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Hmmm? (1 Viewer)

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Oct 4, 2018
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I am just trying to understand how Christianity has the power to change laws or make rules that effect our Government! I am from a Native American descent and my people live in poverty and can't even stop an oil company from drilling in their main water source,but let's keep Amerika divided!
I am just trying to understand how Christianity has the power to change laws or make rules that effect our Government! I am from a Native American descent and my people live in poverty and can't even stop an oil company from drilling in their main water source,but let's keep Amerika divided!
native americans were very violent people and had to be dealt with by the colonials, from what ive read in history books.

obviously none of us were there back then so we will never know what really happened
I am just trying to understand how Christianity has the power to change laws or make rules that effect our Government! I am from a Native American descent and my people live in poverty and can't even stop an oil company from drilling in their main water source,but let's keep Amerika divided!

What does Christianity have to do with oil exploration?
native americans were very violent people and had to be dealt with by the colonials, from what ive read in history books.

obviously none of us were there back then so we will never know what really happened

That's an interesting take.

Maybe they were just really anti-immigration.

If only they had built a wall...
What does Christianity have to do with oil exploration?

A lot when the Government didn't back them after everything they have already been through! You just think that you have it rough because of your sexual orientation, but some have it a lot worse!
What does Christianity have to do with oil exploration?

My guess is "Right, White, Christianity genociding Westward," in the Great American tradition.
native americans were very violent people and had to be dealt with by the colonials, from what ive read in history books.

obviously none of us were there back then so we will never know what really happened

Why do you even pretend to read history if you end up getting it so wrong and then claim that it can't be trusted any way? I think what's uncertain is your own ability to comprehend.
Why do you even pretend to read history if you end up getting it so wrong and then claim that it can't be trusted any way? I think what's uncertain is your own ability to comprehend.
Please answer.
Why do you even pretend to read history if you end up getting it so wrong and then claim that it can't be trusted any way? I think what's uncertain is your own ability to comprehend.

thats a cute attempt at an insult, hillary, but your version of history dates back to only november 8, 2016 lol (laugh out loud)
I am just trying to understand how Christianity has the power to change laws or make rules that effect our Government! I am from a Native American descent and my people live in poverty and can't even stop an oil company from drilling in their main water source,but let's keep Amerika divided!

Christianity is a business with much monetary influence. It's also a useful delusion, that politicians who don't send their children to die in war, can use to convince the poor to sacrifice their own children to bloody conflict.

With specific regard to Native Americans, they were unlucky enough to be living on the land that the great spirit had given to Christians to exploit. Manifest destiny is stii being used today by the same kind of religious asshats that raped their way across this land way back when.

The phrase "God bless America" should include the qualifier "in spite of everything".
What does Christianity have to do with oil exploration?

It's that whole western civilization and Christian white people and oil thing. Jesus told his apostles to go find oil, and this is what we got, in a nutshell. Okay, I left out a few details here and there, but without getting all boring and detailed, that's it. You probably don't understand, but I don't either. You just have to go with it. I know I did, in between bong hits, and this is where I came out. You got any beer?
native americans were very violent people and had to be dealt with by the colonials, from what ive read in history books.

obviously none of us were there back then so we will never know what really happened

Your racist attacks just never stop; you would probably be happier if you go back to stormfront.
I am just trying to understand how Christianity has the power to change laws or make rules that effect our Government! I am from a Native American descent and my people live in poverty and can't even stop an oil company from drilling in their main water source,but let's keep Amerika divided!
Dude, what does Christianity have to do with the oil companies?
What does Christianity have to do with oil exploration?

It's such a weird connection I can't even make a smartass joke about it.

Someone got ahold of some bad green.
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