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'Homophobic' first-class passenger accused of assaulting Delta flight attendant (1 Viewer)


Purge evil with Justice
DP Veteran
Jul 24, 2011
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Slightly Liberal

This wasn't just a slur; there was a lot of bad behavior leading up to it:

A criminal complaint alleges that Christopher Alexander Morgan began causing disruption on Friday's flight prior to takeoff. Morgan, who was seated in first-class, refused to wear a seat belt and would not comply with requests from crew members to put his seat in the upright position, the complaint states.

There's even more, but you'll have to read it for yourself. He sounds like a "very fine person."

This wasn't just a slur; there was a lot of bad behavior leading up to it:

There's even more, but you'll have to read it for yourself. He sounds like a "very fine person."

Morgan became angry and tossed his ice at the flight attendant while calling the man "queer" and a homophobic slur, according to the document.

A passenger tried to intervene but it did not calm Morgan down, the complaint says. The flight attendant used a telephone near the cockpit to inform the pilot of Morgan's behavior. While he was on the phone, Morgan allegedly got out of his seat, grabbed the telephone and hit him in the chest with it, the flight attendant told federal investigators.

What a piece of shit. Sounds like a friend of Ron DeSantis.
The complaint alleges that Morgan told the FBI that "the flight attendant was homosexual and that this made him uncomfortable. When the flight attendant refused to serve Morgan another drink, he became angry."
At least he's honest
At least he's honest
May I ask, do homosexuals make you feel uncomfortable? I can't say that I ever felt a way because someone was straight.
He can stand to sit in prison for a couple of years, too.
I've heard lots of homosexual things happen there. Would be really bad luck for him...

So wait.

Are you pro-rape or something?
Oh no no, of course not. But it would be ironic that he would find himself in that situation after what he did.
May I ask, do homosexuals make you feel uncomfortable? I can't say that I ever felt a way because someone was straight.
Well I'm bi, so the only homosexual that makes me feel uncomfortable on a regular basis is myself ;)
Sounds like an awful person who should be prosecuted.

Is this really breaking news or just an isolated anecdote to be used to smear large groups of people?
I've heard lots of homosexual things happen there. Would be really bad luck for him...

So wait.

Are you pro-rape or something?

That's exactly what this poster was suggesting; that they would be pleased if the person were to be raped in prison as a form of poetic justice.

This tells you all you need to know about them.
That's exactly what this poster was suggesting; that they would be pleased if the person were to be raped in prison as a form of poetic justice.

This tells you all you need to know about them.
Don't play stupid games don't win stupid prizes. People always reap what they sow.
Sounds like he was pretty drunk.
Sounds like the guy has a medical disorder. Hopefully the government can provide him with the care he needs to overcome his affliction.

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