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Hillary Clinton tops list of Dems voters don't want in 2016 [W:72] (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Mar 11, 2009
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South Carolina
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Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is on top of yet another poll today. But it's not the result her team was hoping for.In a new Rasmussen Reports poll, Clinton tops five others as the one candidate voters don't want to win in 2016.
"Regardless of whom you would vote for, which candidate would you least like to see win the Democratic nomination in 2016? Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, Martin O'Malley, Andrew Cuomo, Antonio Villaraigosa or Cory Booker?" Rasmussen asked.
The results: Clinton 27 percent, Biden 24 percent. The rest were in the 15 percent to 17 percent, reported Rasmussen. Women are more enthusiastic supporters of Clinton than men are. Men are more likely to hope she doesn't get the Democratic nomination.
But wait: Clinton also topped the poll as the one Democrats most want as their nominee.

Poll: Hillary Clinton tops list of Dems voters don't want in 2016 | WashingtonExaminer.com

And here I thought repub's were having trouble with splits it their party....Demo's seem to be conflicted even within their own thoughts....
Re: Hillary Clinton tops list of Dems voters don't want in 2016

And here I thought repub's were having trouble with splits it their party....Demo's seem to be conflicted even within their own thoughts....

She was the overwhelming favorite for 2008... and they dumped her like a bad drug for an even less qualified candidate. Had it not been for Limbaugh, she would have been forced out of the race long before.

If there was such a great love and respect for (cough, cough) the smartest women in the world... the press and her party would have helped her stomp all over The Unqualified One.
Re: Hillary Clinton tops list of Dems voters don't want in 2016

It makes sense. Clinton and Biden are the only ones with real name recognition, so it makes sense they would lead both. Plus I seem to remember from 2008 there's a fair size group of democrats opposed to her.
Re: Hillary Clinton tops list of Dems voters don't want in 2016

Can America stomach hearing "Clinton" again or "Bush" (Jeb)? I'll gues we may see a young dark horse come out of the dems. I can't offer a guess for the reps.
Re: Hillary Clinton tops list of Dems voters don't want in 2016

The euphoria and leg tingling Obama created among minorities, liberals, unions, and college kids will be very difficult for the Democrats to repeat.

Empty, novel attributes aside, there is no substance to Obama. None. They know that, at least enough of them.

Democrats may very well just stay away this time, and let the adults handle things again.
Re: Hillary Clinton tops list of Dems voters don't want in 2016

Can America stomach hearing "Clinton" again or "Bush" (Jeb)? I'll gues we may see a young dark horse come out of the dems. I can't offer a guess for the reps.

The chatter for about 5 years has been Martin O'Malley from Maryland....God help us!
Re: Hillary Clinton tops list of Dems voters don't want in 2016

And here I thought repub's were having trouble with splits it their party....Demo's seem to be conflicted even within their own thoughts....

Wow! The spin from the Washington Examiner. The report by Rasmussen:

Hillary Clinton Is Leading Favorite

Hillary Clinton is the Democrat voters most want to see win her party’s presidential nomination in 2016 – and least want to see win that nomination, too. Among Democrats, she’s the overwhelming favorite.

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 63% of Likely Democratic Voters would choose Clinton if the 2016 Democratic presidential primary were held in their state today. Vice President Joe Biden is a distant second with 12% support. Several other prominent Democrats muster five percent (5%) or less support from voters in their own party. (To see survey question wording,

Re: Hillary Clinton tops list of Dems voters don't want in 2016

And here I thought repub's were having trouble with splits it their party....Demo's seem to be conflicted even within their own thoughts....

Can you show me a single republican candidate with an over 2 to 1 split those who want to those who do not want to get nomination? I mean, the dishonesty in presentation here is overwhelming, but when you follow it up with that stupid a comment it is unreal...
Re: Hillary Clinton tops list of Dems voters don't want in 2016

Seems the voters who don't want Hillary are the Republican ones.
Re: Hillary Clinton tops list of Dems voters don't want in 2016

Wow! The spin from the Washington Examiner. The report by Rasmussen:

Hillary Clinton Is Leading Favorite

Hillary Clinton is the Democrat voters most want to see win her party’s presidential nomination in 2016 – and least want to see win that nomination, too. Among Democrats, she’s the overwhelming favorite.

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 63% of Likely Democratic Voters would choose Clinton if the 2016 Democratic presidential primary were held in their state today. Vice President Joe Biden is a distant second with 12% support. Several other prominent Democrats muster five percent (5%) or less support from voters in their own party. (To see survey question wording,


I think Rassmussen came up with the same results, but they went further....Just because you don't like the outcome, you have to attack the source...Typical.
Re: Hillary Clinton tops list of Dems voters don't want in 2016

Can you show me a single republican candidate with an over 2 to 1 split those who want to those who do not want to get nomination? I mean, the dishonesty in presentation here is overwhelming, but when you follow it up with that stupid a comment it is unreal...

I can't help if you want to pick a flawed candidate....Hey, I hope you put up Hillary....Have fun with that.
Re: Hillary Clinton tops list of Dems voters don't want in 2016

I can't help if you want to pick a flawed candidate....Hey, I hope you put up Hillary....Have fun with that.

If the Republican field doesn't get better, she'll win even without my vote.
Re: Hillary Clinton tops list of Dems voters don't want in 2016

I think Rassmussen came up with the same results, but they went further....Just because you don't like the outcome, you have to attack the source...Typical.
Laughing My ****ing Ass Off. The Washington Examiner article is based on Rassmusen, didn't you read what you posted?
Re: Hillary Clinton tops list of Dems voters don't want in 2016

If the Republican field doesn't get better, she'll win even without my vote.

Again with the faulty line of letting liberals pick our field eh? Oh brother. :doh:
Re: Hillary Clinton tops list of Dems voters don't want in 2016

Laughing My ****ing Ass Off. The Washington Examiner article is based on Rassmusen, didn't you read what you posted?

Well, like I said, I hope you do get Hillary....I suspect they are drafting the ads now....Please give us an easy target for 2016....
Re: Hillary Clinton tops list of Dems voters don't want in 2016

I can't help if you want to pick a flawed candidate....Hey, I hope you put up Hillary....Have fun with that.

So when caught trying to distort results, you change the subject. Let me ask again, can you show a single republican candidate who polls as well as Clinton? If not, then your premise in this thread fails.
Re: Hillary Clinton tops list of Dems voters don't want in 2016

Again with the faulty line of letting liberals pick our field eh? Oh brother. :doh:

I'm not picking anything. That tactic of yours still holds no water. I'm merely making an observation. You can't win with them. I've been right twice now. It will take another face. You pick it. But the ones you had so far will never win. That's just an observation.
Re: Hillary Clinton tops list of Dems voters don't want in 2016

So when caught trying to distort results, you change the subject. Let me ask again, can you show a single republican candidate who polls as well as Clinton? If not, then your premise in this thread fails.

It's the most common tactic seen here on DP. :coffeepap
Re: Hillary Clinton tops list of Dems voters don't want in 2016

So when caught trying to distort results, you change the subject. Let me ask again, can you show a single republican candidate who polls as well as Clinton? If not, then your premise in this thread fails.

No, you fail at trying as hard as you can in trying to deflect the thread topic into a discussion about republicans....This isn't about the repub potential field, if you want to talk about that then start your own thread.
Re: Hillary Clinton tops list of Dems voters don't want in 2016

It's the most common tactic seen here on DP. :coffeepap

What's that? trying to have a discussion about demo's, when you clearly only want to talk about your opposition, falsely I might add?
Re: Hillary Clinton tops list of Dems voters don't want in 2016

Well, like I said, I hope you do get Hillary....I suspect they are drafting the ads now....Please give us an easy target for 2016....
As long as Fox is involved with the selection of the candidate(safe haven for GOP candidates) , the Republicans will have a loser just like they did in 2008 and 2012. Just wait and see.
Re: Hillary Clinton tops list of Dems voters don't want in 2016

IMO, a Hill-Billy victory would be bad for women. She not only rode in on Bill's coattails, but she also traded in her self respect years ago in exchange for that free ride. I'd much rather see a true leader like Elizabeth Warren be the first female president than a follower like Hillary any day.
Re: Hillary Clinton tops list of Dems voters don't want in 2016

As long as Fox is involved with the selection of the candidate(safe haven for GOP candidates) , the Republicans will have a loser just like they did in 2008 and 2012. Just wait and see.

Ah yes, It's all FNC's fault....:roll: What's the matter Pete? Has Media Matters run out of original attacks?
Re: Hillary Clinton tops list of Dems voters don't want in 2016

What's that? trying to have a discussion about demo's, when you clearly only want to talk about your opposition, falsely I might add?

Obama was very beatable. How did the republican field do? I ret my case.

As for what I want to talk about, I merely answered what you said. I don't think you know flawed. If you did, you see it both ways.

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