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Hey Everyone (1 Viewer)

Soviet_Guy said:
Oh well, who cares about the Jews, I mean, they're only a minority, and why does everyone bring up Jews in this forum?

MY ancestors were persecuted by anti-Mormon mobs. Those mobs defied that which was in the Constitution and the Amendments by doing so. If these are the kind of people that rebel against the Constitution and other articles that form our government, then I see no reason in joining them. That is why Communism is not for me.
galenrox said:
So let me get this straight, you despise governments, yet you believe in a system that requires extreme amounts of structure, and you expect this to work? To quote the film Sooper Troopers, "I'll believe that when me **** turns purple and smells like rainbow sherbert."

Governments don't have to structure everything, and yes I despise governments, but we need a socialist government to achieve a communist society
cavehunter said:
MY ancestors were persecuted by anti-Mormon mobs. Those mobs defied that which was in the Constitution and the Amendments by doing so. If these are the kind of people that rebel against the Constitution and other articles that form our government, then I see no reason in joining them. That is why Communism is not for me.

Okay, but you said nothing about Jews, so that's okay. :cool:
cavehunter said:
God is perfect. We are to try to become perfect by following him and not the ideas of man.

Wasn't Jesus a man, or God made Man
galenrox said:
Now I understand that your eyes are on an ideal which would be everyone works together, and everyone lives together, but you still haven't said anything that explains why every other time someone has tried to do this it has failed miserably, other than saying, excuse me for paraphrasing, "that didn't count, they did it wrong". Wouldn't that imply an actual flaw in the logic, rather than you having a perfect idea that no one's managed to implament? Most ideas are held to the standard that if they are tried many times, and EVERY time they are tried they fail miserably, then that idea is scrapped because it's obviously wrong. Why is this any different? I mean realisticly, how could you possibly believe that a communism could ever work?

The Iroquios had something close to it, as with many native americans, but they failed because they were nearly wiped out by the US and British governments

The Paris Commune of March-May 1871, was close to successful until they were invaded by other places in France, in which over 30,000 workers were shot in the streets during the invasion

you are right that many failed miserably, but most times it externally not internally
look up the Paris Commune


Just because something hasn't worked out yet, doesn't mean it won't
don't lots of people keep telling others to keep trying
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galenrox said:
Do you admit to the possibility that maybe that website told biased information, and perhaps things were going wrong inside too?

And although it is true that you can keep trying things, even after they fail repetedly, I'm amazed at your confidence in communism over capitalism, considering capitalism has always been quite successful, while communism has always failed.

Maybe the site is biased, but capitalists might also bias this too, to make socialism look bad

Communism hasn't failed, no actually made it just yet, and capitalism has failed in many countries, many 3rd world countries hate capitalism because its harder for their nations to decrease poverty rate under capitalism
Comrade Brian said:
Wasn't Jesus a man, or God made Man

You just read the Bible, the Book of Mormon, or other religious scripture and you will see that God is not a Man. If he was he would cease to exist. He still exists and I know this for myself and you cannot deny my knowledge.
galenrox said:
That's because they need time to develop, and yet they don't give it the time. You see, you're holding us to different standards, since communism has different steps, like a developing communism is a socialism, and so you can say that communism's never failed, just socialism has always failed and never made it to communism, but with capitalism we have just one term, and that's capitalism, and so you're lumping in the development phase of capitalism in with the rest of it, yet you're seperating the developmental phase of communism, and you justify it cause it's got another name and slightly different rules.
And I do admit that our news very well may be biased with a pro-capitalist spin, but certain things can't be fabricated, like the fall of the USSR, and China embracing globalization.

Yes, many things can't be fabricated

But about giving more time to starving people and impovershed people around the world and some in the US needing more time

If a man is starving, do give him more time? If a man is sick and dying, do give him more time until a remedy? If a man is thirsty and extremely dehydrated, would you give him more time.

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