war against drunk driving they believe that they are within their rights to arrest people in a private club, because, there's a chance they could leave the club and drive drunk. One of the bars in which they arrested patrons happened to be in a hotel and they arrested people who were actually registered guests of the hotel. What were they going to drive drunk? The Elevator?

if you're inside a privatly owned bar, how is that public intoxication? :confused:
This is bullshit. Hell even the police that wait outside of bars to catch those that are "publicly intoxicated" is bs.
Seems like 1984 to me.
Well, you know the ACLU is going to get involved in this, thus vindicating their existence to even to all but the most bat-**** insane of conservatives.
This is nothing new in Texas, they (police) have been able to arrest you for PI in a bar, club etc. for as long as I can remember. Now, they don't do it on a regular basis, usually it is in response to a complaint from the bartender or owner for an unruly customer.

By the way, Texas still has drive-thru liquor stores..LOL

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