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How are Chuck and Nancy gonna screw this up? (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jun 11, 2009
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The Democrats appear to be winning in the public opinion battle with the shut down and as the heat is slowly beginning to build on the Senate GOP it appears there could come a fracture as early as this week. But this is the Democrats we are talking about. Masters of seizing defeat from the jaws of victory. So how are they going to screw this up this time? Any bets?
The Democrats appear to be winning in the public opinion battle with the shut down and as the heat is slowly beginning to build on the Senate GOP to the point there could come a fracture as early as this week. But this is the Democrats we are talking about. Masters of seizing defeat from the jaws of victory. So how are they going to screw this us this time? Any bets?

No one can out-Trump Trump.
No one can out-Trump Trump.
To be frank, if they are any politicians I'd worry about caving to Trump, it's Schumer and Pelosi, because their history is 100% caving.

But this has gone on a long time, much longer that I anticipated, and the Dems have remained animent that they will not negotiate until the government is reopen. Schumer just stated today that the Democrats are committed to letting this be on the Republicans heads, so perhaps they have learned from the past four years.
The Democrats appear to be winning in the public opinion battle with the shut down and as the heat is slowly beginning to build on the Senate GOP it appears there could come a fracture as early as this week. But this is the Democrats we are talking about. Masters of seizing defeat from the jaws of victory. So how are they going to screw this up this time? Any bets?

It's up to the Democrats to make a deal. The ball is in Nancy's court. A dollar offered for the border barriers is not going to earn her any favors if she decides to keep stalling...
Only a few Republican senators are calling for the shutdown to be over and it's not for altruistic reasons. All three are running for reelection. Everybody else appears to be with Trump, well. except the publicity hound, Graham.
The Democrats appear to be winning in the public opinion battle with the shut down and as the heat is slowly beginning to build on the Senate GOP it appears there could come a fracture as early as this week. But this is the Democrats we are talking about. Masters of seizing defeat from the jaws of victory. So how are they going to screw this up this time? Any bets?

Not sure you are correct. Depends on how the question is asked in polls. Also wonder if those polled know that border fencing has been approved by congress in overwhelming bi-partisan votes. So what exactly is the high ground they are standing on? Has the media been fully truthful with the public explaining the flip-flop on national security by Pelosi and Schumer.

All that being said, do we really want politicians who care more about "winning" some political stunt or working for the country.
The Democrats appear to be winning in the public opinion battle with the shut down and as the heat is slowly beginning to build on the Senate GOP it appears there could come a fracture as early as this week. But this is the Democrats we are talking about. Masters of seizing defeat from the jaws of victory. So how are they going to screw this up this time? Any bets?

The only way they can screw it up is by giving into Trump. If they stick to the original bill that was agreed upon before by the senate, house and Trump (which didn't include wall funding) then they will ultimately win this and make the GOP (specifically McConnell) and Trump look like idiots.

The GOP is fracturing at this point and McConnell already looks like Trump's bitch by not allowing a vote on the floor.
Not sure you are correct. Depends on how the question is asked in polls. Also wonder if those polled know that border fencing has been approved by congress in overwhelming bi-partisan votes. So what exactly is the high ground they are standing on? Has the media been fully truthful with the public explaining the flip-flop on national security by Pelosi and Schumer.

All that being said, do we really want politicians who care more about "winning" some political stunt or working for the country.

Trump said Mexico would pay for the wall, he promised over and over. So when that account with "Mexico Money" has enough to build the wall, he can have it.
It's up to the Democrats to make a deal. The ball is in Nancy's court. A dollar offered for the border barriers is not going to earn her any favors if she decides to keep stalling...
Only a few Republican senators are calling for the shutdown to be over and it's not for altruistic reasons. All three are running for reelection. Everybody else appears to be with Trump, well. except the publicity hound, Graham.

They've already passed over 6 bills that McConnell won't even put to a vote. They did their jobs, McConnell won't do his.
The Democrats appear to be winning in the public opinion battle with the shut down and as the heat is slowly beginning to build on the Senate GOP it appears there could come a fracture as early as this week. But this is the Democrats we are talking about. Masters of seizing defeat from the jaws of victory. So how are they going to screw this up this time? Any bets?

the difference has been that democrats have what trump and most republicans don't have: empathy. Republicans proved that when they tried to sabotage the recover and undermine the economy under President Obama. they simply didn't care that more Americans suffered and suffered longer because of their policies. and of course no shock to anybody who's not a conservative, their concern for deficits was just another lie.
The only way they can screw it up is to negotiate with terrorists (Trump). If they give him anything to the wall I'll be pissed

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