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Heylo (1 Viewer)


New member
Jan 5, 2006
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Political Leaning
Heylo everyone. I'm not sure what the average age of the people on this site is, but I will quite simply express that being 16 does not make a person any less qualified to handle current politics. Debating is more of a hobby to me than just a "verb". Nevertheless, its great to be registered here and to be able to see all sides of an issue than just one's own. It is what can truly expand a person's mind.
By the way, if anyone here supports Kerry and is looking for a fight, then you can contact me:mrgreen:
Welcome to Debate Politics, PoliticalToaster!:2wave:
Hello PoliticalToaster!:2wave:

PoliticalToaster said:
Heylo everyone. I'm not sure what the average age of the people on this site is, but I will quite simply express that being 16 does not make a person any less qualified to handle current politics. Debating is more of a hobby to me than just a "verb". Nevertheless, its great to be registered here and to be able to see all sides of an issue than just one's own. It is what can truly expand a person's mind.
By the way, if anyone here supports Kerry and is looking for a fight, then you can contact me:mrgreen:

Welcome to DP. Just what we need another more Swift Boat Veteran hackery. I can't wait until the Swifties to start slamming the service records of the Iraqi vets running for Congress in 06 :roll:

I like toast.
Welcome to Debate Politics PoliticalToaster!



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