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Hola! (1 Viewer)


New member
Dec 29, 2005
Reaction score
South Dakota
Political Leaning
Hi everyone! I've been reading posts on DP for some time now and I must say its one of my favorite places to visit during the day. I usually check in during work and get engrossed in some lively debates longer than I should. I enjoy the good (and ugly:lol: ) discussions as they help polarize my own positions on topics of interest. Anyway, I hope to drop in and actually post once and a while when I get the time. Oh, and be gentle, its my first time.
Welcome, welcome.
Glad you're here.
Hello uNdeRdOg! :2wave:

Welcome to Debate Politics!


Welcome to DP, underdog! So glad you decided to jump in. :2wave:
HI, nice to have ya and look forward to debating with you. :2wave:

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