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Hi Guys. First Time Poster (1 Viewer)



Hi guys. First time poster long time reader.
Just wanted to say "Hi" ;)

On a side note my Hubby is REAL excited about
this new IPO stock GRDX. They just started trading
this one like 2 days ago. It's already almost
doubled in just 2 days! My Husband is really
excited about this stock. Say's it could make us
some really BIG money. You guys should check it out.
Just spreading the wealth ;)
Go to http://www.otcbb.com
and check symbol : GRDX you will see how big the
growth is :) Let me know what you guys think ;)
Welcome to Debate Politics! :)
Welcome! :2wave:

Out of curioisty, what would you call yourself politically?
Hi cole438 :2wave:

My guess? Capitolist... lol

Welcome to Debate Politics!
flat tax. whoo whoo whoo! What party are you cole438?
Thanks for the great advice, i'll look
into it and check it out. :2wave:
Also, to that question to what I would call myself politically, I would call myself a conservative republican . I support Bush all the way. If anyone wishes to debate my veiws, then, well, this is what is site is all about.
Locke said:
Also, to that question to what I would call myself politically, I would call myself a conservative republican . I support Bush all the way. If anyone wishes to debate my veiws, then, well, this is what is site is all about.

Awesome - we need more peeps on this side!

If you want, go into your "User CP" and then "group memberships" - join the conservative group. This will put elephants under your name.

vauge said:
Awesome - we need more peeps on this side!

If you want, go into your "User CP" and then "group memberships" - join the conservative group. This will put elephants under your name.

No you don't, lol. This entire place is full of conservatives! Serve the light side! Serve the light side! :mrgreen:
Welcome Cole... nice try to pump your stock!

Remember, what goes up inevitbly comes down... as Kenny Rogers said, "know when to hold them, and know when to fold them". I've taken two companies public and know the old "pump and dump" story... so don't fall in love with GDRX for the long term.... good luck!
Money Easily gained is money easily lost.

Also, if it seems to good to be true, it may very well be. Not to discourage, but to encourage.

Proceed with caution.

The way of the wise leads to wealth.

The Voice

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