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How do you feel about the right to carry concealed weapons? (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Oct 2, 2005
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United States of America and proud of it!
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I'm all for it personally. I think everyone should be able to carry a concealed gun, just so long as they don't have felonies. I think an armed society is a free society and a safe society.

What do you think?
I'd be mainly concerned about people who are impulsive and/or emotionally unstable carrying guns around. Some folk would reach for their gun before thinking out situations rationally.
Call me a pessimist, but even if they're smart, people can still be pretty stupid. There are a few times when a concealed gun in competent hands would save the day, but more often then not, I think some yutz would try to play Rambo and **** **** up worse than it already was. Carrying around a gun can give someone an inflated sense of self, and make them more likely to respond with violence to situations that could be negotiated without.

On the other hand, I have little problem with ex-military or off duty cops carrying around concealed weapons. Maybe if we required regular training and psychological profiling along with yearly renewals, I could support it.
Gun control is one of those issues that has varying degrees of success depending on where you are. Allowing concealed weapons in a Compton high school is probably a bad idea. Allowing West Virginia rednecks to carry a concealed weapon around with them probably won't hurt anyone.

With that said, it probably makes the most sense to let the states and localities set their own gun control laws instead of trying to mandate something on the federal level.
1) I have a ccw license-I teach CCW classes-I almost never carry a weapon

2) I did years ago in NY and shot a mugger-it was a fluke I was carrying that night-bad luck for one of the two youths who got a 9mm colonoscopy and a couple years in Auburn

3) The Brady Conspiracy and other agents of the ARC (Anti Rights Coalition) continued to predict liberalizing CCW licenses would cause blood to run and traffic accidents to turn into shootouts-this was first an erroneous prediction and now as more and more evidence becomes available-a clear lie

these ARC entities have been reduced to quibbling that CCW licenses don't decrease crime or cause crime to decrease as much as the NRA and other agents of the PRC have stated

4) some people can't carry a weapon responsibly. THose people GENERALLY do not go through the hassles of getting a permit. They TEND to carry without a license

5) Widespread CCW permit issuance creates an umbrella that protects those who don't carry,

6) politicians and police officers who are against CCW should be precluded from carrying or having armed guards that carry
I see nothing wrong with concealed weapons, however there must be limitations.

You shouldn't be allowed to have a CW (concealed weapon) at a sporting event, concert, church, airflight...etc. Plus, there has to be some sort of licensing...of course, that means more taxes?

I agree with Kandahar...this should be a state/local municipalties decision...keep big brother out of it.

I would be in favor of severe penalties for anyone found illegally discharging a firearm in public...say life without parole? Although studies have shown punishment is no deterant, perhaps a stiff penalty would help prevent the 'Dirty Harry/James Bond' syndrome?
We all see the stories, prominently featured on the front page above the fold, when some nut goes postal and starts blazing away with a hand gun or rifle.

We don't so often see the stories of ordinary citizens stopping a theft, intended violence, attempted murder, or whatever because they had access to a weapon that did the job. They happen every day.

I adamently support concealed carry, but I also support licensing after a requisite instruction and passing a test to prove that the lessons taught were learned. As all concealed carry states have such licensing provisions, the incidents of accidents or inappropriate use of firearms by concealed carry licensees has been statistically insignificant.

I believe a requirement for instruction in use of all firearms would be a good idea, but I also think it could violate the Second Amendment. There is nothing stopping us from getting behind the NRA and other organizations that teach safe usage however, and making it socially unacceptable to not utilize such instruction.
AlbqOwl said:
We all see the stories, prominently featured on the front page above the fold, when some nut goes postal and starts blazing away with a hand gun or rifle.

We don't so often see the stories of ordinary citizens stopping a theft, intended violence, attempted murder, or whatever because they had access to a weapon that did the job. They happen every day.

I adamently support concealed carry, but I also support licensing after a requisite instruction and passing a test to prove that the lessons taught were learned. As all concealed carry states have such licensing provisions, the incidents of accidents or inappropriate use of firearms by concealed carry licensees has been statistically insignificant.

I believe a requirement for instruction in use of all firearms would be a good idea, but I also think it could violate the Second Amendment. There is nothing stopping us from getting behind the NRA and other organizations that teach safe usage however, and making it socially unacceptable to not utilize such instruction.

agreed-anyone who carries a gun without proper training is equivalent to someone trying to pilot a plane or scuba dive without being properly trained
AlbqOwl said:
We don't so often see the stories of ordinary citizens stopping a theft, intended violence, attempted murder, or whatever because they had access to a weapon that did the job. They happen every day.
I've heard plenty of stories like that...:confused:
I have a license to carry concealed but I never have.
On the other hand, I also know how to properly drive a vehicle and most people don't.
George_Washington said:
I'm all for it personally. I think everyone should be able to carry a concealed gun, just so long as they don't have felonies. I think an armed society is a free society and a safe society.

What do you think?

Anyone without a record can carry a concealed weapon in Florida after passing a test. Since the rate of violent crimes has actually decreased since the law was passed, I don't think it has affected the homicide rate.

Having said that, I would not advise anyone to practice "road rage" in the Sunshine State. Almost everyone has a gun in the family car.
I think if every good citizen had a gun on them it would be a huge deterent to crime.

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