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House Democrats now asking questions about Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin (1 Viewer)


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Mnuchin will give the House a classified briefing Thursday, after a request from the Democratic chairs of the main House investigative panels.[/B

WASHINGTON — Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin has agreed to deliver a classified briefing to U.S. House lawmakers on Thursday on his recent decision to lift sanctions on companies linked to a Russian oligarch and Vladimir Putin ally, marking the start of an aggressive new focus on Mnuchin by newly empowered House Democrats, according to two top Democratic aides.
Daripaska, the oligarch in question, is the Russian that Paul Manafort is said to owe $19M. He is also the Russian who has close ties to V. Putin. Manafort had his plea deal ripped up by Mueller for his backchannel supply of Mueller investigation info to the WH.

So why is the WH suddenly being so generous with Deripaska? Is this part of some secret deal between Trump, Manafort & Deripaska to help repay some of that $19M in exchange for inside info on Mueller's progress? It stinks of COLLUSION & the Dems are looking into it.
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Democrats threaten plan to lift sanctions against Oleg Deripaska

A Trump administration plan to lift sanctions on the aluminium empire controlled by the Kremlin-linked billionaire Oleg Deripaska has come under threat from Democratic lawmakers, who have demanded it be delayed for further scrutiny.

Seven Democratic chairs of House of Representatives committees on Tuesday sent a letter to Steven Mnuchin, the Treasury secretary, expressing reservations about the plan in which Rusal, En+ and EuroSibEnergo — which together form one of the world’s largest aluminium producers — would be released from sanctions in return for various governance changes intended to distance them from Mr Deripaska.
A sweetheart inside deal to help Paul Manafort get out from under his debt to Deripaska & in return reward him for providing inside info on the Mueller Russian meddling probe? Stinks to high heaven, IMO.

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