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House set to vote on marijuana legalization (1 Viewer)


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Dec 22, 2005
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The bill's lead sponsor in the Senate is Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.,) the Democratic nominee for vice president.

but the bill is moving forward in the House for a vote this month:
Why is this important? Neither chamber of Congress has ever voted on removing marijuana from the Controlled Substances Act.
“A floor vote on the bill would be the greatest federal cannabis reform accomplishmentin over 50 years,” said Randal Meyer of the Global Alliance for Cannabis Commerce. ...
Removing marijuana from the Controlled Substances Act would mean it is no longer illegal at the federal level, but it would not immediately legalize its sale in every state. State and federal agencies would still need to create rules and regulations for the production, marketing and sale of cannabis products, and some states may not allow sales even if the federal ban was removed. ...
Does this mean cannabis will be legal? No, the odds of this bill passing in the Senate are still very slim, given the opposition of Majority Leader Mitch McConnell. ...
this legislation is way overdue to eliminate 50 years of federal stupidity, destroying lives over a victimless 'crime'

House set to vote on marijuana legalization - POLITICO
pot should be made legal federally, IMO. the war on pot is one of the dumbest parts of the failed drug war.
Right on!

With all our problems Pot legalization should be at the top of our list(LOL)

Actually, the war on drugs IS responsible for many of our current civil unrest issues.
Actually, the war on drugs IS responsible for many of our current civil unrest issues.

I thought it was about white police using deadly force on peaceful and cooperating Black men?
pot should be made legal federally, IMO. the war on pot is one of the dumbest parts of the failed drug war.

All your political worries go away with just one hit off a joint Helix(LOL)
I used to support it but now that the democrats support it, I oppose it. Kind of like Biden with border walls, death sentences, enhanced penalties for crack cocaine, and well pretty much every part of his current platform.
All your political worries go away with just one hit off a joint Helix(LOL)

i haven't done that in years. even back then, it was way too strong, IMO. i wonder if regular 1990s pot is still around somewhere. i mostly just want to watch documentaries, take nature photos, and eat some McDonalds. i'm not really interested in feeling like i got kicked in the head by a horse.
i haven't done that in years. even back then, it was way too strong, IMO. i wonder if regular 1990s pot is still around somewhere. i mostly just want to watch documentaries, take nature photos, and eat some McDonalds. i'm not really interested in feeling like i got kicked in the head by a horse.

One hit of today's bud rivals a joint of yesteryears dankest herb. It makes me plop in front of incomprehensible TV for hours with munchies, then pass out for a few hours. I can't handle today's weed at all.
One hit of today's bud rivals a joint of yesteryears dankest herb. It makes me plop in front of incomprehensible TV for hours with munchies, then pass out for a few hours. I can't handle today's weed at all.

someone gave me a hit of the modern stuff years back, and it made the world turn sideways. i had to go lie down in my tent for like forty five minutes to wait for it to stop. about an hour in, it started to feel like the normal stuff that i was used to from college. pot has never really been my drug, but i have enjoyed it from time to time. this stuff, though, was just too much.
someone gave me a hit of the modern stuff years back, and it made the world turn sideways. i had to go lie down in my tent for like forty five minutes to wait for it to stop. about an hour in, it started to feel like the normal stuff that i was used to from college. pot has never really been my drug, but i have enjoyed it from time to time. this stuff, though, was just too much.

When I was younger, we had the typical Mex brown for $5 bags and the occasional, exotic stuff. And once in a while, a local college kid would bring home some Gainsville Green from the Univ of Fla. That was my first time with potent smoke that would take you over the edge to passing out, puke town. I loved weed way more than booze, which has always made me ill but just can't cope with the THC anymore. One cup of coffee is my daily limit of chemicals, buds and beer are history.
One hit of today's bud rivals a joint of yesteryears dankest herb. It makes me plop in front of incomprehensible TV for hours with munchies, then pass out for a few hours. I can't handle today's weed at all.

Maybe a little moderation is in order. Most users find not having to smoke an entire bag of ragweed to achieve the right mindset (and/or medical benefit) a good thing. It's also more economical; a little goes a long way.
Maybe a little moderation is in order. Most users find not having to smoke an entire bag of ragweed to achieve the right mindset (and/or medical benefit) a good thing. It's also more economical; a little goes a long way.

Trust me, I tried moderation but even one hit is too much for my tired, middle-aged ass. By the time I build a tolerance, I feel like a geniune numbskull that can't understand anything.
When I was younger, we had the typical Mex brown for $5 bags and the occasional, exotic stuff. And once in a while, a local college kid would bring home some Gainsville Green from the Univ of Fla. That was my first time with potent smoke that would take you over the edge to passing out, puke town. I loved weed way more than booze, which has always made me ill but just can't cope with the THC anymore. One cup of coffee is my daily limit of chemicals, buds and beer are history.

i've always been more of a vodka kind of dude. that's my family's people toleration elixir.

one time in college several decades ago, a guy down the hall had gotten some pot, and when he opened the package, it was the smallest ziplock bag i had ever seen. it was like the size of two postage stamps. he was kind of like WTF, they totally ripped me off. but since we were both very young, we said **** it, we'll smoke it anyway. i had maybe two hits, and he did the same. i immediately knew that something was seriously wrong, and excused myself to my dorm room like a critically ill animal would crawl under the porch to die. i proceeded to linger at the edge of consciousness in my bed for the next five or six hours. as for who in the sweet ever-loving **** would actually want that to happen to them, i have no ****ing idea. it was almost certainly laced, and laced with some serious stuff. it was very memorable, but not very fun.
This has been long overdue......it rates at the same level as Prohibition.

i'm waiting for my state to figure out just how much money they are losing while the states around them have rivers of Benjamins flowing in. and, since that's happening, enforcement costs are going to go way up as people flood the market here with "it was legal over there" pot. as for me, though, i'm not interested until it's fully legal here. ol' Helix doesn't need that level of risk.
i've always been more of a vodka kind of dude. that's my family's people toleration elixir.

one time in college several decades ago, a guy down the hall had gotten some pot, and when he opened the package, it was the smallest ziplock bag i had ever seen. it was like the size of two postage stamps. he was kind of like WTF, they totally ripped me off. but since we were both very young, we said **** it, we'll smoke it anyway. i had maybe two hits, and he did the same. i immediately knew that something was seriously wrong, and excused myself to my dorm room like a critically ill animal would crawl under the porch to die. i proceeded to linger at the edge of consciousness in my bed for the next five or six hours. as for who in the sweet ever-loving **** would actually want that to happen to them, i have no ****ing idea. it was almost certainly laced, and laced with some serious stuff. it was very memorable, but not very fun.

I had that happen once and it was the exact same results, head spinning, **** your pants. I don't know what they sprinkled on the MJ but it was NOT fun at all. Years before that I got a hold of a 4-way hit of Window Pane LSD. I completely lost my marbles and ended up in the ER tripping my brains out for 10 hrs. Absolutely, the worst thing I've ever done. Why the hippies of the '60s thought that stuff was good escapes me, they must have been nuttier than a Snickers Bar doing acid multiple times.
Trust me, I tried moderation but even one hit is too much for my tired, middle-aged ass. By the time I build a tolerance, I feel like a geniune numbskull that can't understand anything.

Many would be envious of your dilemma! As a primarily medical user (I have a valid card) in my late 60's and suffering from a failed lumbar spine surgery, both the potency and the strain has a lot to do with the effects. I smoke a few tiny flakes of a very specific 60/40 Indica hybrid to relax the muscle spasms and resulting cramps (especially when exercising and swimming), and a straight Indica (much more intoxicating) to sleep and to a lesser degree for pain. During tasks that require mental acuity and being alert, I have a pure Sativa that controls pain to a livable degree without being stupified. I take no other muscle relaxants or pain meds, even though my MD keeps trying to push them on me; been there, done that, and I want to never experience those awful side effects again.

The mental stimulation from Sativa has also been very productive for me in the past; even the strongest strains. When I retired from the medical industry and went back to college and earned a degree in Computer Science back in the last century, I found my ability to concentrate and keep complicated flow charts in my head while coding greatly enhanced - I graduated with honors, and took most of my programming tests after just enough smoke to get a clear mindset.

The quality of herb available in Silicon Valley around Y2K rivaled the best available today, and many P/A's in my department partook - some daily. There is a programmer concentration 'zone' much like a runner's high, and to write clean, efficient, bug-free code, getting into the zone is crucial; MJ was my ticket. If you have used one of the top 2 Credit Cards available this century, chances are you have hit one or more of my programs. I stay in contact with my old boss, and she says most of my back-office transactional programming is still in use today, so it musta worked!

Pot is not for everyone - like alcohol, cigarettes, or coffee are not for everyone, but legally denying and criminalizing those who use MJ as their preferred medication, high, or both, is just plain wrong. Personally, I don't drink, smoke cigarettes, or use any other other mind or mood altering substances; if anything, MJ is the reason I don't.
Many would be envious of your dilemma! As a primarily medical user (I have a valid card) in my late 60's and suffering from a failed lumbar spine surgery, both the potency and the strain has a lot to do with the effects. I smoke a few tiny flakes of a very specific 60/40 Indica hybrid to relax the muscle spasms and resulting cramps (especially when exercising and swimming), and a straight Indica (much more intoxicating) to sleep and to a lesser degree for pain. During tasks that require mental acuity and being alert, I have a pure Sativa that controls pain to a livable degree without being stupified. I take no other muscle relaxants or pain meds, even though my MD keeps trying to push them on me; been there, done that, and I want to never experience those awful side effects again.

The mental stimulation from Sativa has also been very productive for me in the past; even the strongest strains. When I retired from the medical industry and went back to college and earned a degree in Computer Science back in the last century, I found my ability to concentrate and keep complicated flow charts in my head while coding greatly enhanced - I graduated with honors, and took most of my programming tests after just enough smoke to get a clear mindset.

The quality of herb available in Silicon Valley around Y2K rivaled the best available today, and many P/A's in my department partook - some daily. There is a programmer concentration 'zone' much like a runner's high, and to write clean, efficient, bug-free code, getting into the zone is crucial; MJ was my ticket. If you have used one of the top 2 Credit Cards available this century, chances are you have hit one or more of my programs. I stay in contact with my old boss, and she says most of my back-office transactional programming is still in use today, so it musta worked!

Pot is not for everyone - like alcohol, cigarettes, or coffee are not for everyone, but legally denying and criminalizing those who use MJ as their preferred medication, high, or both, is just plain wrong. Personally, I don't drink, smoke cigarettes, or use any other other mind or mood altering substances; if anything, MJ is the reason I don't.

I also have a failed back surgery but only take the occasional muscle relaxer, ice-bag, and use an Icey/Hot roll-on. The pain pills were too much and no good for the long term. I used to be able to focus more when smoking a Sativa, but the last 10 yrs found the Indicas only slightly more sedative. Hybrids were my fav buzz, though all strains in general, nowadays, make me mentally-physically the same, fat & stupid...lol.

I'm happy for you that you get such a great benefit from MJ. Of course, not everyone's chemistry is the same. Most of my friends in my youth loved Cannabis but as I grew older, many had either quit or switched to liquor. The casual users always claim it's too paranoia-inducing. I do believe it should be legalized for adults, though not narcotics like Meth, Opiates, or Benzos. Some of those drugs are too addictive and destructive to be easily availible.
but the bill is moving forward in the House for a vote this month:

this legislation is way overdue to eliminate 50 years of federal stupidity, destroying lives over a victimless 'crime'

House set to vote on marijuana legalization - POLITICO

That's okay, soon as the Democrats sweep the House and Senate they're put up another vote and it will be settled law the moment Biden signs it, which he will despite his protests to the contrary.
All your political worries go away with just one hit off a joint Helix(LOL)

Not for me they don't, but the good news is, although my worries don't "go away", it becomes easier to look at them in a more objective manner.
this legislation is way overdue to eliminate 50 years of federal stupidity, destroying lives over a victimless 'crime'

Marijuana is a stupid drug for stupid people. Like we need more drop out dope heads in our society. But that being said, without legalizing marijuana and then creating a situation where the state becomes complicit in this drug trade in order to create another tax; the better policy is to just decriminalize marijuana use--- meaning okay for individuals to grow and consume their own marijuana in their own homes, but not okay to grow it as a business or to export. That way you gut the government out, cut out drug and tobacco companies, cut out the Mexican drug cartels, and then allow law enforcement to concentrate on other drug enforcement like opioids, meth, and other more addictive and destructive substances than marijuana.

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