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Hey Everyone (1 Viewer)

Republican said:
First off Thanks everyone for the welcomes. lol I'm a Miss. O and the reason I'm quoting from Comrade Brian is to say hey I never mentioned living in a demcracy. The USA is a Republic. Yes the leaders are rich so what, I love rich people just as much as poor, living here under a Republic gives us ALL the chance to be rich, I for one am proud of that.

I don't have a chance at being rich, the more money your family/you has you get to go to better schools and such, so you would probably get a higher paying job, so more money for you, while others who didn't start out with as much money get left in the dirt, I'm sorry to say your expectations of capitalism are not all true. Also the poverty level is 15% and rising 1% a year, and 1%=about 3 mil. people, so there 45,000,000 in poverty in US, and the poverty standards need to be raised A LOT, and top 1% richest in US own around 80% of everything, and rising, and if everyone had a chance to be rich I doubt anyone would be in poverty. We are all Slaves to the capitalist system
Republican said:
Hey, I'm Rachael and I love Politics. I'm from Tennessee and my claim to fame is meeting President Bush at a rally in 2002. I stood outside in line to get inside in 20 degree weather for 4 hours. But well worth it because I got to shake his hand. I'm a Conservative Republican. :mrgreen:

Dear God.... :sinking:
You claim to fame?
Stood outside for 4 hours to meet an old man in his 50s who stands talll over the most hated country in the world.. :2funny: :applaud
Damn, just damn, I never thought I'd meet one of you people, I'm just going to imagine this never happened, and that you don't exist, but I'd first ike to say, you have been raised to be a " True " American, which is horrible, I hope you change your ways of sin.
Comrade Brian said:
I Guess I should say hello, comrade!

Though I am a Communist, Republicans are worst than democrats, I hate all capitalists, dems included, Capitalism sucks, I can't wait till its overtrhown and replaced with socialism, then onward to communism, Bush is a hitlerist, I hope he chokes on his big fat rich feast, I don't know why people think they live under a democracy, your leaders are all filthy rich, it depends on all whos got more money, I despise governments.

:applaud I salute you dear friend. I met Gorbachev once, and though I was nic to him, purely for sake of tolerance, I hated him, he destroyed the greatest country in the world, though I'm not Communist, I am Socialist, and he wasn't near either of the two.
Soviet_Guy said:
Dear God.... :sinking:
You claim to fame?
Stood outside for 4 hours to meet an old man in his 50s who stands talll over the most hated country in the world.. :2funny: :applaud
Damn, just damn, I never thought I'd meet one of you people, I'm just going to imagine this never happened, and that you don't exist, but I'd first ike to say, you have been raised to be a " True " American, which is horrible, I hope you change your ways of sin.
Jeez man, lay off. She likes the man, respects him, and you shouldn't mock her for that, specially in the welcome thread.
Okay, fine, but I mean common, Bush? That's some brainwashed teenager, I just pitty her for being so blind to reality, I never meant to mock her.
Soviet_Guy said:
Okay, fine, but I mean common, Bush? That's some brainwashed teenager, I just pitty her for being so blind to reality, I never meant to mock her.
See, I have talked with her, doesn't seem so brainwashed. But again, I may be brainwashed too and not realize it. :shock:
Comrade Brian said:
I don't have a chance at being rich, the more money your family/you has you get to go to better schools and such, so you would probably get a higher paying job, so more money for you, while others who didn't start out with as much money get left in the dirt, I'm sorry to say your expectations of capitalism are not all true. Also the poverty level is 15% and rising 1% a year, and 1%=about 3 mil. people, so there 45,000,000 in poverty in US, and the poverty standards need to be raised A LOT, and top 1% richest in US own around 80% of everything, and rising, and if everyone had a chance to be rich I doubt anyone would be in poverty. We are all Slaves to the capitalist system

The answer to this is motivation amongst the lazy towards education. College should be the standard. College is invaluable now just because the world has advanced into a new era of technology where even a Wal-Mart cashier is better of with a short course in business/computer technology. The problem in America today is (sorry to be politically incorrect, but I am) stupidity. People have given up on education and the system is failing as a result. The only problem is that the Social Infrastructure of Mankind itself is changing out of a world of labor and into a world of technological dependency. This works in two parts. The upside is that those who see this reality can learn about it and use it to serve themselves and mankind. The downside is that those who fail to master it (i.e. those who aren't educated) fall prey to dependency on it. The technology in effect controls them, thus those who control the technology control lower society.

The technology = money = greed = more money = more technology = wealth = power = control

We should be raising our children in a manner that encourages discipline and requires education = increased demand for education = capitalist effect (people see the demand for education and seek to supply it) = education becomes profitable = competition = better material = educated minds = educated society = rapid advance,emt in technology=
powerful technologically advanced society = The next Global Superpower.
Voice of Reason said:
The answer to this is motivation amongst the lazy towards education. College should be the standard. College is invaluable now just because the world has advanced into a new era of technology where even a Wal-Mart cashier is better of with a short course in business/computer technology. The problem in America today is (sorry to be politically incorrect, but I am) stupidity. People have given up on education and the system is failing as a result. The only problem is that the Social Infrastructure of Mankind itself is changing out of a world of labor and into a world of technological dependency. This works in two parts. The upside is that those who see this reality can learn about it and use it to serve themselves and mankind. The downside is that those who fail to master it (i.e. those who aren't educated) fall prey to dependency on it. The technology in effect controls them, thus those who control the technology control lower society.

The technology = money = greed = more money = more technology = wealth = power = control

We should be raising our children in a manner that encourages discipline and requires education = increased demand for education = capitalist effect (people see the demand for education and seek to supply it) = education becomes profitable = competition = better material = educated minds = educated society = rapid advance,emt in technology=
powerful technologically advanced society = The next Global Superpower.

Commrade Brian

As you can see society comes down to an equation. Its not changable, its not debatable, its absolute. There are many parts to it and when you break it all down different parts = different things.

I could go on in the equation as you can see, but things get dark. It is better to discuss such matters with people who are not victims, such as yourself. You have victimized yourself "you poor slave of capitalist society." Victims are weak. I am not a victim but a visionary. I won't talk of the dark with you due to your frail mind, but I will say this, when it comes you will not want to be on the wrong side. Be careful of your weakness or one day I could be your master.
In his won way and beliefs he has a point, I just bluntly don't agree with Capitalism, and I personally think you're just throwing opinion out the window.
Voice of Reason said:
Commrade Brian

As you can see society comes down to an equation. Its not changable, its not debatable, its absolute. There are many parts to it and when you break it all down different parts = different things.

I could go on in the equation as you can see, but things get dark. It is better to discuss such matters with people who are not victims, such as yourself. You have victimized yourself "you poor slave of capitalist society." Victims are weak. I am not a victim but a visionary. I won't talk of the dark with you due to your frail mind, but I will say this, when it comes you will not want to be on the wrong side. Be careful of your weakness or one day I could be your master.

And what about early societies, the more communal ones they went together just fine, without money, so money already changed your equation, and in capitalism the society revolves on who has more money and you need money for pretty much anything and the rich get richer by being bums, they just own and don't work, and they get a lot of wealth because they were children of a rich guy, sounds sort of like monarchy, in some forms of socialism money exists, but does not revolve around it, in some forms of socialism there is no money.
Atheism is the anti-religion made by Satan. There are many branches of it such as Communism, Despotism (same thing), and Socialism.

In government atheism should be treated as a religion for it consists of the belief that the big bang just happened. It is also a belief that God does not exist. Not a fact. The reason atheism is not a neutral way to run our government is that it :twisted: if you act like there's no God, you're promoting that belief. Besides how is it breaking the separation of church and state to allow people to practice their religion in public buildings such as schools if those people are not forcing or trying to persuade other people to join them? The constitution and amendments say that the government should not make any law that promotes or demotes a religion. If you only allow atheism you're promoting that and demoting other ideas. To allow atheism into our government is allowing communism the persecuter of religion because if people still have their religion they know that Communism is evil. Communism is a religion that persecutes others. Atheism's head is Communism, the anti-religion.
To hear people talk of politics without religion is annoying. Atheists are lost in confusion about what is right. They think of an idea then keep talking about it in such a way that they end up going in a circle until they bite themselves with it. How can an atheist have morals. If you have morals you should know that there is something more. How can there be good and evil if there is no God and Satan? God exists.
Because it's in big letters, I know believe it. Yes, God is real. Let us slaughter those heathens in the holy land and recapture it.

Oh, was that the old religious way of thinking? Is that a negative, ignorant thing to say? My goodness, when was the last time I heard a negative, ignorant comment by someone referring to something he knows little about? Oh..thats right. From you Mr. Cavehunter.

Allow me to ask you, how can their be good and evil in the first place? Are all things perfectly good and evil?

Perhaps we should run our government based on a religious tome. After all, it's working so well in the middle east.
cavehunter said:
Atheism is the anti-religion made by Satan. There are many branches of it such as Communism, Despotism (same thing), and Socialism.

In government atheism should be treated as a religion for it consists of the belief that the big bang just happened. It is also a belief that God does not exist. Not a fact. The reason atheism is not a neutral way to run our government is that it :twisted: if you act like there's no God, you're promoting that belief. Besides how is it breaking the separation of church and state to allow people to practice their religion in public buildings such as schools if those people are not forcing or trying to persuade other people to join them? The constitution and amendments say that the government should not make any law that promotes or demotes a religion. If you only allow atheism you're promoting that and demoting other ideas. To allow atheism into our government is allowing communism the persecuter of religion because if people still have their religion they know that Communism is evil. Communism is a religion that persecutes others. Atheism's head is Communism, the anti-religion.

Are you on crack? :2wave:

Socialism is not a system that prohibits religion, idiot.
Soviet_Guy said:
Are you on crack? :2wave:

Socialism is not a system that prohibits religion, idiot.


Socialism is the first step to Communism.
Communism is an atheistic anti-religion.
V.I. Lenin said:
Because it's in big letters, I know believe it. Yes, God is real. Let us slaughter those heathens in the holy land and recapture it.

Oh, was that the old religious way of thinking? Is that a negative, ignorant thing to say? My goodness, when was the last time I heard a negative, ignorant comment by someone referring to something he knows little about? Oh..thats right. From you Mr. Cavehunter.

Allow me to ask you, how can their be good and evil in the first place? Are all things perfectly good and evil?

Perhaps we should run our government based on a religious tome. After all, it's working so well in the middle east.

The Middle East (watch you capitalization) is not what I would base my government on. I would allow all religious people to practice freely. I would not put one religion above another. I believe there is only one true church. How can you say that I wanted to base a government on a specific religion just because I wanted to allow all religions to practice freely?

Atheism is being treated almost the same here as Islam is in Iran.
It is the only thing that is being allowed in public buildings and when in office.
Soviet_Guy said:
Okay, but again, does Socialism prohibit religion?


Look at France. They're full of nothing but Communists and Socialists. They don't even allow students to wear crosses or Jewish skull caps at school or in government buildings.
cavehunter said:
They don't even allow students to wear Jewish skull caps at school or in government buildings.

Oh well, who cares about the Jews, I mean, they're only a minority, and why does everyone bring up Jews in this forum?
Soviet_Guy said:
Oh well, who cares about the Jews, I mean, they're only a minority, and why does everyone bring up Jews in this forum?
Do you have a point to make with this increadibly shallow statement?
Look, I'm just saying that everyone in here always mentions Jews when they're talking about oppresion, it's like, whenever someone says anything against rights or freedoms, or oppression, everyone always starts talking about the Jews, why?
Ok, I see what you are getting at, but I think it's a bit far fetched.

The holocaust analogy is a good one and brought up for many reasons. Millions of people died becase of one man and that should not be repeated. If one looks around the site, one can see that all races and religions are represented equally and are often brought up to distinguish a thought.

Would your response have been any different if it was turbans instead of yarmulka's mentioned? Perhaps you are just extreamly sensitive to this subject and it seems to you as such.
cavehunter said:

Socialism is the first step to Communism.
Communism is an atheistic anti-religion.

You're right about socialism to the path of communism

but communism isn't as atheistic as most believe, it wasn't supposed to eradicate religion really, but when the people figure out that it was they who created the paradise many will think it wasn't any God or Gods, it was them
though most commununists are atheists, one reason if that God or Gods are so flawless, why do they create so many flaws?
Comrade Brian said:
You're right about socialism to the path of communism

but communism isn't as atheistic as most believe, it wasn't supposed to eradicate religion really, but when the people figure out that it was they who created the paradise many will think it wasn't any God or Gods, it was them
though most commununists are atheists, one reason if that God or Gods are so flawless, why do they create so many flaws?

God is perfect. We are to try to become perfect by following him and not the ideas of man.

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