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House Lawmakers Ask for Probe Into Russian Poisoning Case (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Sep 2, 2017
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Will D Trump support Navalny act or/and oil - gas sanctions against Nigeria in snow and his buddy Vovka Pootin ?

"House Lawmakers Ask for Probe Into Russian Poisoning Case"

The top Democrat and the top Republican on the House Foreign ... in the poisoning of Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny. ... Chairman Eliot Engel, D-N. ... The two lawmakers are pushing for a formal U.S. investigation into ... German chemical weapons experts say tests showed the 44-year-old was ...

House Lawmakers Ask for Probe Into Russian Poisoning Case - The New York Times

related :



Opinion | Congress Should Pass a Navalny Act - The New York Times
Will D Trump support Navalny act or/and oil - gas sanctions against Nigeria in snow and his buddy Vovka Pootin ?

"House Lawmakers Ask for Probe Into Russian Poisoning Case"

The top Democrat and the top Republican on the House Foreign ... in the poisoning of Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny. ... Chairman Eliot Engel, D-N. ... The two lawmakers are pushing for a formal U.S. investigation into ... German chemical weapons experts say tests showed the 44-year-old was ...

House Lawmakers Ask for Probe Into Russian Poisoning Case - The New York Times

related :


Germany : Putins cartel uses the same chemical military weapons in Bulgaria and in Muscovy. Gebrev,

Opinion | Congress Should Pass a Navalny Act - The New York Times

While the poisoning is troubling, I'm not clear on what the US jurisdiction is here, or what we would have to investigate. A Russian was poisoned in Russia, and treated in a German hospital. Seems like the Germans already shared what they know, and I'm not sure what would be accomplished by asking Russia. Perhaps a UN request?
While the poisoning is troubling, I'm not clear on what the US jurisdiction is here, or what we would have to investigate. A Russian was poisoned in Russia, and treated in a German hospital. Seems like the Germans already shared what they know, and I'm not sure what would be accomplished by asking Russia. Perhaps a UN request?

Oh get off it; you know damn well Trump® sanctions and approves of this, he can't publicly, but privately, he's probably called to console Putin on the plan failing, and ask what aid we might give through the corrupted department of state....

Congress has to act to get any action whatever. Trump® is just jealous he can't do the same and get away with it; that's one of the major goals of stealing the election. It's likely to be an option for him with his opposition in the future.

If any when it is, you will CHEER, we all know this...
While the poisoning is troubling, I'm not clear on what the US jurisdiction is here, or what we would have to investigate. A Russian was poisoned in Russia, and treated in a German hospital. Seems like the Germans already shared what they know, and I'm not sure what would be accomplished by asking Russia. Perhaps a UN request?

We have no jusridiction.
Will D Trump support Navalny act or/and oil - gas sanctions against Nigeria in snow and his buddy Vovka Pootin ?

"House Lawmakers Ask for Probe Into Russian Poisoning Case"

The top Democrat and the top Republican on the House Foreign ... in the poisoning of Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny. ... Chairman Eliot Engel, D-N. ... The two lawmakers are pushing for a formal U.S. investigation into ... German chemical weapons experts say tests showed the 44-year-old was ...

House Lawmakers Ask for Probe Into Russian Poisoning Case - The New York Times

related :


Germany : Putins cartel uses the same chemical military weapons in Bulgaria and in Muscovy. Gebrev,

Opinion | Congress Should Pass a Navalny Act - The New York Times

You keep misspelling RUSSIA and PUTIN.

Why sabotage your own message with that childishness?
While the poisoning is troubling, I'm not clear on what the US jurisdiction is here, or what we would have to investigate. A Russian was poisoned in Russia, and treated in a German hospital. Seems like the Germans already shared what they know, and I'm not sure what would be accomplished by asking Russia. Perhaps a UN request?

Putin kills inside of US jurisdiction as well, he is the worst than Osama Bin Laden and has to be stopped , by oil sanctions of like Osama Bin Laden

"Russian official in NYC dies on Election Day
On the morning of the US election, November 8, about an hour after the first polls opened in New York City, police received a 911 call about an unconscious man inside the Russian consulate. When they arrived, they found Sergei Krivov, 63, unresponsive. Emergency responders declared him dead at the scene.
Krivov, who was born in Russia, had served in the consulate as duty commander involved with security affairs, according to Russian news reports.
Russian consular officials first said Krivov fell from the roof. Then, they said he died of a heart attack.
The initial police report filed on the day of the incident said Krivov was found "with an unknown trauma to the head," according to a New York Police Department spokesman.
However, after conducting an autopsy and finishing its investigation, the New York City Medical Examiner ruled that Krivov died from bleeding in the chest area, likely due to a tumor. Police sources said foul play wasn't suspected and that Krivov had been in poor health."
Nine months, nine prominent Russians dead - CNN
Oh get off it; you know damn well Trump® sanctions and approves of this, he can't publicly, but privately, he's probably called to console Putin on the plan failing, and ask what aid we might give through the corrupted department of state....

Congress has to act to get any action whatever. Trump® is just jealous he can't do the same and get away with it; that's one of the major goals of stealing the election. It's likely to be an option for him with his opposition in the future.

If any when it is, you will CHEER, we all know this...

Um... you clearly aren't responding to what I wrote. I think that post would be more at home in the CT section. Thanks.
And why is my government going to waist money on this? :lamo

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