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House Democrats mistakenly release transcript confirming big payout to Clinton friend (1 Viewer)

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DP Veteran
Oct 21, 2015
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House Democrats mistakenly release transcript confirming big payout to Clinton friend Sidney Blumenthal - LA Times

"But the report, which the Democrats published as a preemptive strike before the Republican majority releases findings likely to charge ineptitude and deception by the former secretary of State, also revealed, apparently unintentionally, details about the eye-popping amount of money a close Clinton friend and advisor made in a contract with a pro-Clinton nonprofit."

It certainly pays to be a friend of the Clintons.
Re: House Democrats mistakenly release transcript confirming big payout to Clinton fr

House Democrats mistakenly release transcript confirming big payout to Clinton friend Sidney Blumenthal - LA Times

"But the report, which the Democrats published as a preemptive strike before the Republican majority releases findings likely to charge ineptitude and deception by the former secretary of State, also revealed, apparently unintentionally, details about the eye-popping amount of money a close Clinton friend and advisor made in a contract with a pro-Clinton nonprofit."

It certainly pays to be a friend of the Clintons.

Ummm, did you read the whole article or just the headline?

Because the article says nothing about Blumenthal receiving any money from Clinton
Re: House Democrats mistakenly release transcript confirming big payout to Clinton fr

Ummm, did you read the whole article or just the headline?

Because the article says nothing about Blumenthal receiving any money from Clinton

Did YOU read the post, headline, or article?

I don't think anyone claimed he got money directly from Clinton.
Re: House Democrats mistakenly release transcript confirming big payout to Clinton fr

Did YOU read the post, headline, or article?

I don't think anyone claimed he got money directly from Clinton.

Yes, the OP claims Blumenthal was paid to be a friend of Clinton and provides no evidence of it. All I see is evidence that the free market considers Blumenthal's advice to be valuable
Re: House Democrats mistakenly release transcript confirming big payout to Clinton fr

Did YOU read the post, headline, or article?

I don't think anyone claimed he got money directly from Clinton.

Of course not but how many people have been funneled money through the Clinton Foundation? It's like a mob run organization. Sure, they do some good charity work that "trickles down", but what else is going on? I thought the left was against trickle down economics.
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Re: House Democrats mistakenly release transcript confirming big payout to Clinton fr

Yes, the OP claims Blumenthal was paid to be a friend of Clinton and provides no evidence of it. All I see is evidence that the free market considers Blumenthal's advice to be valuable

No, the LA Times made that claim. The OP merely restated the Times' claim.
Re: House Democrats mistakenly release transcript confirming big payout to Clinton fr

No, the LA Times made that claim. The OP merely restated the Times' claim.

Exactly. And the LA Times is not exactly Fox News. In fact, quite the opposite.
Re: House Democrats mistakenly release transcript confirming big payout to Clinton fr

Ummm, did you read the whole article or just the headline?

Because the article says nothing about Blumenthal receiving any money from Clinton
Well of course he's received tons of money directly from the Clinton Foundation, but that is old news.
Re: House Democrats mistakenly release transcript confirming big payout to Clinton fr

Well of course he's received tons of money directly from the Clinton Foundation, but that is old news.

The article says nothing about the Clinton Foundation
Re: House Democrats mistakenly release transcript confirming big payout to Clinton fr

The article says nothing about the Clinton Foundation
Like I said, old news.
Re: House Democrats mistakenly release transcript confirming big payout to Clinton fr

Wrong. The OP said

And the article he linked had the title:

House Democrats mistakenly release transcript confirming big payout to Clinton friend Sidney Blumenthal

Like I said, the OP restated the comments made by the LA Times.
Re: House Democrats mistakenly release transcript confirming big payout to Clinton fr

The article says nothing about the Clinton Foundation

No the article doesn't mention the Clinton Foundation, but they could have easily. The Foundation paid Blumenthal $10,000. a month. He worked there from 2009 until 2013, then became a consultant to the Foundation until 2015 making a similar amount of money.
Re: House Democrats mistakenly release transcript confirming big payout to Clinton fr

And the article he linked had the title:

Like I said, the OP restated the comments made by the LA Times.

The LAT article did not say
It certainly pays to be a friend of the Clintons.

That was the OP but it's pretty revealing that the OP won't own up to his own words
Re: House Democrats mistakenly release transcript confirming big payout to Clinton fr

The LAT article did not say

That was the OP but it's pretty revealing that the OP won't own up to his own words

OK, I'll be sure and be on the lookout if you don't quote exactly word for word what the article linked to says. I'm sure you've never added an opinion to any links you've posted.


Bottom line is the OP stated the context of the article that was posted. And it obviously does pay to be a close friend to the Clintons, at least it has for Blumenthal.
Re: House Democrats mistakenly release transcript confirming big payout to Clinton fr

OK, I'll be sure and be on the lookout if you don't quote exactly word for word what the article linked to says. I'm sure you've never added an opinion to any links you've posted.

Thank you for finally admitting that your claim
The OP merely restated the Times' claim.

was wrong and that the OP also stated his own opinion (which is not supported by the article)

I accept your surrender
Re: House Democrats mistakenly release transcript confirming big payout to Clinton fr

The Clintons have scratched many backs as long as people scratched theirs.
Re: House Democrats mistakenly release transcript confirming big payout to Clinton fr

Thank you for finally admitting that your claim

was wrong and that the OP also stated his own opinion (which is not supported by the article)

I accept your surrender

I'll be on the lookout for your pristine comments with zero deviation from a link.

Then we'll see who surrenders.
Re: House Democrats mistakenly release transcript confirming big payout to Clinton fr

The Clintons have scratched many backs as long as people scratched theirs.

It's deplorable that they haven't scratched the backs of those who have tried to destroy them
Re: House Democrats mistakenly release transcript confirming big payout to Clinton fr

I'll be on the lookout for your pristine comments with zero deviation from a link.

Then we'll see who surrenders.

And I'll be on the lookout for your future surrenders

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