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Hi there! (1 Viewer)


New member
Apr 3, 2005
Reaction score
Stillwater, MN
I've been lurking in the shadows for a while and decided I might as well join up. :cool:

I'm known as SpheryEyne, or SE for short. As a high-school student from Minnesota, I'm not yet old enough to vote, smoke, marry or drink, but as politics affect my life as well as any adult's, I like to debate and try to sort out the issues as they pertain to me. I'm hoping I'll have the chance to do that here.

As far as my ideology goes, to all extents and purposes I'm a liberal Democrat (or, since I'm from MN, a DFLer). But don't be alarmed, because although I'm female, liberal and under 20, I'm open-minded and fair to other points of view.

'Tis good to be here. I'll be around...

;) SE
Welcome to Debate Politics, SpheryEyne!

Good to see another Minnesotan in this joint!

A big hello from the Motherland!

Go and bite some Republicans!
Hi SpheryEyne, :2wave:


Have Fun and Happy Posting ! :lol:
:wcm SE!

We have quite a few young adult members.
It is good to see young ladies interested in politics as well.

The diversity here is becoming outstanding.
We are definatly taking political discussion to new hieghts.
A Big Hello From Me!

This website is great. But very addicting!
Hello and Welcome.
vauge said:
:wcm SE!

We have quite a few young adult members.
It is good to see young ladies interested in politics as well.

The diversity here is becoming outstanding.
We are definatly taking political discussion to new hieghts.

And sometimes new depths! ;)
SpheryEyne said:
I've been lurking in the shadows for a while and decided I might as well join up. :cool:

I'm known as SpheryEyne, or SE for short. As a high-school student from Minnesota, I'm not yet old enough to vote, smoke, marry or drink, but as politics affect my life as well as any adult's, I like to debate and try to sort out the issues as they pertain to me. I'm hoping I'll have the chance to do that here.

As far as my ideology goes, to all extents and purposes I'm a liberal Democrat (or, since I'm from MN, a DFLer). But don't be alarmed, because although I'm female, liberal and under 20, I'm open-minded and fair to other points of view.

'Tis good to be here. I'll be around...

;) SE

Welcome to Debate Politics!
Thanks for the warm welcomes, everyone!

shuamort, you from St. Paul? I'm currently residing and abiding in the quaint and rural suburb of Stillwater, just a few miles to your north. :cool:

:) SE

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