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Hillary Clinton: The Unpopular, Corrupt, Shameless Habitual Liar Democrats Deserve. (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jul 19, 2012
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Let's pause from hating on Trump for a moment and hate on the other one.

Yes, Democrats voted for her. Or the superdelegates will, at least. So they can just stew in their own juices.

And now, back to Trump:

Can you believe Trump complained about a judge who he thinks is ethnically biased against him? The nerve of that guy.

Justice Sonia Sotomayor, the "wise Latina" who at one point implied that ethnic minority judges should or may benefit their own group with their unique ethnic perspective from the bench, had no comment. Nor did the umpteen billion liberals who supported her in that statement.

[Sotomayor] pivoted to her view of the judiciary, bluntly rejecting the argument of conservative legal thinkers that judges should decide cases purely on close readings of facts and law, excluding their own frames of reference. "Our gender and national origins may and will make a difference in our judging," Sotomayor told the audience at the University of California at Berkeley that day in October 2001. "Personal experiences affect the facts that judges choose to see. . . . I wonder whether by ignoring our differences as women or men of color we do a disservice both to the law and society."

Sotomayor Has Said Gender and Ethnicity 'Make a Difference' in Judging

So an uncharitable reading of this would be that Sotomayor rejects the rule of law as the basis for judicial decisions, yet in other statements she has tried to make it clear that she tries to be impartial and to follow the law. So I'm not sure what she's saying. Perhaps only that a certain amount of bias is unavoidable. It seems clear, though, that liberals find ethic bias in judges to be praiseworthy depending on who benefits. Or else why do we even bother with trying to increase diversity? Why is having 9 men or 9 white people on the SCOTUS a bad thing?
Re: Hillary Clinton: The Unpopular, Corrupt, Shameless Habitual Liar Democrats Deserv

So does the existence of 2 racist make either one less racist. This "they do it too" argument is sooo 5th grade.
Re: Hillary Clinton: The Unpopular, Corrupt, Shameless Habitual Liar Democrats Deserv

Let's pause from hating on Trump for a moment and hate on the other one.

Yes, Democrats voted for her. Or the superdelegates will, at least. So they can just stew in their own juices.

And now, back to Trump:

Can you believe Trump complained about a judge who he thinks is ethnically biased against him? The nerve of that guy.

Justice Sonia Sotomayor, the "wise Latina" who at one point implied that ethnic minority judges should or may benefit their own group with their unique ethnic perspective from the bench, had no comment. Nor did the umpteen billion liberals who supported her in that statement.

:shrug: if the argument is that Trump has taken Democrat/Liberal Race-Mongering and brought it into the Republican Party by race-mongering for whites, while lying so much as to rival Hillary Clinton at it...

....I agree. And one of them will probably be President of the most powerful country in the history of the human history

:drinks heavily:
Re: Hillary Clinton: The Unpopular, Corrupt, Shameless Habitual Liar Democrats Deserv

So does the existence of 2 racist make either one less racist. This "they do it too" argument is sooo 5th grade.

It's a worthy point to make when liberals jump on Trump for it. At least the GOP hasn't (yet) institutionalized this yet, like the Democrats have, and GOP leadership is coming out against it instead of, you know, saying that's it's positive and needed on SCOTUS.
Re: Hillary Clinton: The Unpopular, Corrupt, Shameless Habitual Liar Democrats Deserv

Racism is racism from either political side. This is one of the problems with a two party system, the evil in one tends to justify the evil in the other, at least to partisans.
It's a worthy point to make when liberals jump on Trump for it. At least the GOP hasn't (yet) institutionalized this yet, like the Democrats have, and GOP leadership is coming out against it instead of, you know, saying that's it's positive and needed on SCOTUS.
Re: Hillary Clinton: The Unpopular, Corrupt, Shameless Habitual Liar Democrats Deserv

So an uncharitable reading of this would be that Sotomayor rejects the rule of law as the basis for judicial decisions, yet in other statements she has tried to make it clear that she tries to be impartial and to follow the law. So I'm not sure what she's saying. Perhaps only that a certain amount of bias is unavoidable. It seems clear, though, that liberals find ethic bias in judges to be praiseworthy depending on who benefits. Or else why do we even bother with trying to increase diversity? Why is having 9 men or 9 white people on the SCOTUS a bad thing?

Why is 2/3rds of the your post directed to Justice Sotomayor in a thread that is supposed to be about Hillary Clinton...

The attacks on Trump and support for the statements made by Sotomayor are not conflicting. Sotomayor is speaking about a generalized bias that is the result of your entire life, including your race and sex. Everyone is biased - it is unavoidable. The question for judges is whether they are capable, in a particular fact scenario and when faced with a specific set of parites, of setting aside that general bias in order to apply the law to the facts in a justifiable manner.

On the other hand, Trump is taking a specific fact and legal scenario and claiming that the reason for the unfairness is solely because of the Judge's race. Trump is directly accusing the judge of being unable to abide by his own judicial oath and code of conduct merely because of his race.

Frankly, it pisses me off especially because I am an attorney and I have an understanding of what it is that Judges must go through in order to obtain the position and the constant scrutiny that they, and others, place on them in order to avoid the specific type of bias that will actually influence a judge's decision in an unfair manner.

In the end, if you really think this judge is inherently biased and should be dismissed from the case - you should file the motion and suffer the appropriate punishment because Trump's lawyers clearly do not want to be punished for such an indefensible legal motion.
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Re: Hillary Clinton: The Unpopular, Corrupt, Shameless Habitual Liar Democrats Deserv

Let's pause from hating on Trump for a moment and hate on the other one.

Yes, Democrats voted for her. Or the superdelegates will, at least. So they can just stew in their own juices.

And now, back to Trump:

Can you believe Trump complained about a judge who he thinks is ethnically biased against him? The nerve of that guy.

Justice Sonia Sotomayor, the "wise Latina" who at one point implied that ethnic minority judges should or may benefit their own group with their unique ethnic perspective from the bench, had no comment. Nor did the umpteen billion liberals who supported her in that statement.

Sotomayor Has Said Gender and Ethnicity 'Make a Difference' in Judging

So an uncharitable reading of this would be that Sotomayor rejects the rule of law as the basis for judicial decisions, yet in other statements she has tried to make it clear that she tries to be impartial and to follow the law. So I'm not sure what she's saying. Perhaps only that a certain amount of bias is unavoidable. It seems clear, though, that liberals find ethic bias in judges to be praiseworthy depending on who benefits. Or else why do we even bother with trying to increase diversity? Why is having 9 men or 9 white people on the SCOTUS a bad thing?

What's with the misleading headline, you getting paid per hit?
Anyway, there's a difference between 'frame of reference'(she cites childhood memories in the article, pigs feet and beans and merengue), and 'he's biased against me because he's Mexican!'. It's a subtle difference, admittedly, and will be lost in the blaring outrage, but it matters.
Re: Hillary Clinton: The Unpopular, Corrupt, Shameless Habitual Liar Democrats Deserv

What's with the misleading headline, you getting paid per hit?
Anyway, there's a difference between 'frame of reference'(she cites childhood memories in the article, pigs feet and beans and merengue), and 'he's biased against me because he's Mexican!'. It's a subtle difference, admittedly, and will be lost in the blaring outrage, but it matters.

Actually, no, it doesn't matter - or at least it shouldn't. Both Sotomayor and Trump are wrong here. As is anyone who supports what either of them have stated on the record regarding this issue.
Re: Hillary Clinton: The Unpopular, Corrupt, Shameless Habitual Liar Democrats Deserv

Sotomayor is speaking about a generalized bias that is the result of your entire life, including your race and sex. Everyone is biased - it is unavoidable. The question for judges is whether they are capable, in a particular fact scenario and when faced with a specific set of parites, of setting aside that general bias in order to apply the law to the facts in a justifiable manner.

You are taking bias and putting it on stilts. It doesn't matter why the bias exists; what matters is the results.

On the other hand, Trump is taking a specific fact and legal scenario and claiming that the reason for the unfairness is solely because of the Judge's race. Trump is directly accusing the judge of being unable to abide by his own judicial oath and code of conduct merely because of his race.

Lawyers often state their cases in extreme ways to make a point. I don't know why Trump is forbidden to use that strategy. He's trying to convince people that he's not getting a fair trial.

It is liberals who have made race such a critically important factor in who becomes a judge or who sits on a jury. This is clearly because they believe race in and of itself can change rulings and verdicts. How can they with a straight face complain when someone uses their own ideas?

Frankly, it pisses me off especially because I am an attorney and I have an understanding of what it is that Judges must go through in order to obtain the position and the constant scrutiny that they, and others, place on them in order to avoid the specific type of bias that will actually influence a judge's decision in an unfair manner.

If you thought you were not getting fair rulings in a trial would the judge's ethnicity forbid you from complaining about it?

In the end, if you really think this judge is inherently biased and should be dismissed from the case - you should file the motion and suffer the appropriate punishment because Trump's lawyers clearly do not want to be punished for such an indefensible legal motion.

The issue is the politics, not the legalities.
Re: Hillary Clinton: The Unpopular, Corrupt, Shameless Habitual Liar Democrats Deserv

So does the existence of 2 racist make either one less racist. This "they do it too" argument is sooo 5th grade.

Sounds like my little brothers and sisters

"Mom, Jake hit me!"

"Mom, Jordan hit me first!"

"Did not!"

"Did so!"

"Did not!"

Repeat over and over and over again.

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