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Homeward bound: Incredible moment missing Labrador finds his way back to his panicked owners... with (1 Viewer)


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Homeward bound: Incredible moment missing Labrador finds his way back to his panicked owners... with two new friends in tow (another dog and a GOAT)


A man who thought his dog was lost forever almost ended up with three times as many after his pet returned home accompanied by another pooch and a goat.
Kyle Krier's wife, Laura, from Concordia, Kansas had let the family dog out of the house to go to the bathroom the night before - but he never came back.
'My wife told me there was another white dog in our yard and Bo took off and would not come back,' Kyle wrote in a posting online.

'My wife got a call that someone had just about hit a black lab, a white lab and a goat on the road. My wife called me and told me the news and I knew right away that was our dog. I left work right away. I saw the crew out in a cut bean field on the east side of the highway.'

Not far behind are his new found friends - another golden Labrador and a goat who seems eager to join in the fun.
Bo climbed up the stairs into his pickup trunk with the other dog following closely behind.
Not wanting to be left out, the goat gamely clambered up into the cabin of the vehicle.
Funny and heartwarming
Another dog and a goat.

Damn. That must've been one wild party.

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