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How Can You/i Help??? (1 Viewer)


Aug 11, 2005
Reaction score
San Diego
Political Leaning
This is a thread to ONLY discuss how to aid the victims on the gulf coast.

New ideas are always welcome. And I think this forum should setup a donation center and send the money to aid the effort.

Also everyone is more than welcome to say what they have already donated.

Again any ideas are helpful.

Lets just be about helping these brothers and sisters of ours. Lets put our differences aside for awhile.
This is a thread to ONLY discuss how to aid the victims on the gulf coast.

New ideas are always welcome. And I think this forum should setup a donation center and send the money to aid the effort.

Also everyone is more than welcome to say what they have already donated.

Again any ideas are helpful.

Lets just be about helping these brothers and sisters of ours. Lets put our differences aside for awhile.

Unfortunately, I don't think this forum has the capacity to set up a donation center. We have no way of accepting credit cards, for example, which I think is the easiest way to donate money on the web. However, if you do want to donate, here is a list of all charities that are helping the hurricane victims. Be sure and designate your funds to "Hurricane Katrina" if possible.
Thanks again check out that list people
Kelzie said:
Unfortunately, I don't think this forum has the capacity to set up a donation center. We have no way of accepting credit cards, for example, which I think is the easiest way to donate money on the web. However, if you do want to donate, here is a list of all charities that are helping the hurricane victims. Be sure and designate your funds to "Hurricane Katrina" if possible.

Living in the area and having gone through this one (we got lucky with only Cat 2 winds) and many other I will suggest using Kelzie's very good list and either donate to the American Red Cross or one of the more targeted listings such as Charity Hospital in New Orleans or Baton Rouge Area Foundation and the like. People think clothing is good but they have to be cleaned and transported and matched to the proper fit and they just are not capable of that at this stage. Money is the best thing to send to groups you are assured will get the most bang for the buck. The National Guard and local EMS will have plenty of MRE's (quite good by the way) and water and ice once the system gets in place.

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