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New member
Sep 10, 2005
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I'm 26, like long walks on the beach, cozy fires and, wait, oh wrong wesbite.:doh

Val here. Found this site while looking for statistics on the welfare state.

My interests are Political Science, Constitutional Law, New Forms Of Govt.

My hobbies are, but not limited to,

Reading, Video Games(FPS, Strategy, RPG's 3rd Person action Adventure), Hunting, driving, Parachutuing & (Paratrooper History) Studies of Cryptozoology Esotericism, Music, traveling, movies.

EDIT: Love Anime too.
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Are you a warcarft fan? I am soo guilty of playing WOW for way to many hours.

Welcome to Debate Politics!
Welcome to Debate Politics!

Thank you.

Are you a warcarft fan? I am soo guilty of playing WOW for way to many hours.

Nah, I could never get into Warcraft for some reason, go figure. I'm not to big on MMPORGs either, although I think I'll be making an exception for the new Elder Scrolls.
Elder scrolls!?

*puts finger in ears, I don't need another game to play*
Welcome to Debate Politics, Valis!

Excellent intro!

I'm a Half-Lifer.:cool:
Ah found memories of halflife.. You from Philly too?

Born and mostly raised in Kensington/Port Richmond.:cool:
Glad you decided to participate.

I'm more of god-game kind of gamer. I don't have any of the latest shooters of rpgs.

Last game that I paid money for was Civ III.
I also have Pirates which I got for $2 and WarCraft III which I got for $1.

If it's not in bargain bin I prob'ly ain't buying it.
Valis said:
Ah found memories of halflife.. You from Philly too?

Born and mostly raised in Kensington/Port Richmond.:cool:

Born & bred in the NE!...2 Blocks from the Academy exit.

My sister lives in my grandfather's house on Tilton Street right off of Richmond & Allegheny.:2wave:
Simon W. Moon said:
Glad you decided to participate.

I'm more of god-game kind of gamer. I don't have any of the latest shooters of rpgs.

Last game that I paid money for was Civ III.
I also have Pirates which I got for $2 and WarCraft III which I got for $1.

If it's not in bargain bin I prob'ly ain't buying it.

I have Civ III PTW, and am thoroughly addicted to it. :)
Wow look at all the computer game junkies. ;) I confess to being a fan of warcraft II, but III just didn't do it for me. Diablo was pretty cool too...

Hi. :2wave: Welcome to the forum. This is my new video game. :mrgreen:
Welcome to Debate Politics Valis :2wave: Hope to see ya in the threads!

Thanx for the replies people!!

I have Civ III PTW, and am thoroughly addicted to it. :)

My brother has that game, and is in love with it.

Born & bred in the NE!...2 Blocks from the Academy exit..

I know the area well. Recently lived across the street from Holy Family College.

My sister lives in my grandfather's house on Tilton Street right off of Richmond & Allegheny

That's a good part of Richmond, has'nt been affected by Gentrification or scetion 8 yet. Hope it stays that way too.
Welcome Valis :2wave:
Welcome Mate.

I used to play on a "clan" for competition in Desert Combat. But now I only play Counter-Strike: Source. Dust 2 To be specific, I've lost interest in many games :-(
Wassup Phoenix!

used to play on a "clan" for competition in Desert Combat. But now I only play Counter-Strike: Source. Dust 2 To be specific,

The only clan I ever played for, was the Roman clan on the AVP Multiplayer a few years back. Fun experiance.

I've lost interest in many games

I know how you feel. Just can't get into them the way I used too. Although this looks like it's going to be one of the best uears we've had in gaming in a long time..Seems like there are just tons of awsome games comming out in the next few months.
wassup, welcome to the forum!

How about Hunter the Reckoning! That ****'s the ****!!!!

Liked it.

Anyone ever played Fable? Good game, but too damn short imo.

Anyway, nice to have you here, here's to hoping you're a liberal!

Nope, I am the worst sort of animal...:mrgreen: And independent!!

I do not subscribed to one Political party...some things I am a lib on, some things I am conserb on.
Anyway, nice to have you here, here's to hoping you're a liberal!

Valis said:
Nope, I am the worst sort of animal...:mrgreen: And independent!!

I do not subscribed to one Political party...some things I am a lib on, some things I am conserb on.

This is good, your opinions would not be bias.:smile:

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