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Hi from India (1 Viewer)


New member
Dec 29, 2005
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Greetings From An Earthling!

Hi everyone!:wave:

please allow me the honor of greeting everyone on these forums.

Thanking you.
Hello vaid!:2wave:

Greetings from a Ceresian:2wave:

I hear there's a bunch of poor people in India, as everywhere else on your little Earth.:sigh:
Greetings, vaid!

Welcome to Debate Politics! :2wave:
vaid said:
Greetings From An Earthling!

Hi everyone!:wave:

please allow me the honor of greeting everyone on these forums.

Thanking you.
Greetings from Texas. Plenty of Indians here, but I think they speak a different language than you do. When the first explorers found America, they actually thought they had reached the Orient, so called the first people they saw Indians. Man, were the British and Spanish dumb. They didnt even see a single computer programmer here when they made that leap of logic. :)

Speaking of offshoring, America was Britain's first attempt at it. They offshored everybody they didnt like, especially those who questioned the government. You could say that America was the original Guantanamo. Offshoring for the British failed miserably when Americans told the king of England to shove it. Made the British so mad, they marched back over here and burned the White House to the ground. We won eventually, though, and today the British Prime Minister is our President's lap dog.

Maybe you guys will tell the New World Order to shove it too. Just dont burn down the White House in the process, and we will leave the Taj Mahal alone. Deal? :) Enough of my politically incorrect fractured history lessons. Welcome aboard. :)
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