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Holy Land Theme Park? Tacky, Tacky, Mr. Robertson, and Quite Unchristian Too. (1 Viewer)


Slayer of the DP Newsbot
DP Veteran
Aug 27, 2005
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Houston, TX
Political Leaning
Just when you think Pat Robertson couldnt sink any lower, after using donations to mine diamonds and gold, and buy a half million dollar race horse, the man has another plan. It is to convert the site in Israel where Jesus made his "Beatitudes" speech into a theme park. I am sure that the sign to the entrance will say "Blessed are those rich enough to pay the admission fee and make me a handsome profit". Better read up on those Beatitudes, Mr. Robertson, before it is too late.

Article is here.
Robertson has yet agian, lost his mind. I really thought I had heard it all. That guy is crazy, when are they going to take him off the air? It'll be a good day when we don't have to listen to him anymore. Wait... does anyone actually listen to him now? I mean really, who could take him seriously?
There is no God. There is no Jesus. There is no Holy Land. It's all a bunch of made-up stories.

aps said:
There is no God. There is no Jesus. There is no Holy Land. It's all a bunch of made-up stories.


Well I'm glad you cleared that up for everyone.:roll:

This guy is nut, and he gives all religious folks a bad name, hence the last ridiculous statement above.:doh
How awesome! I can't wait to ride Mary's ass! :lol:
Middleground said:
How awesome! I can't wait to ride Mary's ass! :lol:


There are also plans for a Robertson's ark ride. Where everyone from the 700 Club waves to you from a boat while you drown for being a horrible sinner.
danarhea said:
Just when you think Pat Robertson couldnt sink any lower, after using donations to mine diamonds and gold, and buy a half million dollar race horse, the man has another plan. It is to convert the site in Israel where Jesus made his "Beatitudes" speech into a theme park. I am sure that the sign to the entrance will say "Blessed are those rich enough to pay the admission fee and make me a handsome profit". Better read up on those Beatitudes, Mr. Robertson, before it is too late.

Article is here.

Yeah, the theme park version of Jesus's travels should only exist here, in Orlando. There's an attraction here called 'The Holy Land Experience.' I've only seen it from the interstate, which is as close as I'll ever get to it.

This thing they want to build in Israel, isn't that the place where the real stuff is? I don't see the point in artificially duplicating it there.
I'm not too up to date on Christian practices, but do you guys still do excommunications? Seriously, you guys need to do something about this dude. Something very official and very ostentatious that says he's exploiting your religion for personal gain. I'm sure there'll always be a few rubes willing to follow him, but someone needs to deprive him of further prey.
tryreading said:
Yeah, the theme park version of Jesus's travels should only exist here, in Orlando. There's an attraction here called 'The Holy Land Experience.' I've only seen it from the interstate, which is as close as I'll ever get to it.

This thing they want to build in Israel, isn't that the place where the real stuff is? I don't see the point in artificially duplicating it there.

I wonder if they are going to have a theme in which someone feeds a hungry person? No? Why not, Mr. Robertson?

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