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Hillary’s state dept. Blocked investigation into orlando killer’s mosque (1 Viewer)


Educating the Ignorant
DP Veteran
Dec 19, 2008
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Hillary Clinton’s State Dept. shut down an investigation into the mosque Orlando killer Omar Mir Siddique Mateen attended because it “unfairly singled out Muslims.”

The Fort Pierce Islamic Center, where Mateen worshipped several times a week, was under investigation by both the FBI and DHS as early as 2011 for ties to a worldwide Islamic movement known as Tablighi Jamaal which was linked to several terrorist organizations.

But the investigation was shut down under pressure from the Clinton-ran State Dept. and DHS’s Civil Rights and Civil Liberties Office out of fear of offending Muslims, according to recently retired DHS agent Philip Haney.

Hillary’s State Dept. Blocked Investigation into Orlando Killer’s Mosque » Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Retired DHS Agent Philip Haney, should be interviewed by all major networks.

And the MO fits.

"Unfairly singled out Muslims". Isn't this the administration that said our troops coming home We're a threat? Yes it was. They singled out our troops, but we cannot single out areas of known threats?????

Napolitano was the subject of controversy after the release of a Department of Homeland Security threat assessment report that was seen as derogatory towards armed forces veterans. The report focused on potential threats from the radical right.[33] Rightwing [sic] Extremism: Current Economic and Political Climate Fueling Resurgence in Radicalization and Recruitment[34] was made public in April 2009. The report suggested several factors, including the election of the first black or mixed race President in the person of Barack Obama, perceived future gun control measures, illegal immigration, the economic downturn beginning in 2008, the abortion controversy, and disgruntled military veterans' possible vulnerability to recruitment efforts by extremist groups as potential risk factors regarding right-wing extremism recruitment.[35]

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Komrade...infowars! Really?

First step in shape-shifting-alien takeovers is always start with having the local state departments ignore radical mosques. It's standard operating procedure.
Retired DHS Agent Philip Haney, should be interviewed by all major networks.

And the MO fits.

"Unfairly singled out Muslims". Isn't this the administration that said our troops coming home We're a threat? Yes it was. They singled out our troops, but we cannot single out areas of known threats?????

Napolitano was the subject of controversy after the release of a Department of Homeland Security threat assessment report that was seen as derogatory towards armed forces veterans. The report focused on potential threats from the radical right.[33] Rightwing [sic] Extremism: Current Economic and Political Climate Fueling Resurgence in Radicalization and Recruitment[34] was made public in April 2009. The report suggested several factors, including the election of the first black or mixed race President in the person of Barack Obama, perceived future gun control measures, illegal immigration, the economic downturn beginning in 2008, the abortion controversy, and disgruntled military veterans' possible vulnerability to recruitment efforts by extremist groups as potential risk factors regarding right-wing extremism recruitment.[35]


Infowars and WND?

Say, are you interested in a perpetual-motion brick I have for sale? I traded a Yeti pelt for it to the Elohim, so you know it's genuine.
Komrade...infowars! Really?

DHS Agent... Really.

Philip Haney: Orlando Shooting ‘Remarkably Similar’ to San Bernardino, ‘There’s a Lot of Overlap in the Two Networks’ - Breitbart

I could have stopped San Bernardino attack but Feds shut me down, Phil Haney claims | Daily Mail Online

DHS ordered me to scrub records of Muslims with terror ties | TheHill

It fits the MO of our clowns running the show, and echoes recent statements by I'm Not a Crook Hillary.


Even a small wattage mind is a terrible thing to waste... Really.

The Obama Regime can warn and point fingers at our servicemen and women as threats, but not Radical Islam. That's the Demokrat Partei... Really.
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The following from The Daily Mail probably doesn't phase the Demokrats:

A founding member of Department of Homeland Security says a database he spent years creating could have helped stop the San Bernardino terror attack, before it was destroyed by federal officials.

Phil Haney, who investigated terror groups in the wake of 9/11, claims he investigated two groups with links to terror killers Syed Farook and Tashfeen Malik as far back as 2012.

If he had been allowed to continue his probe, he claims, it would have flagged the pair to the security services, and may have stopped them killing 14 people and injuring 21 in California last week.

However, he says government civil rights officials destroyed the information he collected over fears he was unfairly profiling Muslims, investigated him, and then stripped him of his security clearance.

Read more: I could have stopped San Bernardino attack but Feds shut me down, Phil Haney claims | Daily Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

Well, the LBGT community which Radical Muslims have targeted... will be comforted to know Radical Muslims will not be profiled.
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This guy seems to be a fraud to me. Even a basic Internet search for him results in all sorts of claims that he could have stopped multiple attacks, which never surface until after the fact. The guy says he retired in 2015 so how exactly is he substantiating his claim that he could have prevented this?
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I'm skeptical. If this was a domestic investigation then the State Department wouldn't have any say in the matter.
Retired DHS Agent Philip Haney, should be interviewed by all major networks.

And the MO fits.

"Unfairly singled out Muslims". Isn't this the administration that said our troops coming home We're a threat? Yes it was. They singled out our troops, but we cannot single out areas of known threats?????

Napolitano was the subject of controversy after the release of a Department of Homeland Security threat assessment report that was seen as derogatory towards armed forces veterans. The report focused on potential threats from the radical right.[33] Rightwing [sic] Extremism: Current Economic and Political Climate Fueling Resurgence in Radicalization and Recruitment[34] was made public in April 2009. The report suggested several factors, including the election of the first black or mixed race President in the person of Barack Obama, perceived future gun control measures, illegal immigration, the economic downturn beginning in 2008, the abortion controversy, and disgruntled military veterans' possible vulnerability to recruitment efforts by extremist groups as potential risk factors regarding right-wing extremism recruitment.[35]


Yeah, but if we pass gun control legislation we will keep the guns out of the hands of criminals. Right.
This guy seems to be a fraud to me. Even a basic Internet search for him results in all sorts of claims that he could have stopped multiple attacks, which never surface until after the fact. The guy says he retired in 2015 so how exactly is he substantiating his claim that he could have prevented this?

Read the articles.

He claimed he could have helped stop the San Bernardino Massacre... But he and his information collection was shut down... And to top it off deleted... Because the Obama folks believed it was "profiling".

These folks do not go around advertising what they stopped usually. It only tips of the murderous enemy.
Read the articles.

He claimed he could have helped stop the San Bernardino Massacre... But he and his information collection was shut down... And to top it off deleted... Because the Obama folks believed it was "profiling".

These folks do not go around advertising what they stopped usually. It only tips of the murderous enemy.

I read it and I don't find his claims to be credible.
Retired DHS Agent Philip Haney, should be interviewed by all major networks.

And the MO fits.

"Unfairly singled out Muslims". Isn't this the administration that said our troops coming home We're a threat? Yes it was. They singled out our troops, but we cannot single out areas of known threats?????

Napolitano was the subject of controversy after the release of a Department of Homeland Security threat assessment report that was seen as derogatory towards armed forces veterans. The report focused on potential threats from the radical right.[33] Rightwing [sic] Extremism: Current Economic and Political Climate Fueling Resurgence in Radicalization and Recruitment[34] was made public in April 2009. The report suggested several factors, including the election of the first black or mixed race President in the person of Barack Obama, perceived future gun control measures, illegal immigration, the economic downturn beginning in 2008, the abortion controversy, and disgruntled military veterans' possible vulnerability to recruitment efforts by extremist groups as potential risk factors regarding right-wing extremism recruitment.[35]


It seems the only military that has attacked and murdered en masse, is the asshole at Ft. Hood.

Obama did not call it Terrorism from a Radical Islamist... Nope... What was it... Workplace violence or some such nonsense.

Obama and his Regime can easily point fingers at We the People, and our veterans... But not identify the obvious... Attacks done by those who embrace Radical Islam... And Hillary can't either. (Just read her quote from after Pulse/Orlando).
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I read it and I don't find his claims to be credible.
Watch this and tell me the guy isn't credible.

These deaths at the hands of Radical Islam are in large part the result of Obama's Political Correctness. Blood on the hands of Obama... and while his fingers are dripping with it, he points at us.
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not credible.

rotflol... Except for the fact it has cost people their lives, and will cost more people their lives in the future.
Infowars... Oy vey.
Ignoring the fact that this is coming from the original 9/11 truther site, why the knee-jerk assumption in the OP that the killing was because he was a muslim, rather than that he was one of the MYRIAD people in this country who hate gay people?
didnt want to offend the muslims. they ALL need to be investigated. if necessary we have federal land to move them to for containment.
didnt want to offend the muslims. they ALL need to be investigated. if necessary we have federal land to move them to for containment.

More moderate stances from a Trump supporter.

Sent from a flower watered by the tears of Trump supporters and crazy newb liberals.
What an utter disgrace the news media had been brought down to. There was a time when a news network wouldn't have released a story until there was corroborating evidence. Now all you need is some random guy with a story and you go to press. Pathetic.
Retired DHS Agent Philip Haney, should be interviewed by all major networks.

And the MO fits.

"Unfairly singled out Muslims". Isn't this the administration that said our troops coming home We're a threat? Yes it was. They singled out our troops, but we cannot single out areas of known threats?????

Napolitano was the subject of controversy after the release of a Department of Homeland Security threat assessment report that was seen as derogatory towards armed forces veterans. The report focused on potential threats from the radical right.[33] Rightwing [sic] Extremism: Current Economic and Political Climate Fueling Resurgence in Radicalization and Recruitment[34] was made public in April 2009. The report suggested several factors, including the election of the first black or mixed race President in the person of Barack Obama, perceived future gun control measures, illegal immigration, the economic downturn beginning in 2008, the abortion controversy, and disgruntled military veterans' possible vulnerability to recruitment efforts by extremist groups as potential risk factors regarding right-wing extremism recruitment.[35]

I can't wrap my head around what they want with these Muslims. Why they keep making excuses for them.

I hate to think they are worried they'll have egg on their face should they realize what Islam is.
"Every liberal is a fascist at heart." -Anon

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