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Hillary is a bloody neocon (1 Viewer)


Feb 4, 2006
Reaction score
Lakeport CA
Political Leaning
Hillary and George: Two Warmongers in a Pod

Sen. Clinton has attempted to out-hawk Dubya on other foreign policy matters, as well. From Iraq to Palestine, the Democratic Party’s leading lady argues that the current administration has not done enough to combat the threat of terrorism. And like so many other neoconservatives (yes, admit it, Hillary is a bloody neocon), Clinton will never admit that the United States has fallen right into the grasp of Al Qaeda by attempting to fight stateless terror by walloping sovereign Arab countries.


Hitlery and Bush should send their Children to fight the "Police Actions" they support, they are to willing to spend Americas children for their sick masters goals.
Robodoon said:
Hillary and George: Two Warmongers in a Pod


Hitlery and Bush should send their Children to fight the "Police Actions" they support, they are to willing to spend Americas children for their sick masters goals.

Thats not news. Its been common knowlege for a long time. So is her husband, Bill.
danarhea said:
Thats not news. Its been common knowlege for a long time. So is her husband, Bill.

It would be news to the people on the left that hate the neo's.

Hilary is acting just like the people the left hates so much.

but I'm on the right and I hate the neo's to, cuz they aren't American in anyway.

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