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Hi all! (1 Viewer)


New member
Jul 31, 2005
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Political Leaning
Hi I am a new member to the forums I am 14 years old and I am very involved my political party and politics. Ever since I became active in my political party in December 2004 I have gone to the Michigan State convention, I have helped in a parade for one of my state senators, I started my own teenage republican chapter in my county, and I am going to the Mackinac Conference in September for free. In school I study german for my foreign laguage.
Very nice. I still get all googley when I see young adults involved in politics.

Welcome to Debate Politics!
Aaron said:
Hi I am a new member to the forums I am 14 years old and I am very involved my political party and politics. Ever since I became active in my political party in December 2004 I have gone to the Michigan State convention, I have helped in a parade for one of my state senators, I started my own teenage republican chapter in my county, and I am going to the Mackinac Conference in September for free. In school I study german for my foreign laguage.

Wow....Big head start on life...Don't ever let your convictions be swayed.


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