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House Passes Bill Blocking Eminent Domain (1 Viewer)


Slayer of the DP Newsbot
DP Veteran
Aug 27, 2005
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Houston, TX
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If this bill is enacted, robber baron devopers will no longer be able to make a buck by stealing someone's land. This is a good bill, passed in the House by Conservatives and Liberals alike, with only 38 dissenting votes. While there is much disagreement about where America should be heading, our lawmakers, in this case, decided to put the American people first, for a change. Now thats a novel thought.
As for the 38 who voted for the interests of the land developers instead, how about a nice tar and feathering for them? I know some roofers who would be happy to donate the tar. Who is going to donate the feathers? Hopefully, those feathers will come from chickens infected with the bird flu. :lol:

Article is here.
danarhea said:
If this bill is enacted, robber baron devopers will no longer be able to make a buck by stealing someone's land. This is a good bill, passed in the House by Conservatives and Liberals alike, with only 38 dissenting votes. While there is much disagreement about where America should be heading, our lawmakers, in this case, decided to put the American people first, for a change. Now thats a novel thought.
As for the 38 who voted for the interests of the land developers instead, how about a nice tar and feathering for them? I know some roofers who would be happy to donate the tar. Who is going to donate the feathers? Hopefully, those feathers will come from chickens infected with the bird flu. :lol:

Article is here.

I saw that in today's paper. I am so proud of Congress for doing this. That decision by the Supreme Court was awful, and I was horribly disappointed in the justices that supported eminent domain in these circumstances.

So do we know who the 38 members are?
aps said:
I saw that in today's paper. I am so proud of Congress for doing this. That decision by the Supreme Court was awful, and I was horribly disappointed in the justices that supported eminent domain in these circumstances.

So do we know who the 38 members are?

The Supreme Court was WAY out of line with that ruling. I have long believed that government in ANY way shouldn't be able to just take someone's property, even with the illegal property taxes people are forced to pay. Seniors where I live are constantly being kicked out of their homes by sheriffs because they can't afford to pay the thousands of dollars in property taxes (I know as of right now, Lebanon, PA just increased the property tax another 300 dollars, making the average homeowner's bill in the neighborhood of 2300 per year)

Eminant domain is state sanctioned seizure, and it's about time they did away with it. Now if only property taxes would be outlawed. That would be 2 HUGE victories for home and landowners.
debate_junkie said:
The Supreme Court was WAY out of line with that ruling. I have long believed that government in ANY way shouldn't be able to just take someone's property, even with the illegal property taxes people are forced to pay. Seniors where I live are constantly being kicked out of their homes by sheriffs because they can't afford to pay the thousands of dollars in property taxes (I know as of right now, Lebanon, PA just increased the property tax another 300 dollars, making the average homeowner's bill in the neighborhood of 2300 per year)

Eminant domain is state sanctioned seizure, and it's about time they did away with it. Now if only property taxes would be outlawed. That would be 2 HUGE victories for home and landowners.

This is happening more and more across the country and people are ignoring it because it doesn't affect them directly. Seniors that have worked hard all their lives, bought and paid for their home and now live on fixed incomes, can't keep up with out-of-control upwardly spiraling taxes.

Our local governments used to proclaim that they didn't raise taxes because they didn't change the tax rate, but the increase in home appraisals raised the amount of the tax bill. The state passed a law that said that was dishonest, so now when local governments do not increase property rates, but the tax bill increases, they have to announce it as a tax increase.
NOW the ironic part of this is, that the announcement only applies to LOCAL governments, NOT THE STATE government.

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