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Hillary e-mail instructs aide to transmit classified data without markings[W:353] (1 Viewer)

Re: Hillary e-mail instructs aide to transmit classified data without markings

"Further, according to the Associated Press, the State Department said a review showed that the document in question was sent "apparently by secure fax, after all," and was never was sent to Clinton by email.... State Department spokesperson John Kirby said Friday that it is not uncommon for non-classified documents to be crafted and shared on the classified system."
In email, Hillary Clinton tells aide to send talking points "nonsecure" - CBS News
Re: Hillary e-mail instructs aide to transmit classified data without markings

Every interpretation of 'secure fax' that does not guarantee that the contents of the TPs were not classified. Even your interpretation qualifies.

Terrible analogy.
Re: Hillary e-mail instructs aide to transmit classified data without markings

Lol so are you also ok with cops investigating cops who abuse shoot and kill the citizens?

You are smart enough to know by the links showing the e-mail chain that this claim is simply not true.

What he also doesn't give an explaination for is why said document would be stripped of classification markings and sent unsecure if it started as an unclassified document.....
Re: Hillary e-mail instructs aide to transmit classified data without markings

Every interpretation of 'secure fax' that does not guarantee that the contents of the TPs were not classified. Even your interpretation qualifies.

So you don't have one. No surprise there.

Terrible analogy.

No, it isn't.
Re: Hillary e-mail instructs aide to transmit classified data without markings

like sandy berger? please show us how hillary removed classified documents from the National Archives like sandy berger
Re: Hillary e-mail instructs aide to transmit classified data without markings

Lol so are you also ok with cops investigating cops who abuse shoot and kill the citizens?
What does this have to do with anything? Try to stay on topic.
You are smart enough to know by the links showing the e-mail chain that this claim is simply not true.
Do you know the classification status or if the document was even classified? Where is that confirmation?
What he also doesn't give an explaination for is why said document would be stripped of classification markings and sent unsecure if it started as an unclassified document.....
Still not confirmed if the TPs were classified ....
Re: Hillary e-mail instructs aide to transmit classified data without markings

"Further, according to the Associated Press, the State Department said a review showed that the document in question was sent "apparently by secure fax, after all," and was never was sent to Clinton by email
the issue is hillary's specifically ordering a subordinate to strip from the document its classification header in order to send it by unprotected methods
that it eventually was successfully sent by secure methods does not forgive hillary's illegal order to her subordinate to ignore protocol relative to transmitting confidential material
this is THE smoking gun that tells us hillary's every insistence that her choice of communication methods was an inadvertent error was a lie

.... State Department spokesperson John Kirby said Friday that it is not uncommon for non-classified documents to be crafted and shared on the classified system." ...
i am sure there have been, altho that may be the exception rather than the rule. but that does not dismiss hillary's willingness to violate law in directing a subordinate to ignore security protocol
Re: Hillary e-mail instructs aide to transmit classified data without markings

What does this have to do with anything? Try to stay on topic.

Has to do with letting agencies investigate themselves. you seem ok if it protects hillary, I am wondering if your position is the same with other government agencies like police departments.

Do you know the classification status or if the document was even classified? Where is that confirmation?

Still not confirmed if the TPs were classified ....

As a hillary supporter, what would she have to do to loose your vote? she is embroiled in scandal after scandal, caught in lie after lie, in this case you have been shown by people like me who have handled classified information how we know that it was classified simply by the idea that hillary instructed her aid to strip the classification markings prior to sending it as an unsecure email.

What part of this gives your trouble?
Re: Hillary e-mail instructs aide to transmit classified data without markings

Nothing is going to happen to Hillary, people need to move on.

That's true. But it is disconcerting that half the country supports someone with so little moral character and honesty. It says something I don't like about our society.
Re: Hillary e-mail instructs aide to transmit classified data without markings

Its not a smoking gun because its missing several key pieces of information such as if the information was classified and if the header was removed... I mean look at the law cited in the OP link...

i am sure there have been, altho that may be the exception rather than the rule. but that does not dismiss hillary's willingness to violate law in directing a subordinate to ignore security protocol
Its of huge question if there is any violation of law here...

Has to do with letting agencies investigate themselves. you seem ok if it protects hillary, I am wondering if your position is the same with other government agencies like police departments.
I never knew that the FBI and the State Department were the same agency...

As a hillary supporter,
Im a Bernie supporter

what would she have to do to loose your vote?
She doesnt have my vote

she is embroiled in scandal after scandal,
Many of which are FAUX scandals being politically manipulated. Is this one of them? Its too early for me to tell. But examples of FAUX scandals, Benghazi attack, "speaking fees", etc.

caught in lie after lie, in this case you have been shown by people like me who have handled classified information
Again, where is the verification that this information was classified

how we know that it was classified simply by the idea that hillary instructed her aid to strip the classification markings prior to sending it as an unsecure email.
Hillary Clinton calls on him to turn it into a "non-paper". She says, "turn into nonpaper w no identifying heading and send nonsecure" Lets look into what a "non-paper" is in regards to state department lingo.

"However, it’s not clear that the request was quite the smoking gun Clinton’s critics think it was. In her email, the former secretary directed staff to turn the talking points into “non-paper” before sending it through non-secure channels. In the State Department, the term “non-paper” appears to have a pretty specific meaning.
As about 30 seconds on Google will reveal, the Department of State Foreign Affairs Manual defines non-paper as, “A written summary of a demarche or other verbal presentation to a foreign government. The non-paper should be drafted in the third person, and must not be directly attributable to the U.S. Government. It is prepared on plain paper (no letterhead or watermark). The heading or title, if any, is simply a statement of the issue or subject. (For example: ‘Genetically-Modified Organisms.’)”
If what Clinton was doing in that email was specifying that the talking points were to be turned into an anodyne statement of facts that the department felt comfortable sharing with a foreign government – and that seems pretty likely given the context – it’s probably a stretch to suggest that the FBI will be opening a criminal inquiry about it anytime soon."
The Latest Clinton Email ‘Smoking Gun’ May Be All Smoke | The Fiscal Times
Re: Hillary e-mail instructs aide to transmit classified data without markings

Its not a smoking gun because its missing several key pieces of information such as if the information was classified and if the header was removed... I mean look at the law cited in the OP link...

"Further, according to the Associated Press, the State Department said a review showed......

Thats what your post said.

Its of huge question if there is any violation of law here...

Only to those ignorant of how the classification system works, even when multiple who do have explained it.

I never knew that the FBI and the State Department were the same agency...

"Further, according to the Associated Press, the State Department said a review showed.....

Im a Bernie supporter

No you are not. If you were, you wouldn't be protecting Hillary like this. As long as Hillary is in the race, no bernie nomination will happen. And clearly you will vote for hillary when bernie does not get the nomination.

She doesnt have my vote

That's sort of what all bernie supporters say.... like trump supporters, you all hide the fact that you will vote your party no matter what.

Many of which are FAUX scandals being politically manipulated. Is this one of them? Its too early for me to tell. But examples of FAUX scandals, Benghazi attack, "speaking fees", etc.

Benghazi was legitimate. People died, she lied about what happened and why. speaking fees just shows how much of a corporatist elitist scumbag she is. Why does she get your protection?

Why do you ignore the dozens of things she's been involved with from her foundation, using fbi files, swedish slush fund, and on and on and on..... when do you say "if it smells like ****, it's probably ****"?

Again, where is the verification that this information was classified

Again, you wouldn't "strip" anything to send "non-secure" unless that thing was classified. How many times do we have to tell you this is how it works?

Hillary Clinton calls on him to turn it into a "non-paper". She says, "turn into nonpaper w no identifying heading and send nonsecure" Lets look into what a "non-paper" is in regards to state department lingo.

geeze d00d...

The level of classification (e.g., Top Secret), the caveat “Special Access Required” or its
acronym “SAR,” and the program nickname (e.g., BUTTER POPCORN) or code word (e.g.,
DAGGER), will be annotated on the banner line at the head and foot of each document page or
media containing SAP information. T


The classification is in the header and the footer. She is not refering to making it non identifying in the subject line, (which would be strange) but to strip from the header/footer the classification markings. This is illegal.

Furthermore, why is the subject redacted? Where are the redaction codes?

Which reason, do you think the subject was redacted for?

So which is it? that this document was never sent "in a non-secure manner", or that it's ok to send this document because of what it's speculated to be. Still begs the question as to why the subject is redacted with no code, and why the headers had to be stripped before one could transmit it unsecure. And if it wasn't sent at all, what was the classification of the document that she conspired with her aide to send non-secure?

I dealt with a lot of AAR's that were classified, If I even hinted at suggesting someone handle any of those documents like this, I would be in a heap of ****.
Re: Hillary e-mail instructs aide to transmit classified data without markings

like sandy berger? please show us how hillary removed classified documents from the National Archives like sandy berger

Berger- removed classified documents to shield himself from perjury and to shield Clinton from scrutiny over why he did nothing about OBL.

Hillary- deleted classified emails that were illegally sent in order to destroy evidence relating to the the Benghazi attack.

Re: Hillary e-mail instructs aide to transmit classified data without markings

Do you realize what storyline you decided to buy into?
That Hillary spent 4 years as SofS and never received an email with classified information from any Department in the Administration.
Re: Hillary e-mail instructs aide to transmit classified data without markings

Fox & Friends Pushes Baseless Claims About The FBI Probe into Clinton's Use of Private Email……..
Fox & Friends Touts Unfounded Claims About Clinton's Email, Including One From A Discredited Republican Lawyer…………
(YES, I know MediaMatters is a liberal site and therefore nothing they print is true………. ONLY PROBLEM one has trying to run that baloney as an argument is……………MediaMatters provides links to news reports from respected and reliable media news sources
Faux is cited as source of “news report” in the bevy of RW media news reports……. Another case of Faux inventing the news?

And Media Reports Have Repeatedly Confirmed That The FBI Probe Is Neither Criminal in Nature nor Targeting Hillary Clinton
National Security Experts Say There's No Evidence That Hillary Clinton Broke Any Laws by Requesting Talking Points Be Sent To Her Over A "Non-secure" Channel
NY Times: Hillary Clinton "Is Not A Target Of The Investigation."
CNN: Clinton "Has Not Personally Been Declared The Subject Of The Investigation Into Her Emails."

Don’t hold your breath waiting for HC to be indicted for some yet to discovered “crime”
Re: Hillary e-mail instructs aide to transmit classified data without markings

Do you realize what storyline you decided to buy into?
That Hillary spent 4 years as SofS and never received an email with classified information from any Department in the Administration.

Yeah, she didn't, and I'm the Duke of Franklin County, too.
Re: Hillary e-mail instructs aide to transmit classified data without markings

Yeah, she didn't, and I'm the Duke of Franklin County, too.
That person would have to have been appointed for some reason other than qualifications and everybody else would have to have known it.
I'll go with that story if that's what she says she wants.
(btw, I didn't mean you ... I'm sure you'd make one helluva Franklin County Duke)
Re: Hillary e-mail instructs aide to transmit classified data without markings

I won't give MM a click so could you possibly tell us what news sources you're/they're talking about?
Was it the NYT and CNN that you mentioned?

For one thing, how old were the pieces you're talking about? This story is 1 day old and it's about corruption involving the Clinton Foundation. Were your sources talking about that?
For another thing, I understand the FBI is under no obligation to notify the subject of their investigation.
Re: Hillary e-mail instructs aide to transmit classified data without markings

If you are too "busy" to read the material and citations.............It is now my job to do it for you?........And yes some of the cites are from NYT and WP............Like so what?

And for your information.........

The FBI and others is required to send a "target" letter to anyone who is the target of a federal investigation..............

.But in this case the FBI is NOT investigating HC..........and therefore a target letter would be superfluous ..........

AS I said...............Don't hold your breath waiting for HC to be indicted for some yet to discovered “crime”.........


Remember what Been-gone-zi amounted to?
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Re: Hillary e-mail instructs aide to transmit classified data without markings

....this isn't "going against established procedures". This is committing a felony. This is a federal crime.
Re: Hillary e-mail instructs aide to transmit classified data without markings

You should not presume that Benghazi is done. Nor should you take too much comfort from the absence (so far) of a target letter.
Re: Hillary e-mail instructs aide to transmit classified data without markings

I should not presume Benghazi is done?..............Rather..........it might be more on the mark to say after 7+ investigations some malfeasance/crime/conspiracy/wrong-doing is will be discovered.........

I take no comfort in the lack of a target letter...............But wish only to deal with what is real.....what is the current state of affairs............rather than hoping there will be in the near future a indictment for some yet to be discovered crime.........

Which in my reading/listening to the RW media is the only hope yall have from facing the inevitable............having to say President Clinton
Re: Hillary e-mail instructs aide to transmit classified data without markings

It is pretty funny how you ignore all of the previous posts that hammered your argument and now you start all over again. It pretty much shoots your validity in the ass.
Re: Hillary e-mail instructs aide to transmit classified data without markings

Every interpretation of 'secure fax' that does not guarantee that the contents of the TPs were not classified. Even your interpretation qualifies.

Terrible analogy.

The TPs had a classified heading. That is crystal clear. If it wasn't a classified heading there would be no reason to remove it. It will transfer to a non secure network with a ,....... never mind. You are doing that circle thing again.
Re: Hillary e-mail instructs aide to transmit classified data without markings

The TPs had a classified heading. That is crystal clear. If it wasn't a classified heading there would be no reason to remove it. It will transfer to a non secure network with a ,....... never mind. You are doing that circle thing again.

I hope there are people who can see the content of the TPs and make a better determination than i can.
Re: Hillary e-mail instructs aide to transmit classified data without markings

It is absolutely pathetic that those of the GOP stripe must hope/dream/wish for a HC criminal indictment as the only way to stop her from being elected President...and if that does not happen hope that voter suppression laws does the trick.........


Drop the mean-spirited racist stuff and adopt some progressive 21st century policies designed to meet and serve the needs of the citizens,,,,,,,,,

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