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Hotwife (1 Viewer)


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Dec 3, 2017
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or hotwife or hot wife or hotwifing [hot wahyf]

A hotwife is a married woman who has sexual relationships outside of her marriage, with the full knowledge and consent of her husband, who himself doesn’t have affairs.
Hotwifing is the wife-sharing arrangement or act of carrying out such affairs.
An alternative to cuckolding. I encouraged my last wife to become a hotwife & she fulfilled my expectations. I have no idea how many guys she slept with but I could see it change her into a more mature & confident woman. We even met with a local swinger couple & shared each other's wives in the same bed at the same time. That was very enjoyable.

or hotwife or hot wife or hotwifing [hot wahyf]

A hotwife is a married woman who has sexual relationships outside of her marriage, with the full knowledge and consent of her husband, who himself doesn’t have affairs.
Hotwifing is the wife-sharing arrangement or act of carrying out such affairs.
An alternative to cuckolding. I encouraged my last wife to become a hotwife & she fulfilled my expectations. I have no idea how many guys she slept with but I could see it change her into a more mature & confident woman. We even met with a local swinger couple & shared each other's wives in the same bed at the same time. That was very enjoyable.
Hotwife Basics

What is the working definition of a Hotwife? For the purpose of this discussion since I am going to cover this in some detail, the definition of a Hotwife is a married woman whose marriage is open on her end only, so that she can date other men and have sex with them, with both the permission and encouragement of her husband in order to fulfill his fantasy of sharing her with other men, to the benefit of their marriage. Wow! That was a mouthful. The thing is, all of those elements matter.

Now having said that, for those of you who think this concept is for weirdoes and seriously twisted married couples, I have news for you. This Hotwife Alternative Marriage Lifestyle is a lot more mainstream than you think.

I am a practicing Hotwife. Our marriage is open on my end. My husband has a fantasy of sharing me with other men and I date other men sexually in order to fulfill his fantasy which supercharges our own marriage and builds Intimacy, and open and honest Communication, by telling my husband all of the details of my dates after the fact and letting him ask me questions about it.
Hot stuff. But it doesn't always end the marriage the same way.

or hotwife or hot wife or hotwifing [hot wahyf]

A hotwife is a married woman who has sexual relationships outside of her marriage, with the full knowledge and consent of her husband, who himself doesn’t have affairs.
Hotwifing is the wife-sharing arrangement or act of carrying out such affairs.
An alternative to cuckolding. I encouraged my last wife to become a hotwife & she fulfilled my expectations. I have no idea how many guys she slept with but I could see it change her into a more mature & confident woman. We even met with a local swinger couple & shared each other's wives in the same bed at the same time. That was very enjoyable.

mrs fallwell, is that you?

or hotwife or hot wife or hotwifing [hot wahyf]

A hotwife is a married woman who has sexual relationships outside of her marriage, with the full knowledge and consent of her husband, who himself doesn’t have affairs.
Hotwifing is the wife-sharing arrangement or act of carrying out such affairs.
An alternative to cuckolding. I encouraged my last wife to become a hotwife & she fulfilled my expectations. I have no idea how many guys she slept with but I could see it change her into a more mature & confident woman. We even met with a local swinger couple & shared each other's wives in the same bed at the same time. That was very enjoyable.

Your hot wife definition and example do not match since the husband is also a swinger.

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