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How do you perceive your political opponents? (1 Viewer)


Major General Big Lug
DP Veteran
Jul 5, 2005
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Political Leaning
Slightly Conservative
I don't think the animosity between Conservatives and Liberals is contained only to their respective beliefs...but also to the way they are "perceived" by "the other side"...I posted this on another thread and thought I'd get opinions from the forum contributors about the larger picture.

My belief...disagree at will...add your own, but try to keep it on the up & up...

Generalizations forthcoming!...Parental discretion advised....

Conservatives believe that Liberals, while good intentioned, are ill informed and don't realize the hatred and lack of logic they portray...

Liberals believe that Conservatives are VERY informed and know EXACTLY what they're doing BECAUSE of evil intentions...

Conservatives believe Liberals have no plan and are working purely on emotional platforms...

Liberals believe that Conservatives have an all-encompassing plan and are working with no heart...

Nobody accuses Kennedy or Dean of being evil....just warped and clueless...

Nobody accuses Bush or Rove of being warped and clueless...just evil...

I could be wrong...

(I can't believe I'm going to say this....)Let's try to keep this thread a little civil...No "Cons are asses" or "Libs are bastards" comments...Let's see if we can get ten posts before it ends up in the basement...
Liberals believe that religion should not be in the picture when it comes to decisions - only logic.

Conservatives believe that religion is a core well developed tradition and part of society that should not be removed.

Something like this cnredd?
vauge said:
Liberals believe that religion should not be in the picture when it comes to decisions - only logic.

Conservatives believe that religion is a core well developed tradition and part of society that should not be removed.

Something like this cnredd?

Personally, I ALMOST fully agree.(90%???)

But this thread is not intended to be for my judgement...If you HONESTLY believe that, then it' legit. So "Yes...EXACTLY like that"....

Also, I like the way you included both angles of the topic of religion...I hope future posters will do the same...(Liberals believe THIS, Conservatives believe THAT)
Actually, I was going to respond when you first posted this that I really agree with it (I think my foot was distracting me or something :mrgreen: ). It was kind of disturbing to realize that was what I thought. But I don't think that of all conservatives, only some. Like the ones who want to get rid of welfare because there are people mooching off of it. That's just plain heartless to me. However, I also believe this, and since we are all about posting past theories:

Kelzie said:
I was complaining one day to a much wiser friend of mine about why everyone wasn't socialist. It's for the common good, so why doesn't everyone support it? She said "it takes all kinds". If the world was full of people like me, than everyone would be so busy looking out for everyone else, that they wouldn't have time to look after themselves. There would be less inovation, because people would just be interested in the common good. On the other hand, if there was no socialists, or socialists at heart, than who would help the unfortunate up from the dust? Who would make sure that the single mother was able to feed her children? I am glad that we have a different opinion. I think the world is a better place for it.
Kelzie said:
Actually, I was going to respond when you first posted this that I really agree with it (I think my foot was distracting me or something :mrgreen: ). It was kind of disturbing to realize that was what I thought. But I don't think that of all conservatives, only some. Like the ones who want to get rid of welfare because there are people mooching off of it. That's just plain heartless to me.

These are ONLY generalizations...of course there are exceptions..

If I may take a stab at your opinion...correct me if I'm wrong...

Liberals want to keep welfare because of the ones that need it even though many "mooch"...

Conservatives want to get rid of welfare because of the ones that "mooch" even though many need it...

Is this the gist?
This is a good thread and kudos to the author. I personally think both sides need each other to work through their differences in order to survive as a nation.
Billo_Really said:
This is a good thread and kudos to the author. I personally think both sides need each other to work through their differences in order to survive as a nation.

So do you have any worthy to place here?
Conservatives are realists...

Liberals are idealists...........
I'll take a crack at it:

Both sides see each other in a similar light. They all say the following about the other side:
- Their supporters are ignorant.
- Their funders are greedy.
- Their leaders are evil.
- Their ideas are bankrupt.
Originally posted by cnredd:
So do you have any worthy to place here?
I don't know what your asking me here?

I personally do not see much of a difference between Republicans and Democrats. They both represent the same class of people.
How do I see my opponents? As mostly intelligent people who make some valid points. We simply disagree on trivial ones.

They're powerful, intelligent, and sometimes charismatic. I can only hope there's few of them.
Billo_Really said:
I don't know what your asking me here?

I personally do not see much of a difference between Republicans and Democrats. They both represent the same class of people.

If you TRULY believe that, you're in the minority...

This was posted, ever so eloquently:roll:, by dragonslayer tonight in another thread...

Bush's nose is now twenty miles long, he is a puppet for the corporatism and greed and has his strings pulled by those who don't give a darn about American every day.

I've seen this multiple times before, leading to the generalization...

Liberals think that the working man's dollars are being sucked up by greedy corporations...led by Conservatives...

Conservatives think that the working man's dollars are being sucked up by social programs and handouts...led by Liberals...
cnredd said:
Liberals think that the working man's dollars are being sucked up by greedy corporations...led by Conservatives...

Conservatives think that the working man's dollars are being sucked up by social programs and handouts...led by Liberals...
That is a very good generalization, IMO.

Liberals think that Conservatives are like sheep and willing to jump off a bridge if the shepard leads them in that direction.

Conservatives think that Liberals are like wolves trying to get them to jump.
Originally posted by cnredd:
If you TRULY believe that, you're in the minority...
This is true.

This was posted, ever so eloquently, by dragonslayer tonight in another thread...

Bush's nose is now twenty miles long, he is a puppet for the corporatism and greed and has his strings pulled by those who don't give a darn about American every day.
I definately think he is a puppet for corporatism. But I also think we are all, in part, responsible for this.

Originally posted by cnredd:
I've seen this multiple times before, leading to the generalization...

Liberals think that the working man's dollars are being sucked up by greedy corporations...led by Conservatives...

Conservatives think that the working man's dollars are being sucked up by social programs and handouts...led by Liberals...
I don't think they are led solely by consevatives, but they certainly do not practice a whole lotta altruism. As for the other, I am on the conservative side when it comes to my hard working dollars being sucked up by social programs. This is a hold-over from my days as a staunch Republican.
vauge said:
Liberals think that Conservatives are like sheep and willing to jump off a bridge if the shepard leads them in that direction.

Conservatives think that Liberals are like wolves trying to get them to jump.


A perfect example is when someone non-religous quotes the Bible in an attempt to "corner" a Christian...

That's the best one so far....
cnredd said:
If you TRULY believe that, you're in the minority...

This was posted, ever so eloquently:roll:, by dragonslayer tonight in another thread...

Bush's nose is now twenty miles long, he is a puppet for the corporatism and greed and has his strings pulled by those who don't give a darn about American every day.

I've seen this multiple times before, leading to the generalization...

Liberals think that the working man's dollars are being sucked up by greedy corporations...led by Conservatives...

Conservatives think that the working man's dollars are being sucked up by social programs and handouts...led by Liberals...

99% of politicians on both sides of the isle are influenced by corporations. You don't think corporations make big donations and spend resources on lobbying just for the fun of it do you?
Napoleon's Nightingale said:
99% of politicians on both sides of the isle are influenced by corporations. You don't think corporations make big donations and spend resources on lobbying just for the fun of it do you?

You're going to need to read post #1...
cnredd said:
I don't think the animosity between Conservatives and Liberals is contained only to their respective beliefs...but also to the way they are "perceived" by "the other side"...I posted this on another thread and thought I'd get opinions from the forum contributors about the larger picture.

My belief...disagree at will...add your own, but try to keep it on the up & up...

Generalizations forthcoming!...Parental discretion advised....

Conservatives believe that Liberals, while good intentioned, are ill informed and don't realize the hatred and lack of logic they portray...

Liberals believe that Conservatives are VERY informed and know EXACTLY what they're doing BECAUSE of evil intentions...

Conservatives believe Liberals have no plan and are working purely on emotional platforms...

Liberals believe that Conservatives have an all-encompassing plan and are working with no heart...

Nobody accuses Kennedy or Dean of being evil....just warped and clueless...

Nobody accuses Bush or Rove of being warped and clueless...just evil...

I could be wrong...

(I can't believe I'm going to say this....)Let's try to keep this thread a little civil...No "Cons are asses" or "Libs are bastards" comments...Let's see if we can get ten posts before it ends up in the basement...

Ok, I play the devils advocate on here so by my posts I probably seem more liberal than I actually am.

Anyway, I think the far left bases their beliefs in almost pure emotion. Then again, so does the far right.

Mainstream Conservatives seem to base most of their beliefs in ideology alone. For example, they claim that the only fair tax is a flat tax. However, they don’t attempt outside of their ideology to explain how the government could run without the additional revenue provided by a progressive taxation system like we have today.

Mainstream Progressives seem to base most of their beliefs in pragmatism and pure logic. For example, I feel like I do my best to set aside my religious beliefs when deciding my position on one issue or another and try to base my economic beliefs in economic policy alone, or my scientific beliefs in science alone. For example, I think a flat tax would be great, but it’s not practical. I believe in evolution, because it is the scientific consensus, even though evolution as a theory goes against literal interpretations of the bible. I believe in global warming, because it is the scientific consensus. I believe in conservative economic principles because by and large they are in line with economic science, however, I dismiss supply side economics because its not by any account, actual economics. It’s a theory invented by a journalist.

But then again, I consider myself more of a centrist progressive than a liberal.
I think anyone who disagrees with me is a gift from god.

It always makes me question my own belief and research it again, and this a good thing.
128shot said:
I think anyone who disagrees with me is a gift from god.

It always makes me question my own belief and research it again, and this a good thing.
I disagree with that!:2wave:
cnredd said:
I disagree with that!:2wave:

other than the simply obvious "oh god, what a (instert whatever here)", its typically a good thing...

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