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("" HEY PENNY PINCHERS "")Freedom69 buys a dell computer I need penny pinchers advice (1 Viewer)


Jan 14, 2005
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("" HEY PENNY PINCHERS "")Freedom69 buys a dell computer I need penny pinchers advice

I need some penny pincher advice I'd would like to get one of those new VOIN (Voice over the INTERNET ) phone services however I'm trying to do it on the cheep .

I know you need DSL to get VOIN phone service to go with the new dell computer I bought do you know who may have the chirpiest DSL service.

P.S I 'm getting 6 month free eartlink dial up INTERNET included with the Dell system

Penny pinching
Re: ("" HEY PENNY PINCHERS "")Freedom69 buys a dell computer I need penny pinchers advice

Here's a price comparison list for Massachusetts.:

It would seem for you that Earthlink is the better deal at $19.95 for the first 6 months with a contract.

Then again, you could bump up to cable internet with Comcast for $19.95 for the first 6 months and a free modem and $50 cash back with no contract.

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