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Hi (1 Viewer)


New member
Oct 30, 2005
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Bay Area, California
Political Leaning
Hellooo, I'm currently a student right now. I was forum searching for something interesting and I struck upon this, I have a tenacious determination in opening my mind to diffrent political views. Which brings me to ask, Is there any recommendable books to strengthn political views in a certain area? I'm open to learn anything, so please share some good books or sites.
Hello Neophyte!:2wave:


Here's a link to a thread on this forum with a list of books that may be of some interest...


Hope to see ya on the threads :2wave:


Partisan bottle battles are studied in depth in "Fox in Sox". "My time in Gay Parrie" by Ayran Imperium is also noteworthy. "A study of the brainwashed Neanderthal thug galenrox" looks at the darker side of politics. Of course the final word in Libertarian views can be found in "The collective works of teacher", now with pictures.
Neophyte said:
Hellooo, I'm currently a student right now. I was forum searching for something interesting and I struck upon this, I have a tenacious determination in opening my mind to diffrent political views. Which brings me to ask, Is there any recommendable books to strengthn political views in a certain area? I'm open to learn anything, so please share some good books or sites.

The Enemy Within. Liberalism Is A Mental Disorder. and The Savage Nation

If you read those you will be on track.
galenrox said:
Ignore him, he's from Florida, so he's obviously a sissy and doesn't count.
To make it here, you need to remember 2 things.
Galen rules, and teacher drools (and he likes it in the butt)
Keep it in mind always, it's cool, I checked.



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