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Hey Everyone (1 Viewer)


New member
May 19, 2005
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Hey, I'm Rachael and I love Politics. I'm from Tennessee and my claim to fame is meeting President Bush at a rally in 2002. I stood outside in line to get inside in 20 degree weather for 4 hours. But well worth it because I got to shake his hand. I'm a Conservative Republican. :mrgreen:
Republican said:
Hey, I'm Rachael and I love Politics. I'm from Tennessee and my claim to fame is meeting President Bush at a rally in 2002. I stood outside in line to get inside in 20 degree weather for 4 hours. But well worth it because I got to shake his hand. I'm a Conservative Republican. :mrgreen:
Ah, yet another Republican!, welcome young sir!

I met him once too, and I wasn't very impressed. Now, I also met Al Gore twice. The first time during the election, I was depressed after, but a year ago, I met him when he was giving a speech and he was animated, he was funny, he was self-deprecating, and I liked that...I guess that is my claim to fame.

Welcome to the forum and I know you will have a good time here.
ShamMol said:
Ah, yet another Republican!, welcome young sir!
I suspect that Rachael may be a ms, miss, missus or ma'am rather than a sir.

I met Bill Clinton several times while he was gubner. I also met Roger, Hillary and saw Chelsea.
Welcome to Debate Politics!

Another conservative - brings a tear to my eye. There are still some of us left. :smile:

My dad is in New Mexico. When Bush went to Hobbs last year, my dad was going to town and was stopped to allow the massive black car parade go by.

He did is arrands and was returning home... this time, the parade was on it's way out.

They stopped him again - but this time the 'sekruts' were wondering how his timing was so precise. He got asked several questions.

Same stop sign btw. lol
He's not very political so his interest was minimal.
I Guess I should say hello, comrade!

Though I am a Communist, Republicans are worst than democrats, I hate all capitalists, dems included, Capitalism sucks, I can't wait till its overtrhown and replaced with socialism, then onward to communism, Bush is a hitlerist, I hope he chokes on his big fat rich feast, I don't know why people think they live under a democracy, your leaders are all filthy rich, it depends on all whos got more money, I despise governments.
Comrade Brian said:
I Guess I should say hello, comrade!

Though I am a Communist, Republicans are worst than democrats, I hate all capitalists, dems included, Capitalism sucks, I can't wait till its overtrhown and replaced with socialism, then onward to communism, Bush is a hitlerist, I hope he chokes on his big fat rich feast, I don't know why people think they live under a democracy, your leaders are all filthy rich, it depends on all whos got more money, I despise governments.

G.W. hasn't done anything except make him and his associates richer, and menage to kill hundreds of thousands of people(iraqis).
Breaks news to CB...
There are some fine persons that are communist. So, if your out for total rebellion - communism is not the answer. It's a form of government, not quite a form of hate.
vauge said:
Welcome to Debate Politics!

Another conservative - brings a tear to my eye. There are still some of us left. :smile:
You guys fill this forum, lol.
vauge said:
Breaks news to CB...
There are some fine persons that are communist. So, if your out for total rebellion - communism is not the answer. It's a form of government, not quite a form of hate.

Mmm...and yelling angry rants only hurts the cause of most other communists.
Comrade Brian said:
I Guess I should say hello, comrade!

Though I am a Communist, Republicans are worst than democrats, I hate all capitalists, dems included, Capitalism sucks, I can't wait till its overtrhown and replaced with socialism, then onward to communism, Bush is a hitlerist, I hope he chokes on his big fat rich feast, I don't know why people think they live under a democracy, your leaders are all filthy rich, it depends on all whos got more money, I despise governments.

First off Thanks everyone for the welcomes. lol I'm a Miss. O and the reason I'm quoting from Comrade Brian is to say hey I never mentioned living in a demcracy. The USA is a Republic. Yes the leaders are rich so what, I love rich people just as much as poor, living here under a Republic gives us ALL the chance to be rich, I for one am proud of that.
Comrade Brian. This is where you greet people. Not where you talk about overthrowing the government. Say hi, then start a thread about George Bush getting richer and choking on his "big fat rich feast(what the hell is that about anyway?)"
Comrade Brian. This is where you greet people. Not where you talk about overthrowing the government. Say hi, then start a thread about George Bush getting richer and choking on his "big fat rich feast(what the hell is that about anyway?)"

Yes, I agree. Comrade Brian, I realize you are quite enthusiastic about your views, I was quite radical too. Just realize that this place is for real debates on serious topics, not radical rants.

Welcome Republican! I am a socialist, so I do disagree with you politically. I look forward to the discussions.
Welcome Rachael.
I look forward to seeing you around the site.
It is good that you shook his hand. My only question:

Does he remember you?

The Voice
I met the old George Bush back in 2000, I was only ten, but it rocked. I got out of school one day to see Bush speak, The best time I've ever had skipping school. I'm a conservative and that is, I guess, really it. I don't really know all of the details of a capatalist government and socialist government. could someone give me an explanation of each please?
satanloveslibs said:
I met the old George Bush back in 2000, I was only ten, but it rocked. I got out of school one day to see Bush speak, The best time I've ever had skipping school. I'm a conservative and that is, I guess, really it. I don't really know all of the details of a capatalist government and socialist government. could someone give me an explanation of each please?

I have heard many people define socialism in the past and it can be somewhat difficult to describe. The reason is that it works one way in theory and another way in application. To save confusion and because I have not studied enough on socialism I will state the definition as it applies to socialism when it is actually attempted. (These are my own words so please dont take it all on blind faith until you have researched it yourself)

Socialism (as it has evolved into today) attempts to create a classless society by assigning equal burden on all citizens. The problem with socialism is that if you have nothing higher to work for, your work loses quality and thus Socialism must fail over time.

Capitalism is a system that allows citizens to profit by working harder. (Supply and Demand) In America, you can go out and start your own business and the more quality products you sell, the more money you make.

Therefore Capitalism encourages individual growth and inspires people to acheive, making them richer, thus making the entire society richer
while Socialism seeks to benifit society equally by basically forcing its citizens to work for Big Brother at equal status, and controlling all aspects of industry which in effect stifles creativity and will to acheive.

That is why America is so special. Free Enterprise allows us to acheive for ourselves therefore benefiting our society. Basically we feed Big Brother instead of Big Brother feeding us. Although this precious system is beginning to shift tides. This is why we must choose to stand beside our country and its origional ideals. It is possible that once we lose it we may never get it back.

My definitions could be a little off, and I apologize for any discrepency,(feel free to correct me if I slipped on the exact definition)but I hope that I was able to shed a little light on your understanding.)
Voice of Reason said:
Welcome Rachael.
I look forward to seeing you around the site.
It is good that you shook his hand. My only question:

Does he remember you?

The Voice
I doubt very much he remembers me lol. But that's okay because I'll never forget that day. I mean to shake in what my opinion is the most powerful man in the world's hand WOW.
satanloveslibs said:
I met the old George Bush back in 2000, I was only ten, but it rocked. I got out of school one day to see Bush speak, The best time I've ever had skipping school. I'm a conservative and that is, I guess, really it. I don't really know all of the details of a capatalist government and socialist government. could someone give me an explanation of each please?
Voice of Reason was way off on his definitons there. Once again, ignorance breeds support for capitalism.

Socialism: Socialism is characterised by redistributive policy, government running of the economy, and a completely planned economy, so as to not waste human or natural resources. (Obviously, that's a very bief definition, if you want a further definition ask me in an economic forum). Contrary to Voice of reason's definition, socialism does not eliminate the disparity of wealth but rather reduces it through the said redistributive policies. Therefore, motivation based on the desire for more wealth still can exist under socialism.

Capitalism: It is, in short, human production strictly for profit. It is characterized by by the private ownership over the means of production, that is, laissez-faire conditions, and the lack of a redistributive policy. Wages are set by employers, and, unless government intervenes, no minimum wage is seen. Capitalism usually involves mass unemployment and extreme inequality, again unless the governemnt intervenes.

Note that both are economic systems, not forms of government. Neither capitalism nor socialism is defined by the existence of democracy or despotism.
anomaly said:
Voice of Reason was way off on his definitons there. Once again, ignorance breeds support for capitalism.

Socialism: Socialism is characterised by redistributive policy, government running of the economy, and a completely planned economy, so as to not waste human or natural resources. (Obviously, that's a very bief definition, if you want a further definition ask me in an economic forum). Contrary to Voice of reason's definition, socialism does not eliminate the disparity of wealth but rather reduces it through the said redistributive policies. Therefore, motivation based on the desire for more wealth still can exist under socialism.

Capitalism: It is, in short, human production strictly for profit. It is characterized by by the private ownership over the means of production, that is, laissez-faire conditions, and the lack of a redistributive policy. Wages are set by employers, and, unless government intervenes, no minimum wage is seen. Capitalism usually involves mass unemployment and extreme inequality, again unless the governemnt intervenes.

Note that both are economic systems, not forms of government. Neither capitalism nor socialism is defined by the existence of democracy or despotism.

And in capitalism I can bargain my own wage to be higher than the average for a given job...something I have done on more than one occasion. Not so in socialism or even with advent of the labor union using a their stranglehold on an employer.
Arthur Fonzarelli said:
And in capitalism I can bargain my own wage to be higher than the average for a given job...something I have done on more than one occasion. Not so in socialism or even with advent of the labor union using a their stranglehold on an employer.
In capitalism, pure capitalism, the employer holds all rights. It is because of the prominence of labor unions and other pro-labor organisations in socialism that wealth disparity would shrink.
anomaly said:
In capitalism, pure capitalism, the employer holds all rights. It is because of the prominence of labor unions and other pro-labor organisations in socialism that wealth disparity would shrink.

And in America if you wish to be the employer you can be one.
Voice of Reason said:
And in America if you wish to be the employer you can be one.
It would be no different with socialism, except what the 'employer' as we think of it is would be radically different. For example, today we have mangers and CEOs, with socialism we'd have a democratically elected government and a completely planned economy in which the workers will locally plan their workplace's production. I'd love to discuss with you, sir, and elaborate more thoroughly, and if you feel the same way post in the economics forum.
You know anomaly, I take it as a personal insult that you would come into this thread to promote your socialism/communism in this topic rather than saying hi to me in the topic that was above it.

If you had welcomed me to the forum before you posted your pro communism mantra, I might not be offended. You clearly don’t play by the rules but you think everyone in your utopian communist society will?

You broke the rules to gain an advantage over your opponent and you are exploiting this thread to meet your own ends; yet from what I’ve read of your posts, that’s one of your biggest gripes about capitalism.

If you can’t walk the walk….don’t talk the talk!
GPS_Flex said:
You know anomaly, I take it as a personal insult that you would come into this thread to promote your socialism/communism in this topic rather than saying hi to me in the topic that was above it.

If you had welcomed me to the forum before you posted your pro communism mantra, I might not be offended. You clearly don’t play by the rules but you think everyone in your utopian communist society will?

You broke the rules to gain an advantage over your opponent and you are exploiting this thread to meet your own ends; yet from what I’ve read of your posts, that’s one of your biggest gripes about capitalism.

If you can’t walk the walk….don’t talk the talk!
Hello, GPS. The fault should not be placed upon me, however. Satanloveslibs asked a question, and I've answered it. If that somehow meets your definition of exploitation, I apologize, yet I don't see how that is exploitation at all. In fact, if you'll read my last post in this forum, you'll see that I've tried to respect the rules for what is supposed to be discussed in this forum by trying to get this discussion over to the economics forum.
Last edited:
GPS_Flex said:
You know anomaly, I take it as a personal insult that you would come into this thread to promote your socialism/communism in this topic rather than saying hi to me in the topic that was above it.

If you had welcomed me to the forum before you posted your pro communism mantra, I might not be offended. You clearly don’t play by the rules but you think everyone in your utopian communist society will?

You broke the rules to gain an advantage over your opponent and you are exploiting this thread to meet your own ends; yet from what I’ve read of your posts, that’s one of your biggest gripes about capitalism.

If you can’t walk the walk….don’t talk the talk!

Greetings GPS Flex,

Strangely I thought this thread belonged to our new member Racheal. It seems as if our "threads have crossed". Welcome and I apologize for our bringing an irrelevant conversation to your welcome page. I look forward to seeing you around the Forum. I presume that myself and my Socialist friend shall respectfully move to another thread.

The Voice

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