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Hillary Vs. Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (1 Viewer)


American Infidel
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May 8, 2005
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‘Hillary Clinton demands GTA smut enquiry’

The Register: Hillary Clinton demands GTA smut enquiry

“Senator Hillary Clinton has jumped nimbly on the Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas rumpy-pumpy outrage bandwagon by demanding an investigation into the game’s torrid sex scenes as unlocked by Dutch modder Patrick Wildenborg.

To recap, Wildenborg’s “Hot Coffee” mod apparently disables the game’s “censor flag”, thereby allowing access to hidden XXX material. As Wildenborg exlained: “If the censor flag is set, all the sexually explicit scenes are blocked from the normal flow of events. That makes a difference in a game scene when the hero visits his girlfriend’s house for a cup of coffee. In the censored version, the game shows the exterior of the house while suggestive sound effects are heard. If, however, the censor flag is cleared, all the explicit scenes are tied into the normal gameplay.”"

Considering that Hilary Clinton is my senator whom I hope to advise in the future, I shall have to self-censor my negative commentary…

This entry was posted on Thursday, July 14th, 2005 at 9:05 am and is filed under People, Technology. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.SOURCE!!!
This is the funniest response on this topic!!!!!
mitchus Says:

July 16th, 2005 at 11:25 am

Anyone else baffled by the fact that wanton passenger slaughter and mob killings apparently doesn’t raise even the slightest objection?
What kind of a f****d up value system are we contemplating here.
Its ok if there just killing mob memders and innocent civilians, but sex sceans goes way too far? I mean we leave that to "Sex and the City", and "Desperate House Wives", Oh yea DID I MEANTION THE GAME WAS RATED MATURE (age 17+), THE PARENTS SHOULD BE PUNISHED FOR BUYING IT FOR A MINOR!! :mrgreen:
Isn't there a lawsuit already against the makers of the videogame? Something to do with the violence?
vandree said:
Isn't there a lawsuit already against the makers of the videogame? Something to do with the violence?
Multiple. But the only people who should be sued are the parents of the kids who let them become so vapid as to be influenced by entertainment media tp begin with, not the providers of said entertainment.
I agree. I don't believe that the violence in the videogames is to blame for some kids' behavior. If they can't tell the difference between a videogame and reality, something is really wrong with them...
Firstly, the government needs to stay out of further legislation of this field, it is not a senator, congressmans, or even the president's business what entertainment is available to adult gamers/viewers outside of things dangerous to an innocent party(such as snuff films or child porn, things in that category) having said this, I do think that mandated warnings or even voluntary ones should be sufficient to protect those of impressionable ages and parents have all the tools necessary as is to protect their children.
Second point, the courts need to stop all of these third party lawsuits involving entertainment producers such as the GTA series suits, as well as others, Nintendo had a semi-valid one against them involving epileptic seizures and flash patterns in their games(however they were not really well argued since the games had prior warnings and the "victim" played for eight or more hours per day), there was a lawsuit levied against the makers of the "Fast and the Furious" series because a lady let her 16y.o son use her Chevy Corvette to go to the store and fill it up, the kid ran into a couple of street racers and decided to make the run, lost control and hit a utility pole killing himself, she stated it was the movie that influenced him to do this.
Here are a few alternate points to ponder:
1) Kids have been racing since cars were introduced, movies came out in tribute to this
2) Fast cars in the hands of young drivers is not a good idea and she should have taken that into consideration.
3) Corvettes are so powerful that inexperienced drivers need not apply, and at sixteen, the boy was most certainly inexperienced behind the wheel.
4) Most auto insurers will not even touch a corvette for anyone under 25 and the one's that do charge an extremely high premium even at the maximum deductible. These companies do this because they are all about risk management and their statistics are phenomenally accurate. This one fact should tell this mother something to begin with.
I saw a program on SpeedVision, where a guy played a Rally game! Then he got a job as a Rally race car driver for one of the biggest Rally companies! Subaru! Who would have guessed a gamer goes pro! :mrgreen:
It makes it hard for people to get on Hillary's side, when she is forced a game rating up to Adult, over a modification that a programer made, I mean there not under the "RockStar" payroll. The kid will have drivers license and will be able to go to bars before they could own the game. Kinda rediculous to make them wait a few more years. And you know with all this publcity you know its going to sell the game better, because it is now the tainted fruit! Everyone is going to want the game now!
This is my understanding of what happened. If there are any coders here feel free to correct me.

Apparently when people are programming games it's not uncommon to leave in code that isn't actually being used. If they decide to take a part of the game out they can just do this so that they don't have to remake the code if they put it back in the game. Some person was probably looking through the code on the computer version and found the thing and got a way to open it up by messing with the code.

According to the sources I saw you can't get this part of the game without outside modification. If that's true than Rockstar should not be held at fault for this.

Also the game God of War has a sex mini game, they don't show anything during the mini game but there is nudity during the actual game. There's also much more blood in God of War than in GTA.

I don’t really see the problem with it. It’s a mature game, 17 year olds can’t handle this?
That's pretty much it. Basically, there's a bit in the .scm file (it's a script file that controls the flow of the missions) that's flipped in order to enable the "adult content" (as if GTA weren't already adult content). However, in order to figure out how it all worked, whoever unlocked it had to reverse engineer the file and the code.

This is a third party mod, so you must go out and get it in order to use it. To access it on the PS2 version, you have to move the save game files to a computer, modify them, and then put them back onto the PS2. It's not like you're going to stumble across this accidently.

Rockstar should not be held accountable. The mini-game was totally locked off from the end user, and it took considerable skill for the first person to open it up.

The ESRB (the independant ratings board [who some people said didn't do a "thorough" enough job of rating GTA:SA]) shouldn't be held accountable either. Expecting them to discover this content is laughable. They would have had to reverse engineer the game the same way this hacker did (I think I heard he was working on it for a bit. Not sure exactly how long he spent on it). If they were to put that much scrutiny into every game, you would have to expect month long delays. ESRB is innocent as well.

Parents who buy this for their 13 year old children, and ignore their internet use to the point of allowing them to download and install the mod are the ones to blame. It's rediculous to point the finger anywhere but there.
When you get out of your car to walk to your door and the 14 year old puts a gun in your face will you wonder why he is so violent? Will you stand there and blame his parents or parent or a video game? Will you survive when he pulls the trigger? Will you be disappointed when he is never caught?

We all need to understand that we allow our youth to see much more than they used to. I believe that makes violence easier for those who will go that path. Maybe Senator Clinton is right or wrong. Maybe there is a way to do what would help that all could agree on. Maybe not.

May you never be the victim of violence.
:duel :cool:
We have documented proof of citizens from other, friendly countries (Canada) being detained in the US on "suspicion" of being a terrorist, transported that allows torture (Syria), held and tortured for a year, and then released with a "Whoops! Sorry about that!" when this poor sap turned out to be nothing more than a Canadian national that happened to be Muslim. Google "Maher Arar" if you don't believe me.

Now, with THAT blatant violation of international law and our own Constitution going on, Senator Hilarity Clinton can't come up with anything better to blame the degradation of American morals on than GTA?!?!

How about I make a video game where you, as a government agent, kidnap foreigners and torture them? It'd be like "Hitman", only you don't kill them, just make them WISH they were dead. Then, in the second part of the game, it'd switch to this legal strategy type game when you have to come up with plausible deniability, and enact new laws like "state secrets privilege" to get away with it all. It'd be great fun!

I wonder if it'd get an "AO" rating...
Zebulon said:
We have documented proof of citizens from other, friendly countries (Canada) being detained in the US on "suspicion" of being a terrorist, transported that allows torture (Syria), held and tortured for a year, and then released with a "Whoops! Sorry about that!" when this poor sap turned out to be nothing more than a Canadian national that happened to be Muslim. Google "Maher Arar" if you don't believe me.

Now, with THAT blatant violation of international law and our own Constitution going on, Senator Hilarity Clinton can't come up with anything better to blame the degradation of American morals on than GTA?!?!

How about I make a video game where you, as a government agent, kidnap foreigners and torture them? It'd be like "Hitman", only you don't kill them, just make them WISH they were dead. Then, in the second part of the game, it'd switch to this legal strategy type game when you have to come up with plausible deniability, and enact new laws like "state secrets privilege" to get away with it all. It'd be great fun!

I wonder if it'd get an "AO" rating...

I agree that this whole thing is ridiculous. Luckily assuming that not too much changes by 2008 in my state I won't have to vote for Clinton if she's the Democrat in the election because I could go third party and still have the state not go for the republicans.
Zebulon said:
We have documented proof of citizens from other, friendly countries (Canada) being detained in the US on "suspicion" of being a terrorist, transported that allows torture (Syria), held and tortured for a year, and then released with a "Whoops! Sorry about that!" when this poor sap turned out to be nothing more than a Canadian national that happened to be Muslim. Google "Maher Arar" if you don't believe me.

Now, with THAT blatant violation of international law and our own Constitution going on, Senator Hilarity Clinton can't come up with anything better to blame the degradation of American morals on than GTA?!?!

How about I make a video game where you, as a government agent, kidnap foreigners and torture them? It'd be like "Hitman", only you don't kill them, just make them WISH they were dead. Then, in the second part of the game, it'd switch to this legal strategy type game when you have to come up with plausible deniability, and enact new laws like "state secrets privilege" to get away with it all. It'd be great fun!

I wonder if it'd get an "AO" rating...

I am certainly no fan of Hillary Clinton but do you think she thinks all of these problems are from one video game? Doesn't that put you in the same profile as her? She can't come up with anything but this and you can't come up with anything but that? I prefer to hear something to offset the contempt like maybe a reasonable solution. Do you think being exposed to violence begets violence? If you don't, why? If you do, why? If you think either way do you have a solution?

Here's something I think. Gangsta Rap. I hear lyrics that promote drugs, crime, rape. Should the youth of our country be the reciepients of this which glorifies that? Is there correlation?
:duel :cool:
gordontravels said:
I am certainly no fan of Hillary Clinton but do you think she thinks all of these problems are from one video game? Doesn't that put you in the same profile as her? She can't come up with anything but this and you can't come up with anything but that? I prefer to hear something to offset the contempt like maybe a reasonable solution. Do you think being exposed to violence begets violence? If you don't, why? If you do, why? If you think either way do you have a solution?

Here's something I think. Gangsta Rap. I hear lyrics that promote drugs, crime, rape. Should the youth of our country be the reciepients of this which glorifies that? Is there correlation?
:duel :cool:

You're right. Gratuitous violence can only lead to no good, and those exposed to it are obviously corrupted to the point of not being able to make rational decisions. So, all the lawmakers currently in the House and Senate that grew up watching Looney Tunes cartoons (violent) and playing cowboys and Indians (violent AND racist) must step down immediately. :mrgreen:

I certainly do NOT think that Ms. Clinton believes that video games are the root of all violence, which is WHY I'm upset with her making such a big, public stance on the issue! Does she feel so weak as to only take a stand against something so easily ridiculed? Is she incapable of handling larger, more important issues? SHE is making GTA out to be THE threat to our young people today, as if there were nothing else in the world more pressing of her attention. THAT is my problem with her. Also, isn't it HER job to come up with reasonable solutions, not mine? Am I suddenly in the Senate??

I'll give you a resonable solution anyway. Let's everybody pay attention the the Constitution, especially the freedom of speech and expression part. Let everybody who's a parent actually PARENT, and not lazily sit back and let the government parent their children for them. This isn't broadcast stuff, this is a $50 game that has to be PURCHASED, with a "M" rating right on the box. Do these same parents by porn for their kids and then decry the fact that their kids are watching porn? The argument that GTA is "only a game", and therefore is "for kids", just shows their parental ineptitude in paying attention to what their children are partaking of.

Oh, and about Gangsta Rap, please review the history of Rock and Roll, starting with Elvis Presley, and how his lyrics and dancing were going to be responsible for the downfall of Western Civilization. Thank you.
galenrox said:
I find this whole concept somewhat ridiculous. Let's look at the facts:
Actions you could already do in GTA:
Take a hooker into your car, watch the car rock and you're cash go down, then once she gets out of the car, you could take a chainsaw to her and take your money back.
Blow up FBI helicopters
Crash planes into buildings
Kill gang members in front of cops to no reaction
Do drugs
Kill anyone

But once a sex scene enters the frey, that's crossing a line! I mean all acts of hate and rage are alright, but an act that is at the very least friendly, now THATS obscene!

Actually, in GTA:SA (the one with the now AO rating) your character is strongly anti-drug, and you cannot in fact, do drugs. Not that it defeats your (very valid) point. Just thought I should point that out.

I think it's rediculous for a parent to buy this game for a child under the age of 17 (because the only way to get it, is for the parent themselves to buy it), with a label "M, ages 17+" with warnings of strong sexual content, and strong violent content, and then get upset that someone didn't warn them of a sex scene in the game. It's...so totally rediculous to point a finger at Rockstar, or the ESRB (which is the board that Hillary is pointing at).

Regardless of whether violence in video games begets violence in real life, parents are warned about what they are getting their kids into, and do it anyone. Rediculous, in my opinion.
Zebulon said:
Oh, and about Gangsta Rap, please review the history of Rock and Roll, starting with Elvis Presley, and how his lyrics and dancing were going to be responsible for the downfall of Western Civilization. Thank you.
Apples and Oranges, I know alot about the history of rock and can point out that Elvis was never shot because of a lyric or message in one of his songs, the rap casualty list; Biggie Smalls, Tupac, 50 cent(even though he survived), some of the people that pissed off a few rappers( I think there are about 5 or 6 pending murder trials currently), etc.
I just feel that this is no buisiness of our politicians and our government.

Also I don't care about any statistics, fancy graphs, and other facts that they may come up with to prove that they are going to benefit society. They may be right, but its still social engineering.
LaMidRighter said:
Apples and Oranges, I know alot about the history of rock and can point out that Elvis was never shot because of a lyric or message in one of his songs, the rap casualty list; Biggie Smalls, Tupac, 50 cent(even though he survived), some of the people that pissed off a few rappers( I think there are about 5 or 6 pending murder trials currently), etc.

Right. He was LESS violent that this current group, and yet STILL, those who knew what was best for us felt the need to rise up and save us from ourselves. EVERYTHING that threatens their worldview is inherently evil and must be destroyed at all costs, preferably with the costs being paid by someone else's blood, sweat, and tears.

I think THIS makes the point rather nicely:

"What is happening to our young people? They disrespect their elders, they disobey their parents. They ignore the law. They riot in the streets inflamed with wild notions. Their morals are decaying. What is to become of them? "
--Plato (4th Century BC)
gordontravels said:
Do you think being exposed to violence begets violence? If you don't, why? If you do, why? If you think either way do you have a solution?
:duel :cool:

Not from videogames, come on. I played video games (and still do) and I happen to like the ones where you have to kill/destroy everything in sight. Yet I couldn't hurt a fly. Why? Because I can tell the difference between fantasy and reality.

whoever unlocked it had to reverse engineer the file and the code.

I am surprised this guy has not been sued yet.....
Hillary the radical leftist piece of crap puke is trying to stake out the center...leave it to the government to be perfectly ok with all the gratuitous violence, cop killing, innocent civilian killing, etc, but call for a congressional inquiry at taxpayer expense when two video game cartoon characters stop engaging in violence for a moment and have sexual pleasure...now THAT will really cause harm to society!

vandree said:
Not from videogames, come on. I played video games (and still do) and I happen to like the ones where you have to kill/destroy everything in sight. Yet I couldn't hurt a fly. Why? Because I can tell the difference between fantasy and reality.

Do you believe that every member of society feels the same way? Are you willing to let "exceptions to the rule" get injured and die?
vandree said:
I couldn't hurt a fly. Why? Because I can tell the difference between fantasy and reality.

See, you're an intelligent, rational individual, so you don't count. It's all the people that need "POOR IMPULSE CONTROL" tattooed on their foreheads that REALLY matter. Honestly, the entire country, with a few present exceptions, must be drooling lackwits for our government to get involved so vehemently, right? Maybe THAT'S what the government thinks... that we're all too stupid to be able to NOT be incensed into fits of erotic violence by the sight of pixelated breasts... it's all becoming clear to me now...
cnredd said:
Do you believe that every member of society feels the same way? Are you willing to let "exceptions to the rule" get injured and die?

Do we cater to the lowest common denominator, now? Is THAT where we're at? The morons decide what's right for the rest of us?

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